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I really like this design, mainly because it gives me nostalgia for Secret of Nimh, but also because it’s such a funky concept. Anything glowly, creepy, swampy, stalkeresque, or toxic could fit this map well and I’m glad the top voted ones here seem to be fitting that theme quite well.


PS: I love your American cheetah design and was really sad to see it lose out on rag as I dreamed of how fun it would be to zoom on it over those rolling hills, however I don’t think ab would be the best for it. It wouldn’t make good use of its beautiful skills, I’ll still vote for it regardless as it deserves to be in game, but if it doesn’t get in this time please don’t lose hope! Please resubmit for genesis part 2 as I believe that’s where it would really thrive due to that maps massive terrain. Keep up the great work! This whole creature submission voting thing has truly made me have even more love for this community as we are all so creative! One of the many reasons I am also looking forward to console mods, as I want to explore all the new maps ❤️

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10.06.2023 в 14:57, PomPrincess сказал:

Я всегда хотел, чтобы кетц был больше похож на аналог из реального мира. Они были вершинами небес, ужасом для любого существа меньше их.

Мне нравится ваше предложение, и я хотел бы увидеть их в игре.


On 08.07.2023 at 03:46, Shockal said:


Насколько мне известно, в этом искривленном биолюминесцентном КОВЧЕГЕ не обитают Птицы Ужаса. Так что, предположительно, именно их отсутствие заставило Ornimegalonyx affinis эволюционировать вместо них. Но не стоит воспринимать этот факт с облегчением, поскольку эта огромная нелетающая сова слишком уж идеально подходит для этой ниши.

Как и у всех сов, его зрение безупречно; он может обнаружить самый слабый след в самых темных глубинах. На самом деле, его сетчатка, по-видимому, способна излучать заряженный свет, что еще больше укрепляет его зрение. И не обманывайтесь его нелетающим характером, потому что это чертовски сильный спортсмен. Их мощные ноги позволяют им отскакивать от стен и даже от спин больших существ, чтобы достичь больших высот.

одомашненный орнимегалоникс, вероятно, является одним из лучших разведчиков, которых может предложить эта затонувшая экосистема. Его огромные глаза отлично подходят для обнаружения опасности, и хотя с его ловкостью может быть трудно справиться, однажды освоив ее, выжившие смогут творчески использовать местность, чтобы продвигаться вперед. Конечно, ее подвижность все еще бледнеет по сравнению с гораздо более крупным пернатым высшим хищником этой экосистемы, но, тем не менее, я возьму сову ни за что.



The Ornimegalonyx is designed to be a scout's best friend. With its telescope-like vision, it can detect various obstacles and threats from miles away, and its proficiency in doing so is buffed if the player has a spyglass, magnifying glass, or similar item on hand. With the ability to wall-jump, dash, parachute, produce charge light, and mark targets for all tribemates to see, it is an invaluable mount for both exploring the darkness and tracking down your foes.



[Melee/Pistol Whip] Shrewd Eyes:


The Ornimegalonyx perches itself down and widens its eyes. This enhances the rider’s POV with night vision, alongside the option to flexibly zoom-in and out.

The zoom-in range is practically infinite, and will extend the rider’s render distance as it goes further. Theoretically, you could spy on the Rock Drake nest while still being inside the fertile zone! Zooming in will also allow the rider to hear noises from far away.

The downside to this ability is that the Ornimegalonyx will create a spotlight at whatever it stares at. So while it’s great for scouting from any distance, anyone that’s being spied on will know they’re being spied on.

Using a Spyglass, Magnifying Glass, or Electronic Binoculars while this ability is active will enhance this zoom-in feature with their features, like their ability to identify level or torpor.


[Crouch] Toggleable - Charge Light Retinas:


The Ornimegalonyx toggles its retinas to produce Charge Light, lighting up a cone-shaped area in front of its head, like car lights. This slowly drains stamina.

While active, anything within the “car lights” of the Ornimegalonyx are highlighted, which includes hidden creatures (including invisible ones), explorer notes, traps, and lvl150 creatures. Additionally, just like the light of a glow pet, this scares Nameless, as well as removes their resistances alongside Reapers.

This ability works while using its [Melee/Pistol Whip] ability, Shrewd Eyes, allowing the Ornimegalonyx to detect said objects from a limitless distance away, as well as dousing Nameless and Reapers in charge light; but only if they are within in the AoE of its aforementioned spotlight.

[Mouse1] - Bite/Blinding Flash:


Any target bitten by the Ornimegalonyx will have their silhouette revealed and visible behind structures and walls for a long duration - no hiding!

Holding Bite will instead charge up a flash attack. Release it for a similar effect to a flash bomb.


[Mouse2] - Aerial Dash / Slow Descent


Quickly tap [Mouse2] while midair to dash in the direction you are facing. The dash is very brief, and can only be used once until you make contact with the ground again.

Any sufficiently small creature the Ornimegalonyx makes a direct hit on while dashing will be pounced on. If a larger creature is hit instead, the Ornimegalonyx will bounce off their back and greatly rebound into the air, effectively becoming a sort of big “double” jump; this also refreshes the ability’s cooldown and lets you do an Aerial Dash one more time.

Hold [Mouse2] to glide like a Rock Drake, but only for a few seconds before going on a cooldown.


[Spacebar] - Wall Jump:


Tapping [Spacebar] will make the Ornimegalonyx jump. However, by holding down [Spacebar], the Ornimegalonyx will charge up a larger jump. 

When the Ornimegalonyx is airborne, the player can once again tap [SPACEBAR] within close proximity of a wall to rebound off that wall in the opposite direction, therefore achieving a wall jump. The direction of the wall jump can be slightly angled with the player’s FOV.

Additionally, the player can hold [Spacebar] against the wall for an even greater wall jump. A fully-charged wall jump covers twice the distance of a fully-charged grounded jump.

Wall jumping will refresh an Aerial Dash.


How to tame Ornimegalonyx:


Wild Ornimegalonyx live in the less-populated areas of the fertile zone. They can also be found alongside the fringes of the bioluminescent marshes. They are often in their Shrewd Eyes form, spying for nearby prey like a terrifying living spotlight. They have a particularly developed taste for light pets.

Purposefully walk into the spotlight of an Ornimegalonyx, then throw your light pet off your shoulder. The Ornimegalonyx will lock onto the light pet and gobble it up. The higher the level of the sacrifice, the quicker the taming bar will commence. Take caution to make sure it targets the pet and not you.

Ornimegalonyx are quite fragile creatures. Do your best to lure it away from more powerful threats.


On an unrelated note...


Возможно, вы узнаете мое имя или мои работы. Если да, то вы, вероятно, знаете меня как человека, представившего Miracinonyx (американский гепард).

Изначально у меня не было планов повторно представить Miracinonyx после того, как закончилось голосование Ragnarok, и поэтому заранее разработал Ornimegalonyx для Aberration. Тем не менее, я был шокирован, увидев, что Мирациноникс оказался на втором месте по количеству голосов, поэтому я также подготовил редизайн Аберрации (визуальные эффекты+способности) для Мирациноникса (да, очевидно, правила позволяют пользователям подавать  несколько заявок) .

Для тех, кто все еще интересуется Miracinonyx, не стесняйтесь взглянуть.


Спасибо за чтение, и  не стесняйтесь оставлять любые предложения.
Я более чем счастлив включить отзывы, так что продолжайте и комментируйте любые дикие идеи, которые у вас могут возникнуть.


this owl is amazing, I hope she wins because it looks very cool

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  • Shockal changed the title to Ornimegalonyx, the Giant Flightless Owl


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