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Community Crunch 375: Introducing Yi Ling


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3 hours ago, Gecko1611 said:

Oh no, it's the point I made in earlier comments. And I never said I completely just Snail or Wild. Its just why are these people who outright say they have NO faith that ARK will succeed still here? If they are so sure there is NOTHING positive with ARK and that there is NO hope for it, then why not move on already?

The same people you write about, myself included, do not believe this company due to their genius for not meeting deadlines.  Secondly, in a week's time another decision by them, even more unwise, may be announced, or a change in prices down or up.  Third: many of us have known WC and SG for years, as evidenced by my 22,700 hours spent in the ark.  And now I have to pay unreasonable money to keep playing saved maps.  No thanks.  I'm sure ASA will do the same.

I'm just helping new players get started, they're unaware of the end of ARK and they're excited about the game.  Do you think they will be surprised if one day they want to go to ARK and here their work no longer exists, the game is offline and they just bought the game.  I feel sorry for such new ARK players stuffed in a bottle.  This will not be a convincing form of player acquisition.


And on the other hand, no one is forcing you to read it, these are the thoughts of the authors of the posts and they express their opinions as well as you, if you are not satisfied, change the forum xD

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34 minutes ago, Duffmek said:

Ofc people are annoyed here, why the hell shouldnt they be? negative? yes wanting it all to fail NO just seeing things clearly

I'll go further : people being annoyed now are people who wanted to be excited. The ones who didn't want to be excited have long left this community ; by definition, you don't disappoint people who expect nothing ! People who are annoyed about ASA 2 months away from release are people who wanted to picture what it'd be like to have a better experience of Ark than the one they know in ASE, and have been deprived of all the positive opportunities to do that.
We've given WildCard a chance to excite us. They said "previews every two weeks" and then we didn't get previews every two weeks. Even in this present Community Crunch, people ask about previews : that's not being negative. That's wanting to be curious and excited, and being refused that because "if you don't like asset comparisons, then we don't know how else to talk about this game".

You know how I know people want to be positive and are not allowed to by WildCard ?
Look at how active these forums get during a creature submission period. Everyone has ideas. Everyone wants to see things (are they all realistic ? no ! but it's not what matters) in ASA. Everyone is posting pictures, listing abilities, designing custom dossiers, drawing diagrams, doing everything they can do to give some form of reality to the way they imagine playing maps in ASA. That's positive as f*ck ! People WANT to picture what playing ASA will be like. People WANT to imagine what they'll do once The Center will get a TLC (a lot of us are hoping for one at least). People WANT to fantasize about how new creatures will interact with the ones we already know and love. People WANT to be given new ways to find joy in a game they have sunk thousands of hours in !

THIS IS POSITIVE. The reason why the Yi Something incident bothers me (especially considering the creature was at the bottom of my own ranking) is that what little joy this community finds in projecting themselves in ASA, the sliver of hope we try, vote after vote, to build together... WildCard doesn't seem to respect it.
Frankly, if someone can post this to introduce to a community a creature that doesn't exist, and make it in a way that it's liked enough that thousands of people vote for it... why can't WildCard find a way to discuss ASA without showing the game ?

Edited by ladyteruki
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4 hours ago, Gecko1611 said:

Oh no, it's the point I made in earlier comments. And I never said I completely just Snail or Wild. Its just why are these people who outright say they have NO faith that ARK will succeed still here? If they are so sure there is NOTHING positive with ARK and that there is NO hope for it, then why not move on already?

For the same reason why I am still here; Gecko1611 my good sir. For the same reason why I have written a detailed story journal of my actual experiences in the game and have recently decided to begin posting them on this forum for others to read. (Chapter 9 is out now btw. You commented on my chapter 6 and said you liked it, so I hope you'll enjoy my other chapters and the 10-14 still to come. ;) ) The thing of it is though, is that the story I'm writing happened between 2015 and 2017. (Ark's Golden Years.) I love Ark; I loved the story I got to be a part of during that time; so much so that I wanted to write a physical story of my experience so that I would have an "Ark Story Book" to read myself. (I Love Books and there is no Ark Novel for me to read.) But...my story with Ark Survival Evolved exists only in the past for me. The story that I enjoyed being a part of so much, is a story that could never be recreated in modern Ark due to the various decisions that WildCard has made over the years. I've been around since near the beginning, and WildCard killed Ark for me back in late 2017. That's when my story ends. I haven't touched official servers since then due to the decisions that they have made and have only been able to enjoy Ark in single player ever since; once in awhile also on personal PC hosted servers with a few friends. I can't have that same kind of story with Ark in single player; I can't have that same kind of enjoyment with the game in single player; and there's no reason for me to not get to have that enjoyment except for WildCard's ridiculously stupid decisions. The release of their Scorched Earth map and the huge lawsuit that the company got into during that time was the beginning of the end of Ark official enjoyment for me; and it's only gone (mostly) downhill ever since. I haven't felt truly excited about Ark ever since the release of their Extinction map. (Which should have been the end of Ark 1 with the Genesis maps being Ark 2; not this nonsense that has followed.) I haven't been excited about or hardly even interested in any of the recent creature votes because I'm probably not going to bother with ASA; and if I do it won't be unless it goes on sale for VERY CHEAP many years down the road once all the maps and game content are re-added. Even so, from the looks of things, I'd just be playing ASA on single player by myself again anyways since they clearly haven't learned from their mistakes of why they killed ASE multiplayer for me; so why even bother. Still, does not my 2000+ hours on Ark PC and 2000+ hours on Ark Mobile along with the writing of my Ark FanNonFiction not show my love and dedication? But when I as a player of a game have such love and dedication for it, then see the people who own it continue to slowly ruin it over the course of many years; how can I not feel disappointed, discouraged, angry, and have no faith in WildCard or the future of the game? When I have seen them make not only one absolutely ridiculously terrible decision after another, but even worse have seen them act extremely scummy and hostile towards their own fanbase on multiple occasions over the years? For people like me it's not anything recent they've done which has caused this, but a slow burn that has gradually increased ever since the start. Faith requires proof of reasons for why I should have any. When I have not only seen no proof, but in fact so many continual reasons to the contrary, then how can I possibly have any? Still, I have my fond memories of 2015-2017 when Ark was good; and I have my single player where I can use cheats to my heart's content to fix the things that WildCard refuses to even acknowledge even 8 years later.

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5 hours ago, Gecko1611 said:

Oh no, it's the point I made in earlier comments. And I never said I completely just Snail or Wild. Its just why are these people who outright say they have NO faith that ARK will succeed still here? If they are so sure there is NOTHING positive with ARK and that there is NO hope for it, then why not move on already?



How is this SO INCREDIBLY difficult for you to understand? 


Your level of fanboy here is pathetic. How long have you even been playing Ark? Perhaps you are too new to understand the incompetency of WC…..

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1 minute ago, Voidtoker said:


I mean honestly at this point I’m more or less shackled to the rails of ark for better or worse by three points. I enjoy most aspects of ark and find it a good time sink when grindfr- I mean warframe isn’t doing anything interesting; I have an obligation to the handful of people that occasionally toss donations to the nitrado account to make sure they get the exact value of what they put in and nothing less; and at this point I’ve sunken literal years of my life into this game and refuse to quit it unless they pull the plug on unofficial AsE.

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So let me get this straight. If console players want to keep their stuff they need to rent expensive servers from an iffy provider and pay monthly for it. Those of us who don't have that option will lose everything because you're not even trying to let us download anything to single player. Or letting us download multiple saves.


Every time I think you people can't get any more stupid, you manage to do it. After years of encouraging us to expand into multiple maps, now you're saying we have to cram everything onto one single map. Then you had better let us keep multiple saves or make EVERYTHING transferable. Element pieces and shards and ore. Boss dermises and trophies. Boss fight tributes. Hover skiffs. Anything and everything.


You PROMISED us that we would be able to keep our server save for single player. Would it effing kill you to keep even ONE of the promises you made?!


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3 hours ago, EuphoricMarrow0 said:

Yes, I agree. If we cannot download all the maps to replace our single player maps, at least allow our character to keep transferring all of the things we want to keep to our consoles until the servers close so we can use them on all our single player maps. Thank you.

This is actually something I haven't seen mentioned but is a very good idea.

Until shutdown a new section at transmitters appears which allows you to download to a new option of 'local'. Anything uploaded to there could be downloaded into a local game and is gone forever from official. Won't help with buildings, etc but you could retrieve your dinos and characters that way. Would be especially helpful to console players.

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10 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

You know, the more I think about it, the more it appears that I don't want Ark to succeed. I don't want Ark to fail either.

I want players to thrive. I want players to have a good time. I want players to be given reasons to talk about ASA positively, not because the sales will need it, but because it's actually positive to project ourselves in the game. I want players to celebrate excitedly the upcoming release of a new, more modern, hopefully better version ; instead of being promised it's gonna be all these things on absolutely no visible basis. I want players to not be squeezed until their last cent, and especially not in exchange for a poor experience. I want players to enjoy actual previews of what gameplay is going to be like, whether these previews happen through ingame screenshots, through videos, or simply through written explanations of features. I want players to not be expected to spend money on Day 1 on a game that they know nothing about until the last minute. I want players to not be asked to worship a game that doesn't respect their essential rights as consumers. I want players who take the time to submit custom creatures, with custom art, and who take the time to vote for them, to get the creatures they actually have voted for, or else the concept of a community vote is meaningless.

TL;DR : I don't want Ark to succeed or fail in the abstract. The players are what determines the success or failure of Ark, and I want WildCard to act like they know it. I want players to be given reasons to make ARK succeed, and I promise you many of us would happily do it the same way we did it the first time.
Our loyalty to this franchise is not owed, it is earned.

8 hours ago, Voidtoker said:



How is this SO INCREDIBLY difficult for you to understand? 


Your level of fanboy here is pathetic. How long have you even been playing Ark? Perhaps you are too new to understand the incompetency of WC…..

My whole point has been that ARK is an incredibly unique and amazing game. But I absolutely do not like everything Wildcard and Snail has done, and yes they have made MANY mistakes.

But that doesn't mean ARK is destined to flop like some are saying. It does still have hope. And the founders of the ARK project and Wildcard have already earned my loyalty, the current Wildcard just needs to strengthen it. Nothing can ever top ARK, but if it DOES indeed flop, I'm not blindly staying behind with it. But I still have hope that those who first gave us this amazing world can fix what they have done to it.

And those who really think ARK has ABSOLUTELY NO hope shouldn't even be staying behind. And if you say that your here because you want something positive to come from ARK, then that means you have SOME hope, doesn't it?

It's not fanboyism if you think ASA has a possibility to be successful.

And what you keep saying about how people aren't getting the creature's they are voting for is inaccurate. Wildcard of course needs to change many things about the original concept to make it balanced and more enjoyable. But they pretty much ALWAYS keep the main spectacle of the creature.

The Yi Qi's spotlight feature was being able to shoot quills and use consumables to strengthen the quill's effects.

The Gigantoraptor's main spectacle was being able to raise and bond with young, and the proffessional's concept keeps that general idea.

I bet if the Shastasaurus wins, they'd figure out how to somehow implement its submarine saddle.

If the Hermit Crab wins, I am sure they'd implement its ability to switch shells to gain different powers.

If the Pemphix wins, I'm sure they'll somehow implement its medic features.

My point is, while Wildcard needs to and WILL alter many things about the original concept, they will keep the spotlight features, which along with the genus, is probably what you should vote for.

Edited by Gecko1611
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3 hours ago, Gecko1611 said:

And the founders of the ARK project and Wildcard have already earned my loyalty, the current Wildcard just needs to strengthen it. Nothing can ever top ARK,...

...But I still have hope that those who first gave us this amazing world can fix what they have done to it.

I do understand and basically agree with most of the things you have posted on this community newsletter, except for this right here; and I think that this might be at the heart of why some others have expressed irritation with your comments. A lot of them have been very mean and not gone about their responses to you in the right way. Now, for me, like I said; WildCard killed ASE for me back in 2017. That was 6 years ago, so I've had a lot of time to get used to it. I'm really more apathetic than not about the whole thing at this point so I'm not going to get all riled up unless I suddenly find that the Ark game I paid for has disappeared from my Steam library, but the factual point of the matter is this; it's the founders of the ARK project who killed ASE for me and many others with their overtly selfish and short-sighted decisions: first with the lawsuit that came around the time of Scorched Earth's release, and then with many other things since then. I mean, it's the founder of the Ark project who's recent short-sighted actions have caused this whole current situation to snowball into what it has become. The Ark project was originally founded through selfish, impatient, and short-sighted actions which were what lead to the lawsuit. Ever since then, the founders and many others who work on the WildCard team have continued to show the same attitudes without even the tiniest hint that they can grow and learn from their mistakes. With all that has happened over the last 8 years of them working as a game development team, you'd expect to see at least some kind of growth and learning; but there's been absolutely none. Hope? Loyalty? In WildCard and even less in their founder? How can I and those like me have any? The simple truth is that if an actual competent and well-known video game development company were to create a game similar enough to ASE that I'd see little to no difference, except that it was made intelligently and thought through, then I'd probably jump over to that game and almost completely forget about WildCard's Ark. What I am hoping for, what would be best for the future of Ark Survival Evolved as a whole, and what many others are hoping for is that Snail Games gets so covered in debt and failure that they collapse under it so that hopefully they will be forced to sell the ARK IP and hopefully some noteworthy industry standard like Microsoft or Take-Two Interactive will buy it and fix it into something that people can get excited about again. All that one needs to do in order to "top Ark" is to take Ark and actually fix it with competent programmers who actually know how to code video games. I mean, who really knows for sure as of yet? Maybe they've actually managed to do just that with ASA? But as it currently stands I have seen no evidence of that likely being the case since it was announced and have instead continually seen evidence that it is very likely not the case.

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1 hour ago, R34jeromegtr said:

Why are you all You can only download one save? Where did you read that part? 

I think people are getting confused with one save / one map / multiple saves all maps.


But still if anyone wants to transfer to another map they own they will need to have a server because u cant jump to another map in SP which is still crappy.

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On 8/19/2023 at 2:13 AM, Gecko1611 said:

Once again, if you really have no faith that Wildcard will pull through than why not move on now? ARK is obviously gonna be a flop according to you, so why not save yourself the trouble? 🤷‍♂️ 

This is a forum for discussions not an echo chamber for fanbois. If peoples opinions trigger you so much dont read them and "move on" 

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4 hours ago, Duffmek said:

I think people are getting confused with one save / one map / multiple saves all maps.


But still if anyone wants to transfer to another map they own they will need to have a server because u cant jump to another map in SP which is still crappy.

You actually can travel to other maps in non dedi and sp. Its not the same as official but you just upload anything you want to take including armor and inventory, upload your toon, exit and choose preferred map. Load back in and everything is in ob.  Dino's and anything you've built all saved on each map. One problem is as you enter new map you cant spawn at beds only random. But ive built shack at spawn point and then fast travel to bases from there. Ive always played official so ive been testing a few things out lately to see if non dedi or sp is even worth it. I also noticed that everything i have on non dedi is the same save as sp. So if wildcard ever stop non dedi, everything will still be there in sp.

Edited by 460Galaxy
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2 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

You actually can travel to other maps in non dedi and sp. Its not the same as official but you just upload anything you want to take including armor and inventory, upload your toon, exit and choose preferred map. Load back in and everything is in ob.  Dino's and anything you've built all saved on each map. One problem is as you enter new map you cant spawn at beds only random. But ive built shack at spawn point and then fast travel to bases from there. Ive always played official so ive been testing a few things out lately to see if non dedi or sp is even worth it. I also noticed that everything i have on non dedi is the same save as sp. So if wildcard ever stop non dedi, everything will still be there in sp.

Is this about PC?  On the console, there may be a way to steal the dev xd

As for the transfer from the idiotic Ded Ark Save server, to recap, it can be successful.  Avoiding the costly payment of Nitrado.  Revealing this method here could have a negative effect on us.  They could just block it.  But yes, you're right, it should be done, just note that for consoles it's 20 € in the xd promotion for the one server on which you will start the ARK save.  So to do this you have to spend the 20€ to play on a different hosting than Nitrado.

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13 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

This is a forum for discussions not an echo chamber for fanbois. If peoples opinions trigger you so much dont read them and "move on" 

Nah, I'm just trying to keep a neutral side. Believe me, I don't like or support some decisions that the developers and publishers have made. But I'm not on the side that absolutely loathes the devs and publishers and spend all my time here just criticizing every little thing they do. 

I'm just here for the dinosaurs lol. I'm pretty glad that the devs are at least retaining the main spectacle of the creature vote winners (the quills for the Yi). Otherwise, it would suck a little.

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On 8/18/2023 at 8:37 PM, Diabolical2020 said:

I can't wait for the 25th, The Center's top 10 creatures are awesome!!!

I agree. Just one tip to remember for voting: many of the feature will most likely be changed. But the main spotlight features will most likely be implemented somehow (sub saddle for Shasta, shell-swapping for Mesopara, medic skills for Pemphix, etc).

So, my suggestion would be to vote on the species itself and the spotlight feature. If you vote for a creature because it has a really awesome ability, but the ability is sort of a "side ability", you might not even get that feature in the final product.

By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what are a main creature(s) you're rooting for? Personally, I'm all hermit or orca ftw!

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