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ORP Servers



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i too will also add myself to the count @StudioWildcard wise up and add the orp gamemode that was in the game before
fair enough you somehow managed to get the community to purchase the game again, why not just add modes that was in the original game, it would appear that its nothing to do with popularity as you have said before

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1 hour ago, Logan96 said:

The Rant (Gotta let it out):

Very surprised that there has still been no official implementation on ORP. Took a big break around the time the new game came out, due to a lack of faith in both the company this community. Now I know this game is a remaster, but I honestly expected ORP to be in it, even though it has it's flaws.

At this point anything is better than nothing. The old system may have been plagued with exploiters who had nothing better to do than to troll you, but for the most part you had the opportunity to actually build up some defenses and have a proper battle, before your base fell.

We aren't looking for a streamlined ORP anymore. We just want to be enjoy a bit of PvP while still working a full time job and spend time with our family. People always respond to this and say that you just need to join a decent tribe, but this is not true. Decent tribes require daily activity which is just not possible for most people.

I even tried to build up a large competitive tribe on official PvP servers specifically for people like us and the majority of the old tribe members I've become friends with had already left the community due to burnout...games aren't supposed to be a chore!


The Point:

I got some people at work interested in the game, but once they learned that you can be attacked without even playing it became a joke and they refused to buy into it.  I would love for Ark to become the next game that we all hit up after a day of work and unwind. Think of potential customers that could get into the game. 

In a time where other competitive PvP games demand total focus and concentration from the player, Ark was my retreat. I see modern games with all of these daily log ins and other trash to keep you coming on each day and I hate it.

Ark is demanding more time from their players and removing our only PvP option is a slap in the face to all the players who have a life. It was at the very least a clear message to me. They do not want players like us in their game. 

Message received...guess I won't be seeing you guys in either of the new games. What a bummer. 

thats all 100% but Unfortunately they couldn't care less even if they wanted to snail is pulling the strings ORP and the hardcore modes is nowhere near the top of the list i would be actually stunned to ever see them being added
the game was rushed out the door it is not built from the ground up either it is all imported from ase with tweaks here and there, most bugs and exploits still exists and perhaps new bugs and one that is right up there is console commands/INI files, what was the point in updated graphics if the majority of players can turn off foliage ect any command that gives a pvp advantage players will use it, but yet pushing out skins is more important use of time?? and mods these are things that should be implemented down the road when the game is stable and more maps
skins ffs what a utter waste of time.
snails direction will severely hamper the game its probably time we all just moved on

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Yep Snails is ruining this game very quickly with microtransactions and skins and paid DLC thats not even maps.

The only selling point for me was my hopes for ORP clusters and without those i haven't played more than 5 minutes in the game and most certainly wont be buying anything extra if they cant even get me to play it.

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it's a shame we at the orp with 32 votes and the hardcore guys with 39 are completely abandoned even though both categories have amply demonstrated that they have a certain weight in the community, together we have more than 70 votes it makes no sense to continue to pretend that we don't we exist. WC wake up or watch your game disappear and be forgotten  

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On 4/20/2024 at 6:43 AM, FalconHoof87 said:

Dont know you tell me?
My comment was moved to this topic which is pointless because the devs dont take any game suggestions  into account i'd even argue none of them have even looked at this topic since the day they added it.

I would prolly agree to this, its just added to the forums to give us a sense of "they care".


Still waiting for ORP servers and its going on day 178 maybe 179 now.

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3 hours ago, LordPoof said:

Ho trascorso migliaia di ore sui server pvp ORP ufficiali su ASE e lì ho trascorso alcuni dei migliori momenti di gioco della mia vita. I server ufficiali di Orp hanno dato nuova vita al gioco e hanno portato così tanti giocatori che era finalmente concepibile giocare in pvp a lungo termine e non vedere tutto ciò in cui hai dedicato tutto il tuo tempo e i tuoi sforzi cancellato in un mese o due. Posso sopportare di perdere tutto a causa dei raid, posso anche sopportare di perdere tutto a causa di un cattivo RNG e di morire a causa di un problema tecnico nella mesh o di essere avviato dal server a causa di un problema di disconnessione, ma dedicare tempo e impegno a qualcosa che è impostato su essere cancellati e scomparsi non è fattibile e nemmeno giocare senza ORP per persone che semplicemente non hanno il tempo di dedicarci o l'aiuto di altri giocatori. Se un numero sufficiente di noi fa abbastanza scalpore, possiamo fare quello che abbiamo fatto alle persone che hanno cercato di far sembrare Sonic dal film Sonic come un rifiuto di South Park e, si spera, raggiungere il jolly e inserirlo nell'Arca Sopravvivenza ascesa. Apprezzo tutto il duro lavoro svolto dagli sviluppatori nel corso degli anni da quando ASE è uscito per la prima volta, ma più parlo con le persone online e di persona, più sento che le persone lo vogliono indietro. Per favore riportalo indietro, condividilo su altri social, commentalo, qualunque cosa tu possa fare per l'algoritmo, rendiamo possibile giocare in PvP a lungo termine e riportare di nuovo al gioco i giocatori più devoti!!

managing to involve as many people as possible is the only possible way, according to what the moderators of this forum have reported that WC thinks there are few people who want it if you want to go and see in the last messages of the discussion twin to ours on hardcore there are the messages of our moderators where they report the thoughts of wc 

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On 11/11/2023 at 12:41 AM, Rashawn said:

Any pc players that can confirm if we have these official servers yet? Or maybe once consoles release

No official ORP servers yet we need to get everyone we can to blow wildcard up about it in support tickets in discord and on these forums they can't ignore us all if they did and the CEO seen it he'd probably start firing people it's base rules of business and that's making customers happy especially reoccurring and loyal customers.

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1 hour ago, LordPoof said:

Organizing a mass message in discord to WC devs about ORP servers Join and share around the invite so we can get as many on as possible for one big message to call out the devs dollie seems to be the one who's most against it https://discord.com/invite/HqwDNXaH one mass message of a lot ofbpeople will get us heard and not banned

Joined. Lets get something organized. Join the discord and spread it to others who want ORP for ASA so we can be heard as we are obviously not wanting a "unpopular" gamemode.

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On 11/28/2023 at 11:39 PM, Dodowhisperer said:

I'm sorry but ORP is a garbage filled cesspool. On paper its meant for casual players but in reality its not. I have over 1000 hours of play and have never experienced the situations you describe. So, it's not inevitable.

So many ways to exploit with it and every other toxic man child who couldn't hack official pvp wind up on these clusters exploiting, meshing, orp camping, stalking and harassing casual players because they can't offline them as they normally would.  Getting rid of ORP is actually a blessing for all players and reduces Wildcard's moderation/legal ticket volume. Have you had your base camped 24/7 with enemy tames and players waiting who don't care how many times they get banned? Do you know tribemates/allies who have been doxxed,  received death threats or ddosed because angry man children want to wipe your tribes completely but can't?  The fact that bans are easily circumvented with new accounts is a whole other topic but the worst of the worst wind up on ORP clusters. Even normal pvp is ruined by two words, "ORP SPAM".

Good riddance to orp

I'm sorry, but if you don't like this system, you can go to another server, it's not a problem. Leave it to those who like to play with ORP

First message on this server for me, because I'm really waiting for the ORP, and I've been scrutinizing the changelogs for several months while waiting for this feature to come out, so I can FINALLY play the game again.

It is incomprehensible that they advocate the excuse of just a few interested players, when many people ask for it on the forums and many players have simply stopped playing. Or have not repurchased the game because there is no has more official ORP server. There are many people around me alone who are waiting for this feature. If we add the number of people on the forums talking about it, there would be enough to fill many servers. This excuse is ridiculous, especially while they capitalized on a game that players knew, selling ARK Ascended with the expectation that we would get the same thing, which is not the case. Give us back what you took !

Beyond casual players, regular players like this system too, because they simply don't want to start from 0 every time they log back in. It's an excellent compromise when you're playing with two or three friends (not 15). There are many people around me alone who are waiting for this feature. If we add the number of people on the forums talking about it, there would be enough to fill several servers. 

To answer the comments straight away, no the unofficial ORP servers are not the same. Nothing replaces the crossark x3 ORP in small tribe on official server. 


Edited by arkdiction
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