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Community Crunch 378: Extinction Creature Submissions, EVO Event, and More!


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18 hours ago, FlorianWind9 said:

There you go Gecko; now that's a proper response to one of wildcard's community newsletters! 👍

I mean, they even said directly in the community crunch when they released the Shasta's concept art that they would showcase the concept art for its saddle in the next week's crunch. To be honest; I've been so spaced-out when it comes to reading these crunches lately, due to them having little to no actual information, that I'd completely forgotten about that already just one week later. Then I saw your comment here and was all; "Wait. Yeah, that's right. They said they were going to show off its saddle this crunch. And they didn't even mention that they had done so, or why they haven't shown it off when they said they would just a week ago? What the ****?"

Also, to be honest, I actually didn't know that the creature submission vote was going on yet for Extinction either till this crunch. I thought it was going to begin starting this one. Guess they didn't make it clear enough for me in the last letter, or I was half asleep while reading it. 😑

You fell asleep while reading it?! Really?! It was only a few paragraphs (of the non-copy&paste meterial) that took less than a minute to read. 😅

Buts seriously, they need to stop just skipping out on delivering what they've promised. Studio Wildcard has done it SO often now that it's beginning to be taken very lightly. This is ridiculous. I would be so satisfied (and astounded) if they just faced the music and confessed that they can't show anything much because aren't working on anything.

These creatures are cool and all, but we want something more substantial to talk about, Card.

Edited by Gecko1611
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At this rate, why would anyone buy ASA? They clearly do not have any effort or care to hype ASA or ark2. All promises and no preview of actual content or progress.  Failure community crunch one after another. 


Thanks for buying and killing our game.  We wont be buying your lies. If you release ASA as "early access ", you are just telling EVERYONE you're wanting to milk money and pull out without Microsoft liabilities to your buyers. 


Imagine still selling atk survival evolved at FULL COST without any advertising of game shutdown. Nasty nasty NASTY way to do business and treat your customers. (Imagine paying full cost then less than a month, be asked to pay full cost......again to play with others lol!


Do NOT buy ASA. Do not support this final milk as they take advantage of so many people. 

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On 9/9/2023 at 2:40 AM, Trickytim88 said:

Well since it doesn't allow me to vote on any creatures, especially on my favorite map. I guess this is just another slap in the face from this game, really don't know why I even still play the game. If it wasn't for PC servers, I guess I wouldn't. Really! I just don't like not having a voice in this when I have been playing since it first came out in early access for like $9.99. IT'S BULL HOCKEY LOL!

you have the early birds role preventing you from voting for the creatures just comment 5 times on different creatures and the role gets removed. it's a measure against people spamming votes with bots i think

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On 9/9/2023 at 2:06 AM, MMaas said:

It's PC, sorry.

:( Console has creature spawn commands but only for random wild colors/level/stats. I can kinda-sorta save my wild event tames since I tame for color and there are commands to change creature colors. But as far as I know there's no way to change level or stats so all my carefully bred and statted tames will be lost forever unless WC lets us upload them to single player

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On 9/9/2023 at 8:58 AM, Duffmek said:

Ive slept on this and ..... nope still bad and worthless crunch ... CS has been a rough dept in ASE since launch due to dino glitches / the entire ark world etc etc.


When is ASE get shut down? the same time? later ? if later then WHY is CS getting shut down first?

Sigh ... its turning into a circus show more and more 


ALSO evo event is not getting turned off OMG AWESOME .....kinda worthless NOW guys ... 

Agreed. There is nothing that they're showing us for ASA or what console players are directly going to do. Besides Nitrado. This is just a ploy so that they can get money out of people. Not caring what they're going to do with people who cannot afford a P S5 or Xbox series x. There are too many people in this country fighting to survive right now. This game has helped me through depression and I won't have that anymore. I don't know what I'm going to do.😞

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18 hours ago, Cyberra said:

but only for random wild colors/level/stats.

No you can be specific on consoles for that as well, at least for levels any way. The command prompt is cheat Gmsummon “insert creature here_character_bp_c” (level) with the quotation marks. So say you want a max level on official Rex you’d put cheat Gmsummon “Rex_character_bp_c” 180. Stats will still be random but colors can be changed via the prompt cheat settargetdinocolor (region number)(color number). I’ve used both prompts enough times when making prize dinos for the in game contests we used to host on my server cluster to become fairly familiar with them.

Edited by CosmicSkeleton
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7 hours ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

No you can be specific on consoles for that as well, at least for levels any way. The command prompt is cheat Gmsummon “insert creature here_character_bp_c” (level) with the quotation marks. So say you want a max level on official Rex you’d put cheat Gmsummon “Rex_character_bp_c” 180. Stats will still be random but colors can be changed via the prompt cheat settargetdinocolor (region number)(color number). I’ve used both prompts enough times when making prize dinos for the in game contests we used to host on my server cluster to become fairly familiar with them.

I'm not as worried about the levels on my wild tames since I tame for color, it's my top stat lv 411 shadows and wyverns that pop at lv 335 (I only just succeeded in getting 20k hp 800m onto my solid light yellow blood crystals and bright monster tropical crystals. No console commands can give me those back

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3 hours ago, Cyberra said:

I'm not as worried about the levels on my wild tames since I tame for color, it's my top stat lv 411 shadows and wyverns that pop at lv 335 (I only just succeeded in getting 20k hp 800m onto my solid light yellow blood crystals and bright monster tropical crystals. No console commands can give me those back

From the ARK wiki:

SpawnExactDino <DinoBlueprintPath> <SaddleBlueprintPath> <SaddleQuality> <BaseLevel> <ExtraLevels> <BaseStats> <AddedStats> <DinoName> <Cloned> <Neutered> <TamedOn> <UploadedFrom> <ImprinterName> <ImprinterPlayerID> <ImprintQuality> <Colors> <DinoID> <Exp> <spawnDistance> <YOffset> <ZOffset> 

see description and more commands here:


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3 hours ago, Cyberra said:

I'm not as worried about the levels on my wild tames since I tame for color, it's my top stat lv 411 shadows and wyverns that pop at lv 335 (I only just succeeded in getting 20k hp 800m onto my solid light yellow blood crystals and bright monster tropical crystals. No console commands can give me those back

Oh yea no, courtesy of wildcard and snail holding console player saves behind a paywall those are forsaken. Really scummy in my opinion considering they already have an avenue for revenue through unofficial. Letting people just have their saves for free wouldnt impact them in the slightest.

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12 minutes ago, RexTheDargon said:

Something that got me intrigued is how it seems they are adding additional creatures with the creature submission winners. It makes me wonder what might be going with these potential creatures and for we know, these additional creatures might be why there was the  first delay.

They aren't. They are only adding the creature vote winners. There are no additional creatures coming to the maps.

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i think its kinda bull they dont even fix the first game and then they make us pay double for the new remaster that might be complete crap

like comon at least try on the second game. i know snail games was ruining ark but still a least fix the bugs for the remastered version asa (when there for sure will be).

Edited by jakinoverlord
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I'm still not sure how i feel about them getting rid of all the "Not real dinosaurs" in ark Ascended. yes they never actually existed, but for maps like genesis, aberation, and extinction, its kind of the point to have creatures that aren't on earth. I mean, part of genesis is the fact that it is an alien planet, so it kind of doesn't matter if the creatures on it are from earth or not. Opinions, anyone?

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1 hour ago, DarkDraken17 said:

I'm still not sure how i feel about them getting rid of all the "Not real dinosaurs" in ark Ascended. yes they never actually existed, but for maps like genesis, aberation, and extinction, its kind of the point to have creatures that aren't on earth. I mean, part of genesis is the fact that it is an alien planet, so it kind of doesn't matter if the creatures on it are from earth or not. Opinions, anyone?

What do you mean getting rid of them?

You mean the vote only being real-world?

For all we know the 4 new creatures in the new DLC could be non-real creatures.

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