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Tyrannotitan colossus-The Colossal Theropod Kaiju That Eats Gigas!



Name: Tyrannotitan colossus

Time: Middle Cretaceous

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Aggressive



At first, I had thought that my travels around the Ark had revealed that Giganotosaurus and Carcharadontosaurus were to two largest terrestrial predators on the Arks, but on this particular Ark I was dead wrong. Towering above both of them is what I believe to be Tyrannotitan. Spending most of its time slumbering, Tyrannotitan only stirs when it feels hungry. And trust me, nothing is safe! Titanosaurs, Gigas, Carchas, etc are all prey to this immense monster of Kaiju-proportions!  If its huge size wasn't enough of a deterrent, evidently Tyrannotitan can also spew a beam of acid, instantly vaporizing the largest of creatures! Why the Overseer of this Ark wanted another colossal killing machine is beyond me?


Legends run amok on whether such a monster as Tyrannotitan can be tamed. Rumor has it a tribe in the distant past tamed Tyrannotitan to crush their foes, knocking it unconcious by firing rockets into its mouth as it was about to spew forth its deadly beam of bile! Interestingly, despite its appearance to a famous movie kaiju of Earth, Tyrannotitan can't cross deep water, lest it sinks like a rock and drowns within a minute! Tribes who take to sea can at least take peace in knowing they are safe from it! In terrestrial settings, NOTHING can counter this monster!


1. Bite: Tyrannotitan bites its target for 1000 damage (does x5 damage to Titans, Titanosaurs, Gigas, and Carchas)

2. Claw Attack: Tyrannotitan slashes twice, dealing a total of 800 damage, inflicting bleed!

3. Tail Slam: Tyrannotitan slams its tail to the ground, dealing 2000 damage and immense knock back.

4. Stomp: Tyrannotitan stomps the ground, dealing 500 damage and flattening any creature smaller than a Rex instantly!

5. Bile Beam: Tyrannotitan spews forth a stream of boiling hot acid from its mouth, doing a total of 50,000 damage if a target is caught in a full blast.


Prefered Food: Giga Hearts

Taming Method: The only way to tame Tyrannotitan is to fire RPGs into its mouth as it charges up its bile attack! 


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48 minutes ago, Gecko1611 said:

This is so ridiculously OP that it almost makes me think it's just a joke submission. We don't need or want more mega theropods. And we certainly don't want or need new mega theropods that try desperately to outmatch the last mega theropod added to the game. Carcharodontosaurus is at the end of the line and we all hope it stays that way.

Yes, it is a joke to make fun of all the giga killers that are winning

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On 8/6/2023 at 4:20 PM, AmanaTishala said:

FINALLY! The kaiju we've been waiting for! None of this "super-size my bug!" But a true godzilla monster to dominate us all! 


Couple of requests though: can its saddle have HUGE EXHAUST PIPES that spew noxious smoke?! And mud flaps with silhouettes of hot chicks on it? Maybe one of those "pee on [this]" stickers with a wide variety of options as to WHAT it's peeing on...maybe a giga or the word "realism" for example? 





Maybe for Extinction!

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On 8/9/2023 at 8:02 AM, BigDiddyZP said:

I think this submission could win if you added more size or better stats to the dino. Maybe add an attack that causes a mapwide explosion? I don't think it's worth trying to justify an early-game tame submission tbh

I was thinking of Mapusaurus as a counter to Tyrannotitan-we don't need any more herbivores-big killing machines FTW!

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FINALLY! The kaiju we've been waiting for! None of this "super-size my bug!" But a true godzilla monster to dominate us all! 


Couple of requests though: can its saddle have HUGE EXHAUST PIPES that spew noxious smoke?! And mud flaps with silhouettes of hot chicks on it? Maybe one of those "pee on [this]" stickers with a wide variety of options as to WHAT it's peeing on...maybe a giga or the word "realism" for example? 





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On 06/08/2023 at 02:49, Gecko1611 said:

Isso é tão ridiculamente OP que quase me faz pensar que é apenas uma apresentação de piada. Não precisamos ou queremos mais megaterópodes. E certamente não queremos ou precisamos de novos megaterópodes que tentam desesperadamente superar o último megaterópode adicionado ao jogo. Carcharodontosaurus está no fim da linha e todos esperamos que continue assim.

On the contrary we must have megateropodos not focused on pvp but on other utilities being some with the possibility of being peaceful, and not a godzilla wue kills everything he sees. So I really agree with you. 

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On 04/08/2023 at 23:06, RipperRex96 said:

Nome: Tyrannotitan colosso

Tempo: Cretáceo Médio

Dieta: Carnívora

Temperamento: Agressivo



A princípio, pensei que minhas viagens pela Arca haviam revelado que o Giganotosaurus e o Carcharadontosaurus eram os dois maiores predadores terrestres das Arcas, mas nessa Arca em particular eu estava totalmente errado. Elevando-se acima de ambos está o que eu acredito ser Tyrannotitan. Passando a maior parte do tempo dormindo, Tyrannotitan só se mexe quando sente fome. E acredite, nada é seguro! Titanossauros, Gigas, Carchas, etc, são todos presas desse imenso monstro de proporções Kaiju! Se seu tamanho enorme não fosse um impedimento suficiente, evidentemente Tyrannotitan também pode expelir um raio de ácido, vaporizando instantaneamente a maior das criaturas! Por que o Supervisor desta Arca queria outra máquina de matar colossal está além de mim?


Lendas correm loucamente para saber se um monstro como Tyrannotitan pode ser domado. Há rumores de que uma tribo no passado distante domou Tyrannotitan para esmagar seus inimigos, deixando-o inconsciente ao disparar foguetes em sua boca quando estava prestes a expelir seu mortal raio de bile! Curiosamente, apesar de sua aparição em um famoso filme kaiju da Terra, o Tyrannotitan não pode atravessar águas profundas, para não afundar como uma rocha e se afogar em um minuto! As tribos que vão para o mar podem pelo menos ficar em paz sabendo que estão a salvo dele! Em ambientes terrestres, NADA pode combater esse monstro!


1. Mordida: Tyrannotitan morde seu alvo causando 1000 de dano (causa x5 de dano a Titãs, Titanossauros, Gigas e Carchas)

2. Ataque de Garra: Tyrannotitan corta duas vezes, causando um total de 800 de dano, causando sangramento!

3. Tail Slam: Tyrannotitan bate sua cauda no chão, causando 2.000 de dano e imenso knock back.

4. Stomp: Tyrannotitan pisa no chão, causando 500 de dano e achatando qualquer criatura menor que um Rex instantaneamente!

5. Bile Beam: Tyrannotitan expele um fluxo de ácido fervente de sua boca, causando um total de 50.000 de dano se um alvo for atingido por uma explosão total.


Comida Preferida: Giga Hearts

Método de Domar: A única maneira de domar o Tyrannotitan é disparar RPGs em sua boca enquanto ele carrega seu ataque de bile! 


Bruh, not even to be a spinosaurid, and in fact we already have a lot of ops animals in the game, you want what Godzilla vs Mothra, I mean, Tyrannotitan vs Rgnyogntha 

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This is so ridiculously OP that it almost makes me think it's just a joke submission. We don't need or want more mega theropods. And we certainly don't want or need new mega theropods that try desperately to outmatch the last mega theropod added to the game. Carcharodontosaurus is at the end of the line and we all hope it stays that way.

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