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Bajadasaurus Dossier


Species: Bajadasaurus Aquamantisia




Bajadasaurus Aquamantisia is notorious for its extreme territorial behavior even to the most peaceful of creatures. Most apparent about the Bajadasaurus is that some have Sails along their neck While some have horns because of the species’ sexual dimorphism. When they're not busy running down another creature, bajadasaurus enjoy being in water spending most of their time there but travel back to the jungle when it starts to get dark out.

(extra info,not in dossier)

I have heard numerous stories of the infamous Bajadasaurus Aquamantisia suddenly attacking and causing great damage to villages. These creatures truly are the jack in the box! When they're not busy running down another creature, bajadasaurus enjoy being in water  spending most of their time there but travel back to the jungle when it starts to get dark out. Bajadasaurus are a perfect example of sexual dimorphism; the females are less aggressive and sport 2 neck sails that they flare to frighten oncoming attackers, while the males have an array of spines on their neck. They also release a pheromone that makes them more aggressive when they inflate their neck sac. While the females of the species rarely attack unless provoked first, the males of the species are the polar opposite and even pick fights with rival males or other creatures that get too close, even herbivores!



Because of their less aggressive manner, before attacking female Bajadasaurs will flare their sails but will not proceed to attack if you drop them some fiber, after a while hand-feed the female to gain her trust. Although i have seen a tamed Bajadasaurus male its owner did not want to say how one might time this valuable creature.

(extra info,not in dossier)

It is fairly common to see two bajadasaurus males fight and while they won't kill each other, they may leave each other incredibly wounded. However, as I have seen firsthand, this is the only way that one can attempt to befriend them because of their awful temperament. During A clash between two males you must help one outbest the other and after the losing male skitters off  the winning male will follow you, pondering if it needs to attack. At this time you want to feed it some medical brews to take care of those gnarly injuries. Females are much simpler to tame on the other hand, just drop them some fiber , but don’t get too close or they might become weary and attack. After a while they'll be okay with you hand feeding them.



Bajadasaurus specializes in gathering fiber and wood; however, they can crush even the hardest of stones. From quick feet to neck maneuverability, bajadasaurus are shockingly mobile for their size and become even more so after they've had a quick dip in some water. While a great mount to keep around , i'll have to continue to test how to mate bajadasaurs in captivity

(extra info,not in dossier)

An allied bajadasaur are excellent gatherers of fiber and wood, they can even crush the hardest of stones. These creatures are surprisingly mobile for their size and become even more so after they've had a quick dip in some water. During my studies, I've observed that these beasts simply refuse to mate while in captivity…I wonder what's their favored condition for mating.



-Can fit into the smaller boss arenas when using the toggle neck mode

- Excellent swimmer

-Saddle Will be placed under the head

-Large Oxygen Stat

-Larger than Amargasaurus but much smaller than the brontosaurus


-Shallow Sea water



-Always in groups of 3 (2 females and 1 male,or 1 female and 2 males)


Female-get close enough to where the female will flare its sails at you then drop it some fiber. At 50% taming you can now hand feed her the fiber and this will give more percentage than just dropping it to her

Male-while two males are fighting, help the male injure the other male that you do not want to tame. When it reaches 20% health it will run off. The winning male will then approach you before attacking if you do not have medical brews in your inventory.If you do have medical brews it will then lean its neck down to drink them.


-For some weird reason, tamed bajadasaurudae seem to only want to mate while they're in water. 

-If a bajadasaurus egg is hatched while in water the baby will be granted a permanent buff called “Water Birth” that works similar to imprinting and can be stacked with it. 

-However, be careful to not let the baby drown before the egg hatches!

Sexual dimorphism

-Females lack the neck horns but are adorned with sails that can flare out before they attack or when they feel threatened, when doing this they cause a fear effect by making themselves appear larger.

-Males lack the sails but instead have an array of horns protruding from the neck region. They also have a neck sac that can be inflated, causing the release of a pheromone that enrages the dino for a period of time.

Passive Abilities

-Pressure Dive: The deeper down in the bajadasaur goes the more damage it will do. from 1x at the surface to 1.5x at the lowest point in the ocean

-Accelerates slowly while running

-Hydration buff when in contact with water (similar to spino, increasing speed and damage)

-filled water containers in the inventory activates the hydration buff

-rain activates the hydration buff until it stops raining

-A toggle neck mode allowing the creature to lower its neck to dodge projectiles or fit into places it previously could not fit into.

-immobile turning


-Cannot harvest berries/seeds

-only eats fiber

-Great wood and fiber gatherer

-can also gather fiber from trees

-Organic polymer can be scraped from skin (similar to leedsichthys)

-drops organic polymer when harvested

-males can harvest rocks with neck spine sweep

-Females can harvest rocks with stomping tantrum


-runs away from a fight when at low health (similar to spino)

-at sunrise groups will leave jungles and go to rivers/lakes/shallow waters. At sunset groups will return back to the jungle

-in the wild it will attack anything thats gets too close to it unless it is bigger than the bajadasaur itself or just a very small creature (this includes herbivores)

-absolutely hates (tamed) amargasaurus and will always try to kill them

-in the wild Females will flare its sails at a creature coming too close, only if it comes even closer then the female will charge and attack the threat

-males just attack anything coming too close with no warning (unless bigger than itself or just too small)

-males may may get into fighting matches where they clash horns, not killing each other but the one with its health lowered to 20% first will run off

-males who just left a fight with each other will become more like the female in terms of aggression (stares down a creature coming too close, only if it comes even closer then the male will charge and attack the threat)


Left click-left/right foot stomp

Right click (Female)- Stomping Tantrum: Goes on hind legs then slams down

Right click (Male)- Neck Spine Sweep

Spacebar-Toggle Neck Mode: lowers neck down to shoulder level

C -Tail grab: Can grab small creatures and players (raptor and smaller)

     Right click (while creature in tail)- Downward tail bash

X -(female)- Bellow: sails flare out and causes a fear effect (similar to yuty) on smaller creatures and takes reduced amount of damage when attacked

X -(Male)- Bellow: Neck sac becomes inflated and causes a rage effect on the dino giving it boosted speed and damage output





Inspiration/idea Links

Gender dimorphism based on the differing view of how bajadasaurus actually looked-Bajadasaurus - Wikipedia

Aggression-Bull - Wikipedia

Territorial factor,Male Sparring-Goat - Wikipedia

Female flaring neck sails-Deception in animals - Wikipedia

Male inflatable neck sack-Gular skin - Wikipedia

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  • D4rkAzu changed the title to Bajadasaurus- Savage Sea Loving Sauropod
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  • D4rkAzu changed the title to Bajadasaurus - Savage Sea-Loving Sauropod
2 hours ago, Eclipsomations said:

I know their saurapods but would they be able to be taken to boss fights assuming their on the smaller end? Because I see alot of promise in the water birth aspect and would love a new boss killer that isn't just another rex army

Yes, using their toggle neck mode they can go from not being tail to just being long so yup they would be able to fit into boss arenas!

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  • D4rkAzu changed the title to Bajadasaurus - Savage Sea-Loving Sauropod (slight changes made)

I really like this creature, since i love Armagasaurus (but not a huge fan of the Ark version.

I could see this creature also having water abilities, with a water neck sac, that you have to replentish in water.

Males and females could have different effect and each could have three "modes" each:


  • Male:
  1. Scald: a jet of water that can cause the scald status, on allies can unfreeze and warm creatures
  2. Chill: a jet of water that can chill enemies and eventually freeze them. On allies can remove fire effects and chill creatures
  3. Ionize: a jet of ionized water that cause the electrified status. Slightly boost allies by reducing the cooldown of some abilities
  • Female:
  1. Mist: Click to create a cloud of mist around her, allies become invisible for a time so wild dinos don't attack you. if you attack while invisible or if other players attack you, they take less damage. Hold to launch a cloud of mist at a target, boosting health regeneration of allies, triggering hydration bonus for  allied creatures that has it, and negative status are removed quicker.
  2. Pressurized water: click to launch a high pressure blade of water that push back enemies and cause bleed. Or hold to create a high pressure explosion around you that push back enemies and stun them.
  3. Fog: Similar to Sandstorm and poison enemies. Also boost slightly the attacks of the male (Ionize boost more allies and electrified status cause more torpor, chill freeze enemies quicker and boost allies defense and scald cause also the enflammed status).


The capacity of the water sac can increase with the Oxygen stat or may be Stamina stat

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