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Community Crunch 377: Shastasaurus Concept Art, Creature Submissions, and More!


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1 hour ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

Dado que la extinción es el siguiente en la lista, ¿no sería prudente considerar eliminar la restricción del mundo real? Después de todo, cuanto más avanza en los mapas, mayor es el número de criaturas del mundo no real. Sería interesante ver qué se le ocurre a la gente cuando se le da más margen de maniobra.

totally agree
Edited by Tbasitos
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What about single player Xbox? Granted my bases are on official servers right now, but I'm a solo tribe. How do I get my base and dinos to single player? I have friends asking the same thing cause we can't afford to rent servers or just don't want to rent servers, but we still want to save our hard work. Where is the information for us? We've been asking for the last few weeks and I still don't see anything when I read through all the posts.

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Lovely concept art and it is HUGE bigger than the mossa by the looks of it.


30 or so days left before sept no screenshots nothing new shown to the player base .. crumbs you really are going to open it as a EA game with more bugs that what you have just erased.


Let me get this right I cannot download the save of mine onto my PC and play single player? or is that really bad writing / understanding? because IF they are now going to say I can only play with the saves is by renting a server then why the hell have I kept my game alive since the initial reveal of asa, closure of ase? 


For reference CC 355 quoting: It definitely says SP / non dedi whereas this newer post is lacking that /confused and rather miffed if thats the case

  • Official Servers: With the launch of ASA at the end of August, we will be taking down all Official Servers on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC for ARK: Survival Evolved – at that time, the final save-datas from the ARK: Survival Evolved Official Servers will be uploaded for players to re-host on their own servers or play in singleplayer/non-dedi, as well as slightly earlier snapshots. You will still be able to play on single-player, non-dedicated, player-dedicated, and unofficial servers. ARK: Survival Ascended will have its own fully supported Official Network for all platforms.
Edited by Duffmek
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3 hours ago, darkradeon said:

I wanna give 4 tips about official saves:

1) by default there are 20 automated backups. Some official saves are really BIG. This can cause some space issues. Third party server managers, like asm, offers better control for backups (zip, time interval, serializations vs parallel etc). If you use a third party solution for such backups don't for get to disabled the automated backups with -MaxNumOfSaveBackups=0

2) if you play in a cluster you may wanna add -BackupTransferPlayerDatas too : this will re-enable char backup files on transfer that -usestore removes, allowing easier char recovery in case of a crash just after a transfer and before a non-corrupt save. Note that this flag should be used on official network too and a similar behaviour is by default on unofficial (without -usestore).

3) for single player\local host, find your steam64 id (eg:1234567890), and rename your 1234567890.akrprofile and 1234567890.arktributetribe in LocalPlayer.arkprofile and LocalPlayer.arktributetribe. saves go in \ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArksLocal for the island, \ShooterGame\Saved\MapNameSavedArksLocal for other maps (ex: for Fjordur it is FjordurSavedArksLocal). if you are an epic/egs player you can find your epic-id converted to the quivalent of steam64 id in a way explained here: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Server_configuration#Epic/EGS_players_whitelisting

4) some saves are HUGE (biggest saves requiring over 20+GBs of ram). You have deal with that. This will also cause serious fps issues on single player due different stasis mechanics from servers. The solution isn't one shoot and may consist in wiping wild tames and if this isn't enough all tames outside pods. Note that despite the command names (you can find on https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Commands) this will kill your own dinos outside pods, incouding stryders, mek, skiffs and rafts. Finally, removing other tribes structures will help with both ram usage and file size, as well worldsave times.

you're the mvp

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4 hours ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

Seeing as extinction is next on the list wouldn’t it be prudent to consider lifting the real world restriction? The further along into maps it goes the higher the number of non real world creatures gets  after all. Would be interesting to see what people come up with when given more wiggle room

Or, they could do a real world creature vote & a mythical creature vote.

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5 hours ago, Vixhanna said:

What about single player Xbox? Granted my bases are on official servers right now, but I'm a solo tribe. How do I get my base and dinos to single player? I have friends asking the same thing cause we can't afford to rent servers or just don't want to rent servers, but we still want to save our hard work. Where is the information for us? We've been asking for the last few weeks and I still don't see anything when I read through all the posts.


5 hours ago, Duffmek said:

Lovely concept art and it is HUGE bigger than the mossa by the looks of it.


30 or so days left before sept no screenshots nothing new shown to the player base .. crumbs you really are going to open it as a EA game with more bugs that what you have just erased.


Let me get this right I cannot download the save of mine onto my PC and play single player? or is that really bad writing / understanding? because IF they are now going to say I can only play with the saves is by renting a server then why the hell have I kept my game alive since the initial reveal of asa, closure of ase? 


For reference CC 355 quoting: It definitely says SP / non dedi whereas this newer post is lacking that /confused and rather miffed if thats the case

  • Official Servers: With the launch of ASA at the end of August, we will be taking down all Official Servers on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC for ARK: Survival Evolved – at that time, the final save-datas from the ARK: Survival Evolved Official Servers will be uploaded for players to re-host on their own servers or play in singleplayer/non-dedi, as well as slightly earlier snapshots. You will still be able to play on single-player, non-dedicated, player-dedicated, and unofficial servers. ARK: Survival Ascended will have its own fully supported Official Network for all platforms.

As usual WC/SG only wrote from SP and Nondedi.  But we know that for consoles it was predictable that it wouldn't work.  After all, paying such a huge amount of money for a product full of errors, which is ASE, is already discouraging even to watch the new releases of ASA and ARK2, let alone to buy them.  They simply do not deserve our respect by repeatedly failing us as in the above-mentioned case.  Those who buy ASA should not expect miracles, it will be like ASE, it's just their policy.

And how a friend regrets that I spent time rendering my bases.  But I will persevere until the end, since I have already sacrificed so much, I will wait until WC/SG kills our servers.

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Why no proper explanation of how to use the saves if you don't want to pay £20 per month in this crunch?

Why have the saves been provided in such an bloated format? Legacy saves were far more manageable with far less needless 'fluff'.

Could it possibly be to justify not providing console saves or discourage PC users to push people into renting?

There are good tools and tips elsewhere on this forum to make the process less painful, why aren't you helping provide this info WC?

And finally, why no facility to upload your tames and char at the obelisk and download into your local game? The least you could do for console players.

Gaslighting much?

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I admit that the idea of transferring dino characters and so on to SP mode would be a solution.  But then Nitrado won't earn WC/SG won't pay them back and you wouldn't even see ASA.  It's sick that they want to lay the costs on us.  Yes, everyone can pay Nitrado something, but not as much as now.  This is probably not an encouraging offer for console owners

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