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Acrocanthosaurus - The boss shredder



Wild - Acrocanthosaurus is one of the largest therapods ever, almost reaching the size of rexes. They're known to walk around wherever prey exist, hunting primarily sauropods and other large prey, hunting for big game with their serated teeth that they use to bleed out their target rather than using brute force. Sometimes they even group up in groups of 2-3 to have an easier time hunting strong prey. A single kill can keep them fed for weeks, so they will usually be seen lazing around in the sun, unbothered by our presence - so long as we keep quiet and don't point any weapons at them. 

Domesticated - People have used their tendencies to laze around when full to their advantage. By feeding them something big - usually a bronto or diplo, they will start trusting you and lay down. When they're on the ground, you can feed the huge lizard kibble or petting it. However, if you stay too close for it for too long it will get annoyed and start attacking again. A tamed acrocanthosaurus is a valuable member of any hunting party, being able to carry up to 6 people on its back plus a rider, and its bleeding bite being fatal enough to fell even the largest of sauropods. I've even heard tales of people using packs of acros to take down titanosaurs! 


Okay, that's the dossier done! Just want to talk a bit about this suggestion before diving into its abilities. I know that one of the most popular mods rn has an acro, and I don't mean to steal it, I just really like acros and I think it looks cool. So I'm giving it a completely different role from the ark additions acro to distinguish them. Anyways, onto the abilities.

LMB: Bite - A simple bite. Deals bleed that works even on bosses
RMB: Ripping bite - Rips a chunk of meat from the creature hit, dealing massive bleed and damage, but takes stamina to use.
C - Roar, just cool, no special effect

Temperament - Normally neutral/territorial, aggressive against big herbivores except for the titanosaur. Will turn aggressive against players that come too close to it, or if any player stay near it too long while it's being lazy, but will quickly loose interest if the player escapes. Will lay down on the ground after eating any large herbivore.

Taming - You must first feed it a large herbivore, the size and level of the creature will determine how much taming progress you will already have made. After feeding it the creature, it will lay down, giving you the chance either feed it kibble or pet it, depending on what it requests (the kibble will give more progress). If you stay around it for too long it will wake up again and start attacking. This won't remove any taming progress, but will lower the taming efficiency.

Role - I imagine these as kind of a larger deinonychus, having pretty much the same role but different. Think of if you combined a diplo and a deino. Most people will just use it for bosses, being a good alternative to rexes, with less health and base damage, but having the bleed effect that works like the deinonychuses. Obviously, the deinonychus won't be completely overshadowed, as they're still more mobile, smaller and have pack bonus. As for the diplo thing, I imagine it'd be able to carry 6 people plus a rider, 3 on each side of the spine, so it could work as good ground transportation. 

(Images from google, thanks google!)

Acrocanthosaurus – Moab Giants


Edited by IskOsc
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