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"Thylacosmilus is an extinct genus of marsupial mammal belonging to the Sparassodonta. It was a saber-toothed apex predator that lived during the Miocene approximately 7 million years ago."


Thylacosmilus atrox became one of the creatures most adapted to such a hostile environment. Compared to its prehistoric counterpart, this predator is larger and has useful adaptations. Is very sociable, so it is normal to see them in packs of three to seven members, being capable of facing enemies that outnumber and outsize them. Although they have their limits.

One of the most useful adaptations of Thylacosmilus atrox is its eyesight, it is capable of analyzing and finding weak points in both creatures and structures. At the sametime, it has a great intelligence which allows it to carry out ambushes and more complex attacks.


Obtaining one of these majestic creatures is very useful, being capable of dealing with complex problems as well as being a very useful body guard, Not counting his great leadership over other tamed also a good use is to give ityour worn weapons and tools to make them shine again.

Thylacosmilus atrox is immune to torpor, as well as being very territorial makes it a complicated tame, however There are two particular ways of tame them, Whether dominating an alpha or gaining confidence with a cub. Just remember that either of these ways won't be easy.

-Thylacosmilus Atrox is designed to be a complex creature for an environment as hostile as Extiction. From its vision to the loyalty it comes to have with the survivor, makes it stand out from other creatures of greater size and power. At the same time, it brings with it a new fighting style, being more strategic-


There are two thylacosmilus variants, the "normal" being the most common, it is smaller, it will not be possible to ride it, but it will still carry out its attacks and abilities. The "alphas" are the largest, they are mountable having greater power and skill than their smaller companions. Even with these differences, both are very useful.




Passive: Any Thylacosmilus has the natural ability to repair a certain percentage of a weapon/armor/tool, this at the cost of putting Element Shard in his inventory (Does not repair 100%, depends on damage and quality)

Scratch: It is the main attack of any Thylacosmilus, it is not that powerful but it is fast enough to continue fighting.

Piercing Bite: This is a natural ability of the Thylacosmilus, after a while and finding a weak point it launches towards the target where it attacks it and quickly escapes, leaving behind an enhanced damage, based on the target's maximum health

Distraction Roar: The "normal" Thylacosmilus makes a short roar that provokes the enemy to attack it instead of its already locked target. (Example: If a Rex is attacking you the roar makes it target the Thylacosmilus instead of you)

Mark Objective: The "alpha" Thylacosmilus in combination with its mount performs a charge, when it hits a target (Enemy or Structure) it creates for a brief moment a weak point that its allies can attack. The ability to create weak points has a cooldown and the charge is not subject to this.

Alpha's Roar: This ability belonging to Thylacosmilus "alpha" allows other allied creatures to join its pack for a while, allowing allies to see and attack weak points while the entire pack gains a percentage of armor .



  • Because "normal" Thylacosmilus are not mountable, they perform attacks and abilities independently, prioritizing attacking weak points created by an "alpha" and in turn follow where the "alpha" Thylacosmilus requires them.
  • Weak points spawn naturally from time to time as long as a Thylacosmilus is near the target. Those created by an "alpha" are shorter (in time) than natural ones.
  • Distraction Roar will be performed naturally when seeing an ally being attacked
  • The "alphas" are different to the normal thylacosmilus, could say that it is a subspecies of the same creature. The "alphas" have a very low chance of being born, so they end up being rare to find.
  • The normal thylacosmilus can reach a higher level but never get a benefit, that's because only "alphas" are born leaders.
  • The weak points are marks that appear visually on the target (a creature/player or structure) when a Thylacosmilus is nearby, these marks are temporary and when attacking where the mark indicates it deals high damage, based on the target's maximum health
  • The "Normal" thylacosmilus does not have a saddle, however armor can be created to provide greater protection in battle. (Thanks to those who suggested the idea)


In order to obtain an adult Thylacosmilus, you first have to approach the pack without carrying any weapons or armor (Cloth Gear, Desert Cloth Gear or Chitin Gear do not count as a threat). When these see that you do not represent a danger, they will approach you to smell and observe you. Once you are in this moment you will have to make a Thylacosmilus of your choice and offer him a tribute. Depending on its value, it will begin to gain a link with you. You must repeat this process until you form a bond and it accepts you as its leader. The other thylacosmiulus will not attack once you dominate the one you choose.
To tame a young it has to be separated in a non-aggressive way from its pack, not killing or provoking its pack. (This can happen if the baby was abandoned or is an orphan). You must gain confidence with it by playing, giving it tributes to gnaw or even feeding it. These steps will be repeated until tamed.

The "alphas" are somewhat more complex to tame if you don't want to wait to breed one. These, being natural leaders reject tributes and if you choose him to tame you have to be prepared with a shield because he will try to kill you, you will have to use the shield to stun him when he charges towards you, dodge his scratches and mount him when you can, this to break him to your leadership. The advantage of this process is that it is faster and more direct than the others. (The pack will not attack you in the process



Thank you very much for reading my suggestion and I am open to your contributions in ideas. 💙đŸē

All artwork by Me (Drawolf)

Edited by DrawolfKnight
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  • DrawolfKnight changed the title to Thylacosmilus atrox the strategist.

I really like this suggestion! It definitely was not something I was expecting to see in this vote, but I like what you've come up with. The actual animal was very strange and unique, and, similar to what I've submitted and submissions I've been upvoting, is something obscure that I think deserves some spotlight. Best of luck to your submission, I'd love to see this in game!

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1 hour ago, roy3100 said:

I really like this suggestion! It definitely was not something I was expecting to see in this vote, but I like what you've come up with. The actual animal was very strange and unique, and, similar to what I've submitted and submissions I've been upvoting, is something obscure that I think deserves some spotlight. Best of luck to your submission, I'd love to see this in game!

Thanks a lot! You are right It is really a very strange and interesting creature😅, really thank you very much for the words.

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3 hours ago, LittleSpicyOreos said:

Per my avatar "Thyla Life" I've come to love the thylas Ark has given us so I am all for a new one too! And man I LOVE your art!!!!

Thank you for supporting team cheetah and I am here to proudly support this! If our kitty loses, I'll take yours ;)

Thank you very much for your support!, the truth is that felines and marsupials are fantastic creatures, I wish the best of luck to the cheetah.😄

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I love the design of this creature, how you have included corruption accents seen on the other Extinction tames. They're all sci-fi while the Thylacosmilus is a real creature, so it wouldn't have occurred to me on my own submission, but I love it :)
Honestly my only (minor) issue with this submission is the name of the species, which is so similar to another mammal in the game. But that could be easily solved with a nickname of sorts so overall, excellent submission.

12 hours ago, DrawolfKnight said:

Passive: Any Thylacosmilus has the natural ability to repair a certain percentage of a weapon/armor/tool, this at the cost of putting Element Shard in his inventory (Does not repair 100%, depends on damage and quality)

I'll be honest, this is the selling point for me :)

Would you mind explaining the rationale behind making one of the variants non-rideable ? What was the reason for this design choice ?

Edited by ladyteruki
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16 hours ago, DrawolfKnight said:


"Thylacosmilus is an extinct genus of marsupial mammal belonging to the Sparassodonta. It was a saber-toothed apex predator that lived during the Miocene approximately 7 million years ago."


Thylacosmilus atrox became one of the creatures most adapted to such a hostile environment. Compared to its prehistoric counterpart, this predator is larger and has useful adaptations. Is very sociable, so it is normal to see them in packs of three to seven members, being capable of facing enemies that outnumberand outsize them. Although they have their limits.

One of the most useful adaptations of Thylacosmilus atrox is its eyesight, it is capable of analyzing and finding weak points in both creatures and structures. At the sametime, it has a great intelligence which allows it to carry out ambushes and more complex attacks.


Obtaining one of these majestic creatures is very useful, being capable of dealing with complex problems as well as being a very useful body guard, Not counting his great leadership over other tamed also a good use is to give ityour worn weapons and tools to make them shine again.

Thylacosmilus atrox is immune to torpor, as well as being very territorial makes it a complicated tame, however There are two particular ways of tame them, Whether dominating an alpha or gaining confidence with a cub. Just remember that either of these ways won't be easy.

Thylacosmilus Atrox is designed to be a complex creature for an environment as hostile as Extiction. From its vision to the loyalty it comes to have with the survivor, makes it stand out from other creatures of greater size and power. At the same time, it brings with it a new fighting style, being more strategic.

There are two thylacosmilus variants, the "normal" being the most common, it is smaller, it will not be possible to ride it, but it will still carry out its attacks and abilities. The "alphas" are the largest, they are mountable having greater power and skill than their smaller companions. Even with these differences, both are very useful.




Passive: Any Thylacosmilus has the natural ability to repair a certain percentage of a weapon/armor/tool, this at the cost of putting Element Shard in his inventory (Does not repair 100%, depends on damage and quality)

Scratch: It is the main attack of any Thylacosmilus, it is not that powerful but it is fast enough to continue fighting.

Piercing Bite: This is a natural ability of the Thylacosmilus, after a while and finding a weak point it launches towards the target where it attacks it and quickly escapes, leaving behind an enhanced damage.

Distraction Roar: The "normal" Thylacosmilus makes a short roar that provokes the enemy to attack it instead of its already locked target. (Example: If a Rex is attacking you the roar makes it target the Thylacosmilus instead of you)

Mark Objective: The "alpha" Thylacosmilus in combination with its mount performs a charge, when it hits a target (Enemy or Structure) it creates for a brief moment a weak point that its allies can attack. The ability to create weak points has a cooldown and the charge is not subject to this.

Alpha's Roar: This ability belonging to Thylacosmilus "alpha" allows other allied creatures to join its pack for a while, allowing allies to see and attack weak points while the entire pack gains a percentage of armor .



Because "normal" Thylacosmilus are not mountable, they perform attacks and abilities independently, prioritizing attacking weak points created by an "alpha" and in turn follow where the "alpha" Thylacosmilus requires them.

Weak points spawn naturally from time to time as long as a Thylacosmilus is near the target. Those created by an "alpha" are shorter (in time) than natural ones.

Distraction Roar will be performed naturally when seeing an ally being attacked


In order to obtain an adult Thylacosmilus, you first have to approach the pack without carrying any weapons or armor (Cloth Gear, Desert Cloth Gear or Chitin Gear do not count as a threat). When these see that you do not represent a danger, they will approach you to smell and observe you. Once you are in this moment you will have to make a Thylacosmilus of your choice and offer him a tribute. Depending on its value, it will begin to gain a link with you. You must repeat this process until you form a bond and it accepts you as its leader. The other thylacosmiulus will not attack once you dominate the one you choose.
To tame a young it has to be separated in a non-aggressive way from its pack, not killing or provoking its pack. (This can happen if the baby was abandoned or is an orphan). You must gain confidence with it by playing, giving it tributes to gnaw or even feeding it. These steps will be repeated until tamed.

The "alphas" are somewhat more complex to tame if you don't want to wait to breed one. These, being natural leaders reject tributes and if you choose him to tame you have to be prepared with a shield because he will try to kill you, you will have to use the shield to stun him when he charges towards you, dodge his scratches and mount him when you can, this to break him to your leadership. The advantage of this process is that it is faster and more direct than the others. (The pack will not attack you in the process)


Thank you very much for reading my suggestion and I am open to your contributions in ideas.

Art by Me

I love the concept and the creature..we need more marsupial creatures

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This is great, my favorite, but i imagine people would associate it to the shadowmane. I hope people vote for It. It looks incredible with the corruption. The ability of creating weak points is what for me make it fit great on extinction. It would works great with the titans bitting them on the feet so other creatures can attack there.

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5 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

I love the design of this creature, how you have included corruption accents seen on the other Extinction tames. They're all sci-fi while the Thylacosmilus is a real creature, so it wouldn't have occurred to me on my own submission, but I love it :)
Honestly my only (minor) issue with this submission is the name of the species, which is so similar to another mammal in the game. But that could be easily solved with a nickname of sorts so overall, excellent submission.

I'll be honest, this is the selling point for me :) 

Would you mind explaining the rationale behind making one of the variants non-rideable ? What was the reason for this design choice ?

Thank you very much for the support and words! You are right regarding the enormous similarity of name with the current Thylacoleo, I hope these days to get to give it a nickname that gives it more personality. I'm glad you liked the passive.😄

As far as having 2 versions and only being able to ride one of them, I think it can add variety to the current gameplay. Having a smart and powerful creature but not being able to ride it helps the player think about how it can be useful. Have some control and at the same time explore new methods.

Thanks again for the words and I wish you good luck with your amazing suggestion, I'll stop by in a bit to see more about it.💙

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3 hours ago, RexTheDargon said:

I really like this thing. I do feel like it could be cool if you could ride the normal thylacosmilus but this is just my opinion.

I'm glad to know that you like it!, I made that suggestion to propose something that brings variety to the gameplay but your opinion is equally valid.💙

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  • DrawolfKnight changed the title to Thylacosmilus atrox the strategist

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