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ORP Servers



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16 hours ago, LordPoof said:

Wildcard Studios, in quanto sviluppatore di giochi guidato dalla comunità, ha la responsabilità di ascoltare le voci dei suoi giocatori. L'enorme richiesta di server ORP ufficiali è una chiara indicazione del fatto che la community desidera un'esperienza di gioco più sicura e divertente.


I server ORP :


- Fornire un rifugio per i giocatori che vogliono costruire e prosperare senza la costante paura dei raid

- Promuovere una comunità più collaborativa, incoraggiando il lavoro di squadra e la cooperazione

- Attira nuovi giocatori che cercano un'esperienza più rilassata pur vivendo esperienze PvP potenzialmente più grandi ed epiche nel gioco a lungo termine

- Migliorare la reputazione del gioco dimostrando un impegno per la soddisfazione dei giocatori


Trascurando questa richiesta, Wildcard rischia:


- Alienazione dei giocatori devoti che cercano un'esperienza più pacifica

- Consentire che comportamenti tossici persistano, danneggiando la comunità

- Mancano opportunità di crescita e passaparola positivo


È giunto il momento che Wildcard accolga l'appello della community e introduca i server ORP ufficiali , garantendo un'esperienza più inclusiva e divertente per tutti i giocatori. Non aggiungere qualcosa come Club Ark che le persone non chiedono. #ORPServer

to the unsolicited things I would also add conquest severs, who wants to play with snail cheaters? then the servers for premium mods who asked for this?  

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We are tired of waiting for something that should have been available to us on day 1. For a lot of us, we have sunk hundreds/thousands of hours into the orp cross arks from ase. Personally, I played for over 3 years on my cluster. The fact that these servers have not yet been returned to the loyal fan base that supported these clusters is a complete disgrace. It’s bad enough that I and everyone else lost years worth of tames and progress. But now we don’t even have the opportunity to start again. It’s complete bull****. Instead, we get things that no one asks for. Conquest servers, club servers, pay to win Dino’s.  How about give us back what we once had. I am not the only one who feels this much frustration about this topic. A lot of us payed for asa, with the hopes that we would get these clusters back. Charge me 10 bucks I really don’t care. But until these servers are rightfully returned to myself and many others, I will NEVER give this company another penny. If we someday get the servers we want, I’ll gladly support the game again and pay for the dlcs. But until then , I’ll be giving my money to other games that actually care about their fanbase. This thread has been at the top of game suggestions practically since launch. Why are we all being ignored?! 

Edited by OldManSkeeter
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This once again has nothing to with popularity of the orp as dollie mentioned in a reply in the ark discord
would be nice to know the real reason, have a look at the survival of the fittest servers now see how many are playing that should wildcard remove that too? or the isolated servers i mean who is that for? returning players dont want to stay on the island new players will want to see the other maps but cant take any progress with them if they make it that far.
i have heard they are doing well with bug fixing and fixing meshing which makes it slightly more aggravating that there is no possibility of orp for totally inexplicable reasons.

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So you finally listened to the community a little bit and made it a grapple hook dino instead of just producing silk maybe one day you'll listen enough to bring Official ORP Servers to ASA like there were in ASE and you won't have to not have a life to play PVP or be stuck on funky unofficials or have to live in a sweaty mega tribe just to survive one shift at work. I miss having a life AND playing PVP. #ORPServers.

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3 hours ago, RealNomad said:

I liked the Crossark ORP servers but the ORP had issues and those issues definitely should be addressed.

Unfortunately, i think if we get an orp mode at all, it will be the same thing again, just a copy of what is used in pve. But i agree that there are a couple of issues, that could be fixed if the devs wanted.

The easiest but very helpful changes would be to remove pincodes and personal ownership of structures in orp. Both those things allow for super easy orp abuse as you described.
Furthermore i think the orp timer of 15 minutes could be increased a little bit, and structures should not be fully invincible until they decay. Heres a suggestion with debatable number examples just to illustrate the idea. In the first five days after a tribe logs out, the ORP system should provide full protection. But in the following five days, creatures and structures take 1/20th of the normal damage. In the five days after that, they take 1/10th of regular damage. After those 15 days, everything takes half damage if the tribe is still offline. After 20 days, most structures have already decayed anyways, even tek decays then (except for some reason a couple things like dedicated storage boxes, tek troughs and i think some others stay for up to 80 fckn days - please fix this!!!). Such a system could make it way harder for abusing tribes to maintain perma orp structures, and at the same time it gets easier for other tribes to catch them refreshing or to deal with the issue themselves as soon as stuff can take damage again. This should also help take some stress from the customer support because less tickets get sent in about orp abuse.

Edited by acat
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3 hours ago, acat said:

Unfortunately, i think if we get an orp mode at all, it will be the same thing again, just a copy of what is used in pve. But i agree that there are a couple of issues, that could be fixed if the devs wanted.

The easiest but very helpful changes would be to remove pincodes and personal ownership of structures in orp. Both those things allow for super easy orp abuse as you described.
Furthermore i think the orp timer of 15 minutes could be increased a little bit, and structures should not be fully invincible until they decay. Heres a suggestion with debatable number examples just to illustrate the idea. In the first five days after a tribe logs out, the ORP system should provide full protection. But in the following five days, creatures and structures take 1/20th of the normal damage. In the five days after that, they take 1/10th of regular damage. After those 15 days, everything takes half damage if the tribe is still offline. After 20 days, most structures have already decayed anyways, even tek decays then (except for some reason a couple things like dedicated storage boxes, tek troughs and i think some others stay for up to 80 fckn days - please fix this!!!). Such a system could make it way harder for abusing tribes to maintain perma orp structures, and at the same time it gets easier for other tribes to catch them refreshing or to deal with the issue themselves as soon as stuff can take damage again. This should also help take some stress from the customer support because less tickets get sent in about orp abuse.

I agree. Additionally I would add to that if you are being raided, logging off no longer triggers the ORP countdown unless a certain amount of time has passed since your structures have been blown up or your tames are being damaged by enemy players. 

Edited by RealNomad
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Yea I definitely remember that people abused the orp but by far these servers matched my playstyle far more than any other. The server tended to be more realistic to me. The community on the servers were for the most part in sync. We were all pretty much neutral to each other but things get interesting when there were disagreements and then there'd be these like microwars we would have until we made truces and went back to a peaceful state for a while. Haven't got that feeling from any other server type out there. I made friends from all over the world since me and my brother were a tribe called The Breeders we would breed and trade to all the different tribes. Good times, just hoping 🙏 we can do that again. 

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38 minutes ago, ShadowPriestok said:

I don't understand why you can't give at least a coherent answer about ORP PVP servers? The developers closed such servers in ARK:SE, offered to buy a remaster, which will have all the same, but only better, but did not return those servers, on which many people played. We do not demand immediate reopening of these servers, we just want some information about it. Because at the moment, I and many other players who played on ORP PVP servers can not find a place in the game and are in a waiting mode.

Yes, you are perfectly right. I also don't know what to do with ark without the pvp orp servers and this wait for information is really exhausting 

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May i ask the distinction from ORP and regular asa/ase servers? whats the flipping difference there is exploits in every facet of the game, i do like the being able to disable anything on the map and just walk through online 24/7 bases, Christ that's a good one, oh i think you highlighted it quite well, garbage filled cesspool that is ark, everything you highlighted is not all specific to ORP "angry man children" wise up, spose thats a rare occurrence in online gaming eh   the worst of the worst knows no game mode, nor method, normal pvp what exactly is that in ark whats the standard
good riddance to ark is a better phrase 

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On 11/29/2023 at 10:17 AM, aikkam said:

anyone who plays ark both in pvp and in pvp orp is really unlikely to be an occasional player, the majority who have played orp have done so for years (myself included) even every day or almost the only difference is that we are not online 24/7 and we are not in very large tribes. normal pvp is only for those who are in a huge tribe with always online players. if I'm not mistaken 

I've played over 6 years and I'm glad its gone. Too much exploiting, no ability to really wipe people who hide behind ORP abuse, and GMs hardly hardware ban people. People just come back on a brand new alt accounts and continue the same exploits over and over no matter how many times they're banned.  Can't even fob a base because people literally use proxy tribes to place ORP spam for miles around their bases. Best part: ORP spam is considered legitimate game play. The inverse is also true. Imagine having a FOB outside your base for 6 months and a ORP spam land claim duel that eventually claims all build able space on the server. Servers wind up being laggy spam filled cancer that can't even be wiped unless you wait for a random alt to login to refresh at some odd hour and then wipe as much spam as you can for 15 minutes.

Camping offline bases is also rampant (and should be considered ORP abuse too because it defeats the whole purpose of the game mode) Even if you check your base with alts before logging in and clear base campers you still have to wait days for a GM to come delete ORPed megachellons and other enemy tame garbage left on your turret towers, blocking gen access, turrets etc.  People cheat and cheese nonstop. One ahole can land claim spam an entire map with alts and its completely legitimate gameplay even though in reality this should not be possible. All this culminates into a really toxic environment that gets even further from the original base dinosaur game. ORP is great on paper but garbage in reality.  Have you even fought skiffs with ORPed foundations on them?  LOL


Edited by Dodowhisperer
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2 hours ago, Dodowhisperer said:

Ci ho giocato per più di 6 anni e sono felice che se ne sia andato. Troppo sfruttamento, nessuna capacità di eliminare veramente le persone che si nascondono dietro l’abuso di ORP , e i GM difficilmente vietano l’hardware delle persone. Le persone tornano su un account alternativo nuovo di zecca e continuano gli stessi exploit ancora e ancora, non importa quante volte vengono bannate. Non riescono nemmeno a conquistare una base perché le persone usano letteralmente tribù proxy per piazzare spam ORP per chilometri intorno alle loro basi. La parte migliore: lo spam ORP è considerato un gioco legittimo. È vero anche il contrario. Immagina di avere un FOB fuori dalla tua base per 6 mesi e un duello di rivendicazioni di terreni spam ORP che alla fine rivendica tutto lo spazio edificabile sul server. I server finiscono per essere un cancro pieno di spam lento che non può nemmeno essere cancellato a meno che non si aspetti un alt casuale per accedere per aggiornarsi in un'ora strana e quindi cancellare quanto più spam possibile per 15 minuti.

Anche il campeggio nelle basi offline è dilagante (e dovrebbe essere considerato un abuso dell'ORP perché vanifica l'intero scopo della modalità di gioco) Anche se controlli la tua base con alt prima di accedere e cancellare i campeggiatori della base, devi comunque aspettare giorni prima che un GM lo faccia vieni a eliminare i megachellon ORPed e altri rifiuti addomesticati dai nemici rimasti sulle torri delle torrette, bloccando l'accesso al generatore, torrette ecc. Le persone imbrogliano e formaggio senza sosta. Uno ahole può rivendicare lo spam di un'intera mappa con alt e il suo gameplay completamente legittimo anche se in realtà ciò non dovrebbe essere possibile. Tutto ciò culmina in un ambiente davvero tossico che si allontana ancora di più dall'originale gioco base sui dinosauri. L'ORP è ottimo sulla carta ma è spazzatura nella realtà. Hai mai combattuto contro degli skiff con fondazioni ORPed? LOL


Better than losing everything while you're not online 

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38 minutes ago, philippeplantre1 said:

Se rimuovi il codice PIN, nessun orp nella grotta e un timer orp di 5-7 giorni sulla struttura, ad esempio, risolverà molti problemi e se non ti piace orp non giocare su quei server, ma molte persone vogliono comunque vederli server e giocarci

I don't know if changing the ORP timer is right or not, but certainly just by eliminating the pin and eliminating the ORP in the caves the game would be much better with minimal changes, just removing the pin on doors and similar, that  removes a lot of cheating 

Edited by aikkam
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Please bring official ORP back.  For people like me, the official non server orp is just not realistic between my work schedule and kids.  I have been playing for years and i love orp and i bought ascended thinking it was coming back.  I am currently playing a unofficial orp server, which is fine for now, but it is not the same.  In all honesty if the official orp servers are not brought back, i will end up deleting the game.

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Hello Community,

I hope you're all doing well! I am currently playing on an ARK: Survival Evolved server in the Asa cluster and have a question regarding the Offline Raid Protection feature.

Are there Offline Raid Protection settings on the ARK: Survival Evolved Asa servers? I've spent some time in the game, but I haven't been able to find clear information on this. Offline Raid Protection is crucial for me as it helps maintain a fair and balanced player experience.

If anyone has information or can share details about the Offline Raid Protection on the Asa servers, I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps someone has already had experiences with Offline Raid Protection on these servers and can provide insights or advice?

I look forward to hearing about your experiences and appreciate any assistance!

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