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pve Rebel Circus Gaming PVEvP cluster


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Rebel Circus Gaming US PVEvP cluster
 Xbox/Windows 10 cross play only
ASA expansion plans

12 PVE Maps divided by 6 maps at 5X, 6 Boosted maps divided into 3 groups focused on Taming, Breeding, and Resource Harvesting
Home maps are Island, Valguero, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP)
Breeding maps are Fjordur and Lost Island (4.5xH/5xT/40xM/50xInc/5xXP)
Harvesting maps are Genesis and Genesis 2 (5.5xH/5xT/20xM/50xInc/5xXP)
Taming maps are Aberration and Extinction (4.5xH/7xT/20xM/50xInc/10xXP)

2 PVP maps Fjordur and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP/10xDifficulty)

Members and boosters of the cluster will have progress transferred to new Maps

Each map has a particular grind that captures the essence of the game with each other map acting as focused boosts to support a quality of life balance to anyone wanting to push their gaming experience at their own pace.  Our PVP map is connected for only a few days 4 each season allowing transfers from but not to the PVE maps items and creatures.  You can choose to play either mode or use both to strengthen your survivor.

### Discord
🤡   Active admin support
🤡   Events, Giveaways, Games, Music, dedicated voice channels
🤡   Boosting bundles, Admin shop, Roll advancement, Leveling rewards
🤡   Free to Play Bounties and Quests offering a unique experience outside of ARK progress
🤡   Self-Moderated, Friendly, Adult forums and channels
🤡   Starters are available on your first quest

### Maps
🤡  Cluster Max wild dino is 330 available on Taming maps and Exclusive Dinos.
🤡   Max Character is offered in Quests
🤡   Dino Level up increased to 100 levels
🤡   Auto Engram on leveling except Tek through event
🤡   Instant Pickup
🤡   .003 Breeding cooldown on Breeding maps
🤡   Hex Store and rewards boosted

All Map rates and boosts are detailed in our Discord



Edited by Xodus27
Misspellings and rate corrections
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  • Xodus27 changed the title to Rebel Circus Gaming PVEvP cluster
  • 11 months later...

Hi Xodus27,

I’m setting up a “Survive the Night” server, but I keep running into issues with a persistent ticking loop. After some troubleshooting, I'm still not sure how to resolve this. Since you’ve managed to get your server running smoothly, could you share any configurations or tips that might help stabilize mine? I’m hoping there’s something specific I’m missing.

Thanks a lot for any insight you can provide!

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