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ORP Servers



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2 hours ago, FortnitePlayer20 said:

How do you know and why the 24th?

More servers are being released on the 24th. They are non-transfer only servers. I think that person is hoping for ORP to be included in those. I doubt they will be as WildCard has stated more than once they don't have any plans to add ORP servers. But you never know. 

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10 minutes ago, LordPoof said:

No official ORP servers yet we need to get everyone we can to blow wildcard up about it in support tickets in discord and on these forums they can't ignore us all if they did and the CEO seen it he'd probably start firing people it's base rules of business and that's making customers happy especially reoccurring and loyal customers.

Friendly reminder. “Blowing up” support with tickets will simply get you banned from the support system. 

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7 minutes ago, aikkam said:

what is RMT? I had mine based on the crystal islands in the swamp area the one at the bottom right I spent 2 years there without too many problems my tribe if you can call it that since I was alone was the DAIGURREN, I only saw a group on extinction controlled many large areas of the map, in any case things like this are easy to solve just put the same settings as small tribes, tribes of 5 or 8 players maximum and reduce the number of structures that a tribe can place, eliminate pins, individual ownership within the tribes and construction in caves. A GM WHO TAKES A TOUR AROUND THE MAP EVEN JUST ONCE A WEEK would be enough to eliminate certain rubbish 

Real Money Trading. i.e people selling dinosaurs, items, land etc in game via alts over paypal or similar.  The GMs were on the clusters every other day depending in addition to handling regular official servers. It was a big game of whack a mole.  Hundreds of tickets. Human moderators don't scale. Automation and a better version ORP is needed

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6 hours ago, aikkam said:

excellent, they made a game that almost no one can play, only a young boy or an unemployed person always in their room, if they have financial problems I'm not surprised 

Now you're getting it. The simulation doesn't stop just because you log off. The people you describe are unfortunately a good chunk of the playerbase and nothing stops them from no lifing on orp behind a thousand alts either. That's pretty much what they do when they get tired of regular official too. On my previous ORP cluster one such no life basically took over the entire gen1 server trying to sell tames, spots etc and had 5 different alt tribes for different biomes etc. Another no life spammed off all of extinction. Every time a new map launched a no life would spam off whole sections of the map with orped gates, walls and spam so no one else could build up or get artifacts.  Only a GM who played on the cluster everyday would have noticed this and been able to stop it proactively

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So let me get this straight, you all are basically asking for PvE on PvP servers? Because you don't have time to play PvP the way it's meant? Save yourself the hassle and stress, rip the band-aid off and come to the PvE dark side lol. I heard ASA let's you set up tribe wars like ASE used to do? There's your PvP ;)

Idk, perhaps I just don't get it. I'm not on ASA nor PvP though so I don't know how bad it is other than all of the consistent horror stories.

Not here to dismiss your idea, just trying to understand (that and I keep getting notifications for this post even though I wasn't following it lol).

Is it the fact you still want "occasional" PvP when you are logged on?

Edit: So basically a middle ground between PvP and PvE?

Happy Arking!

Edited by Mike585x
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2 hours ago, aikkam said:

it's pvp the possibility of losing everything remains, but if someone attacks me I can try to defend myself or escape trying to save the most important things, in the same way when I attack I won't find an empty base with no one to defend it, just so I can play real games pvp (player vs player). We know all the problems of the orp (very easy to solve) but we are willing to face them to have a chance to play this game that's what we are saying, we played in orp and had fun and would like to have fun once again in ASA like all other pvp and pve players, is this so wrong? 

Wildcard probably doesn't want to support a half baked broken pvp game mode when the original pvp game was designed for 24/7 pvp. Taking away pin codes etc won't stop people from hiding behind ORP abuse. It's unintended gameplay for one person behind alts to control a whole server with orp spam or for a weak tribe to simply kick one offline alt to take all their exterior base structures offline to prevent annihilation from a superior force.  There's so many broken ORP related exploits that GMs can't even keep up with the blatant ORP related abuse tickets on top of the other stuff they have to deal with on regular servers. All ORP means is added moderation cost for s small player base. The cost of re developing ORP code when its not even a main feature of the online pvp game is probably also too high considering other priorities.   ORP moderation would be a great AI use case scenario though if Wildcard was interested in an auto ban hammer approach based on heuristics. Then again there's still a cost to that too.

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7 minutes ago, aikkam said:

I do not think so. I either play ORP or I don't play ARK, what do you do, do you play ASA in PVP, PVE or don't play anymore, I ask out of curiosity? 

PVP ASA official but tbh things are very much still broken lol. I just don't want to see people thinking orp is the answer b/c it really isn't.  Not to go off topic but I'd much prefer a more primitive dark souls like pvp style that ARK 2 allegedly is over what we have now.

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I'm sorry but ORP is a garbage filled cesspool. On paper its meant for casual players but in reality its not.

So many ways to exploit with it and every other toxic man child who couldn't hack official pvp wind up on these clusters exploiting, meshing, orp camping, stalking and harassing casual players because they can't offline them as they normally would.  Getting rid of ORP is actually a blessing for all players and reduces Wildcard's moderation/legal ticket volume. Have you had your base camped 24/7 with enemy tames and players waiting who don't care how many times they get banned? Do you know tribemates/allies who have been doxxed,  received death threats or ddosed because angry man children want to wipe your tribes completely but can't?  The fact that bans are easily circumvented with new accounts is a whole other topic but the worst of the worst wind up on ORP clusters. Even normal pvp is ruined by two words, "ORP SPAM".

Good riddance to orp

Edited by Dodowhisperer
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