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From the brilliant mind behind the Rhyniognatha, Zichfried, here comes...


The largest flyer ever discovered.




Ragnarok, an awesome viking-themed map where a lot of us started our adventure and fell in love with the game.

As a very special place, I think it deserves a very special creature!








Dossier transcription, in case you want to translate it:


Your first encounter with this creature is like witnessing a giant plane for the first time when you are a child. Simply breathtaking. The Northern Lights trace left by the Cryodrakon while flying also makes a magical vibe, like a norse deity passing by. You don’t want to enter its territory. That’d unleash its rage. Believe it or not, it can carry literally any creature with its beak or its talons, even other flyiers. That’s how huge and strong this bird is. The largest I’ve ever seen.


These literal planes are your best friends when it comes down to carry and gather resources. Their insane strenght allows them to ignore the weight of anything you put in their inventory and its platform. They also ignore the weight of any creatures they carry around, and anything those creatures have in its own inventory. Despite their size, they are surprinsgly as fast as a Wyvern. As crazy as it sounds, Cryodrakon also has a set of devastating ice abilities! From freezing enemies around to death to protecting all nearby allies from any kind of weather. If you bring a Snowl Owl it can expand and speed up its healing ability. It can also buff your nearby Managarmrs and Ice Wyverns!




As the largest flyer discovered in the world and as a creature that lived in frozen zones, I think it brings a lot to play around so set the skills it could have. I also had in mind the Ragnarok map and some interactions with other creatures already in the game. Also, I know it wasn't that big in real life, though let's take some freedom to make it epic!



Weight Nullification

Cryodrakon doesn't have a Weight Stat as it ignores the weight of anything in its inventory, but It's still limited to 300 inventory slots. It also ignores the weight of any creature, player or structure it carries or it has in its back or platform. This makes it perfect for farming, specially with a Rhyniognatha carrying vaults and creatures around. This makes it a good and non-temporary alternative for the Desert Titan, with less life and damage than a Titan, though.




Ultimate Carrier

It can carry any creature, including flyers, Alphas and Tek Skiffs (these ones would get turned off when carried). It doesn't matter the drag weight or size. This could exclude, bosses, Titanousaurs, Death Worms, Astrocetus and aquatic creatures. Also, Cryodrakon is the only creature with a platform where other creatures with platforms can be on. While on the ground, it can carry creatures with its huge beak. While flying, it would carry them with its huge talons. If flying, it can attack any creature it grabbed with its beack, inflicting serious damage. Managarms and Rhyniognathas are the only exceptions it can't carry.



Ice Powers

I know this is reaching a fantasy design, though we already have real world creatures with elemental powers in the game such as the Amargasaurus and Liopleurodon. Not to mention fantasy creatures as Wyverns, Managarms, Snow Owls and the Ice Titan. I think it's okay to give Cryodrakon some ice abilities that also fit the creature and the map!

These would be two area abilities that can be activated both while on the ground or while flying. The first one freezes all enemies around a certain area as long as you keep the abilitie active, similar to a Snow Owl. This requires energy. While frozen, enemies take a great amount of damage because of the low temperature. Wild Cryodrakons tend to use this one to trap their preys before grabbing them and eating them.

The second one passively protects all allied players in a big area from weather and temperature. This includes both ice and heat. This works even near to Magmasaurs, lava and inside metal structures in desert biomes and maps, such as Ragnarok and Scorched Earth.

Cryodrakon also has passive buffs for nearby ice-related creatures such as Managarms and Ice Wyverns. They get a damage buff, incoming damage reduction, and their range of ice attacks is increased. Ice Wyvern breath also can finally freeze enemies. Amargasaurus can only use ice spikes, but they explode and reload pretty faster. Ice Golems get even more damage reduction. The cherry of the cake is the passive buff for nearby Snow Owls. Their healing skill greatly increases its range and speed in order to heal large groups, faster. Cryodrakon can move while frozen.

As it could be expected, nearby fire-related creatures such as Fire Wyverns, Phoenixes and Magmasaurs get more incoming damage than normal and their own damage is decreased. This would also apply to every cold-blooded creature in the game such as reptiles, though I don't know if it's possible to add a whole system or a new creature temperature property in order to make it work.




Natural Fridge

Eggs can't incubate with a nearby Cryodrakon but their health doesn't decrease. Ice Wyvern and Cryodrakon eggs are the exception for this. Spoil timers for items in its inventory and its rider's inventory are multiplied x200. This works even with items that can't be put in a fridge. In the case of Organic Polymer, Cryodakon's inventory slowly turns it into Frozen Organic Polymer, which never spoils and can be stored in a Tek Dedicated Storage.  It freezes water from Canteens and similar items like a fridge. Cryopods timers in its inventory and its rider's inventory simply stop.


Penguin's Nightmare

 It's also a great organic polymer farmer, and Kairukus are (lore-wise) its favorite food.


Northern Lights

Not properly a set of abilities, but visual effects. Cryodrakon has an animated norhtern lights pattern in its wings, and it leaves a literal northern lights trace while flying. I think seeing this magnificent creature passing with that effect would fit the viking/nordic theme from Ragnarok in a beautiful way. In adition, it could splash snow and ice particles when taking off and when landing, leaving the zone as if it was snowing for a few seconds. If possible, it can visually freeze water if it flies close enough to it (though it will dismount you if you touch water.)



In order to make it worth it, its speed is 75% the speed of a Wyvern. It can inflict serious amounts of damage with its meelee attacks and its freezing ability. As huge as this creature is, its health pool would also be very large. As mentioned before, it doesn't have a weight stat.





Taming a Cryodrakon is not an easy task and it requires to domain the sky and its creatures. Wild ones are always flying at insanely high heights, so they must be tamed in the air. This will require for you to bring your best flyer creatures as an offering in a dangerous passive taming. You must be cautious as it will get angry if you get close, though you must do it. It will ask for different air (and bird-themed) creatures you must bring to it. The Cryodrakon will grabb them and then it will attack it until it kills it to eat it. The tamming effectiveness and progress will depend entirely in the level, being any wild max level or above breed creature the best option. It can grab them even if you are mounted on them, though it's recommended to dismount them before offering them.

Some of the creatures it will ask for are:

- Wyvern (Fire, Ice, Poison, Lightning)
- Quetzal
- Lymantria
- Tapejara
- Argentavis
- Kairuku
- Pelagornis
- Ichthyornis
- Pteranodon

- Griffin
- Onyc
- Mantis

- Vulture
- Archaeopteryx
- Dimorphodon

It would most likely ask for rideable creatures and Kairukus.

Once the taming process has started, there must be at least one player in the air close to the Cryodrakon or the taming progress and effectiveness will drop to 0. This can be achieved by mounting aerial creatures, with a Tek Chesplate, shoulder creatures such as Archaeopteryx or Sinomacrops, Parachutes, Glider Suit Skins, and any method that keeps you in the air the whole process. It doesn't matter if a player returns to the ground as long as there is at least a player from their same tribe still in the air, so it could be a good idea to tame this mighty beast with a friend that can bring the required creature.

For map reasons, it wouldn't ask for creatures nor present in Ragnarok, or at least creatures not present in ARK: Survival Ascended a its time of release. Once more maps are released, it could ask for them. For the mental health of every player of this game, it won't ask for Phoenixes or Rhyniognathas and it won't ask for the same creature twice.

Once you fulfilled the required list of creatures, it will allow you and your tribe to mount get on its back (not mounting it, just to be on its back). This place will be insanely cold. Even much worse than the Murder Murder Snow biome from Ragnarok itself. If you survive a determined amount of time without dying because of the cold, it will respect you and the Cryodrakon will be yours. You can recur to Fur Armor, an Otter, Soups, etc. in order to achieve this.





Cryodrakon can be bred, though it will require a set of conditions. The first one is to be in an extremely cold place, such as the Murder Murder Snow biome from Ragnarok. Once there, both Cryodrakons must be frozen while mating. This can be achieved with Snow Owls, Managarms, Amargasaurus and Ice Wyverns (the former one, can freeze thanks to the Cryodrakon's passive buff). As most of these creatures are from maps not yet available on ARK: Survival Ascended, Ice Wyvern seems to be the only option, giving them a new good reason to tame them! Cryodrakon eggs can only be incubated with a nearby Cryodrakon. Egg IncubatorsAir Conditioners and temperature creatures such as Otters and Dimetrodons couldn't be cold enough.




I know most saddles from the game are most primitive-themed, specially the most reent ones. Though we have some tech saddles such as those seen with the Tapejara, Andrewsuchus, Magmasaur and even the Snow Owl. So I think in order to make you the king of the sky with a plane-sized bird, you must make it with style. This is why I thought about a saddle inspired by a B-2 Spirit Bomber. This would be similar to a Tapejara Saddle, and it would require a largue amount of Gasoline in order to work. It would increase the Cryodrakon's speed to transport resources or to fight. It would be as fast as a Wyvern thanks to the pair of jet engines attached to it.

To fulfill the B-2 Spirit Bomber theme, the saddle would allow the ice ability to be aimed at a long range. This means you could freeze enemies in the zone you aim instead of around you while the saddle is equiped. This would mean your Cryodrakon turns into an ice bomber! The effect would apply even if the enemies are inside a wall, forcing them to move if they don't want to die beause of the ice.




It would algo be cool to add a pair of machine guns on each wing of the saddle, which obviously need ammo. It would have the damage a Heavy Turret has.

It also has a platform to allow Vaults to be built on the Cryodrakon, making farming easier along with a Rhyniognatha. Even if the Cryodrakon is much larger than a Quetzal, the platform would be around the same size of the Quetzal's one and it could only allow storage structures to be built on it.

Though I know the weapons and the jet engines couldn't make it into the game, I hope the B-2 Spirit Bomber saddle and the ranged ice bombing skill make it into the game! D;




And this is my submission for the new community voting, I hope you liked it! I tried to get the perfect creature to fit in this awesome and epic map. I also loved the interaction it could have with ice creatures and the recently added Rhyniognatha!

If you liked it, please vote up! And if you have some idea or suggestion, don't doubt in comment it!




This next section was my original idea but I moved it to the bottom and added Zichfrie's idea because It was way cooler then mine

Cryodrakon Boreas

The Cold Dragon





This gigantic predatory bird circling high above is a terrifying sight for even the mightiest of predators. While similar to Quetzalcoatlus it is fundamentally different as while Quetzalcoatlus is typically used for transportation, Cryodrakon is meant for combat. In appearance Cryodrakon is not too dissimilar to Quetzal it is roughly the same size although appears much taller due to its poster (Size not Final). Cryodrakon displays heavy sexual dimorphism in its coloration. In the wild Males display bright patches of blues and reds on their crests and neck. While females are less colorful and lack the head crest of the males


With its more robust and heavier build Cryodrakon is capable of delivering heavy attacks by leverging its weight. Its long beak is especially dangerous and it could pierce through thick hides and even cause fatal injuries. While its wings and legs are less impressive the beak and overall weight would make up for the general lack of offensive weaponry. 


Cryodrakon is protected by a thick coat of fur like pycnofibres, effectively reducing the damage Cryodrakon takes from direct attacks, However that is not Cryodrakon’s only defense. Due to their cold environment their blood has special adaptations. When a creature takes a bite out of Cryodrakon its blood will start to slow down that creature, to the point of near freezing. Cryodrakon’s blood also makes it immune to bleeding and gash wounds


Cryodrakon would have 2 different ways of attacking, on the ground and in the air.

The ground mode is simple, While on the ground Cryodrakon walks on all 4 with its arms and legs close together, allowing it to turn very easily on ground. Cryodrakon uses its beak to pierce  and cause bleeding, and perhaps other debuffs (say hitting it in the eye blinds the creature) (Ore repeated stabs could build up a freeze meter). Its bite would be an effective weapon against smaller creatures as Cryodrakon could swallow small creatures whole, perhaps gaining a buff.


In the air Cryodrakon can toggle a hovering mode (button press) that keeps it at a determined altitude just high enough so most creatures would be completely unable to hit it. (say a rex couldn’t but a bronto or giga could) In its hovering mode the Cryodrakon can still move normally (forward and also side to side) albeit slower. In this mode the camera changes to almost 1st person and the rider would then be able to control exactly where the Cryodrakon attacks with its beak. (Figure 2) and finally Cryodrakon’s most fatal attack, Cryodrakon flies straight towards and lands directly on a creature, pinning it to the ground. This attack would have two variations, the “Utility version ” where the Cryodrakon is not moving or is moving slow, in which case the attack wouldn’t do very much damage, or none at all. And its stronger version used while sprinting in air, this would do very significant damage, in relation to the size of the creature or its health and taking off a big chunk. Both of these would then pin the creature to the ground unable to get up and the Cryodrakon could repeatedly stab the creature with its beak. Alternatively, Dismounting while a creature is pinned, the Cryodrakon will remain on top of the creature and not attack, effectively rendering that creature unable to move or attack, allowing you an easy tame (Figure 1)


In terms of speed Cryodrakon is not the fastest, falling slightly behind a wyvern but still fast enough to not be a complete drag to get from one point in the map to another. Cryodrakon would also be unable to carry any creature due to its more offensive build.

(please mind my lack of art skills)

(Figure 1)Figure 1

(Figure 2)image.png.a4e82d88d2dfa8616f473e7f05d71d37.png

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28 replies to this server topic

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12 hours ago, Dankasaur said:

My original idea was more ground in reality however, I love your idea Zichfried, its more magical and I think that's an even better for Ragnarok. I could care less if my version made it in or not cause I just want to see this big birb get into the game. Ill add your post before my original one because I do really like it (if you don't mind). Ill of course make sure to credit you.

(Also a quick note, the idea to have northern lights on the wings is just perfect I just had to include it into my dossier)

Thank you so much Dankasaur, you are awesome! I'm glad you liked it, I hope we can get Cryodrakon into the game!

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14 hours ago, Kaimen said:

I love this furry pterosaur. I would absolutely love to see it on a map with colder areas, fjordur especially as it's one of the coldest with its special realm. 

I do not, however, like the idea of it being dramatically oversized like the rhynio was. This was a large pterosaur, but certainly not large enough to dwarf a bronto. I would maybe see it justifiable if it was solely a carrier and weight reducer with no damaging abilities. I'm neutral about the insulation ability. Useful in the cold where it should soawn I guess. At MOST, it being able to freeze dinos around them without inflicting damage to get away with their load seems reasonable. I don't think it should be able to heal itself or other dinos, because then the Snow Owl is deemed obsolete. 

Overall this creature has some cool ideas though and I'd love a visually appealing pterosaur (because let's face it, the ptero and quetz aren't the prettiest of dinos lol). Endgame quetzal for thr win!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm very glad you liked it! Yeah, I also think it fits cold themed maps such as Ragnarok and Fjordur, as both are viking/nordic-themed  and both of them have big snowy zones! At the end, Wildcard will decide what is kept and what not! Maybe they could change the unlimited weight mechanic into simply a lot of weight, I don't know. In the other hand, I'm okay if they rework or remove the proposed abilities! I just want to explain the proposal of Cryodrakon doens't heal, it makes nearby Snow Owls to heal faster and at a larger range! It doesn't try to replace other creatures, but buff them! Let's hope it makes it into the top 10!

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The Cryodrakon is quite literally an organic fighter Jet. The Cryodrakon is able to insulate all of its riders with 3 spots on the War Saddle (Normal Saddle) and insulates all its riders on a platform saddle. The Cryodrakon can also dive bomb and latch onto cliffs on its normal saddle the 3 spots are the controller, gunner, and bomber.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 221718.png

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From the creator of the Rhyniognatha, here comes....


The largest flyer ever discovered.




Ragnarok, an awesome viking-themed map where a lot of us started our adventure and fell in love with the game.

As a very special place, I think it deserves a very special creature!








Dossier transcription, in case you want to translate it:


Your first encounter with this creature is like witnessing a giant plane for the first time when you are a child. Simply breathtaking. The Northern Lights trace left by the Cryodrakon while flying also makes a magical vibe, like a norse deity passing by. You don’t want to enter its territory. That’d unleash its rage. Believe it or not, it can carry literally any creature with its beak or its talons, even other flyiers. That’s how huge and strong this bird is. The largest I’ve ever seen.


These literal planes are your best friends when it comes down to carry and gather resources. Their insane strenght allows them to ignore the weight of anything you put in their inventory and its platform. They also ignore the weight of any creatures they carry around, and anything those creatures have in its own inventory. Despite their size, they are surprinsgly as fast as a Wyvern. As crazy as it sounds, Cryodrakon also has a set of devastating ice abilities! From freezing enemies around to death to protecting all nearby allies from any kind of weather. If you bring a Snowl Owl it can expand and speed up its healing ability. It can also buff your nearby Managarmrs and Ice Wyverns!




As the largest flyer discovered in the world and as a creature that lived in frozen zones, I think it brings a lot to play around so set the skills it could have. I also had in mind the Ragnarok map and some interactions with other creatures already in the game. Also, I know it wasn't that big in real life, though let's take some freedom to make it epic!



Weight Nullification

Cryodrakon doesn't have a Weight Stat as it ignores the weight of anything in its inventory, but It's still limited to 300 inventory slots. It also ignores the weight of any creature, player or structure it carries or it has in its back or platform. This makes it perfect for farming, specially with a Rhyniognatha carrying vaults and creatures around. This makes it a good and non-temporary alternative for the Desert Titan, with less life and damage than a Titan, though.




Ultimate Carrier

It can carry any creature, including flyers, Alphas and Tek Skiffs (these ones would get turned off when carried). It doesn't matter the drag weight or size. This could exclude, bosses, Titanousaurs, Death Worms, Astrocetus and aquatic creatures. Also, Cryodrakon is the only creature with a platform where other creatures with platforms can be on. While on the ground, it can carry creatures with its huge beak. While flying, it would carry them with its huge talons. If flying, it can attack any creature it grabbed with its beack, inflicting serious damage. Managarms and Rhyniognathas are the only exceptions it can't carry.



Ice Powers

I know this is reaching a fantasy design, though we already have real world creatures with elemental powers in the game such as the Amargasaurus and Liopleurodon. Not to mention fantasy creatures as Wyverns, Managarms, Snow Owls and the Ice Titan. I think it's okay to give Cryodrakon some ice abilities that also fit the creature and the map!

These would be two area abilities that can be activated both while on the ground or while flying. The first one freezes all enemies around a certain area as long as you keep the abilitie active, similar to a Snow Owl. This requires energy. While frozen, enemies take a great amount of damage because of the low temperature. Wild Cryodrakons tend to use this one to trap their preys before grabbing them and eating them.

The second one passively protects all allied players in a big area from weather and temperature. This includes both ice and heat. This works even near to Magmasaurs, lava and inside metal structures in desert biomes and maps, such as Ragnarok and Scorched Earth.

Cryodrakon also has passive buffs for nearby ice-related creatures such as Managarms and Ice Wyverns. They get a damage buff, incoming damage reduction, and their range of ice attacks is increased. Ice Wyvern breath also can finally freeze enemies. Amargasaurus can only use ice spikes, but they explode and reload pretty faster. Ice Golems get even more damage reduction. The cherry of the cake is the passive buff for nearby Snow Owls. Their healing skill greatly increases its range and speed in order to heal large groups, faster. Cryodrakon can move while frozen.

As it could be expected, nearby fire-related creatures such as Fire Wyverns, Phoenixes and Magmasaurs get more incoming damage than normal and their own damage is decreased. This would also apply to every cold-blooded creature in the game such as reptiles, though I don't know if it's possible to add a whole system or a new creature temperature property in order to make it work.




Natural Fridge

Eggs can't incubate with a nearby Cryodrakon but their health doesn't decrease. Ice Wyvern and Cryodrakon eggs are the exception for this. Spoil timers for items in its inventory and its rider's inventory are multiplied x200. This works even with items that can't be put in a fridge. In the case of Organic Polymer, Cryodakon's inventory slowly turns it into Frozen Organic Polymer, which never spoils and can be stored in a Tek Dedicated Storage.  It freezes water from Canteens and similar items like a fridge. Cryopods timers in its inventory and its rider's inventory simply stop.


Penguin's Nightmare

 It's also a great organic polymer farmer, and Kairukus are (lore-wise) its favorite food.


Northern Lights

Not properly a set of abilities, but visual effects. Cryodrakon has an animated norhtern lights pattern in its wings, and it leaves a literal northern lights trace while flying. I think seeing this magnificent creature passing with that effect would fit the viking/nordic theme from Ragnarok in a beautiful way. In adition, it could splash snow and ice particles when taking off and when landing, leaving the zone as if it was snowing for a few seconds. If possible, it can visually freeze water if it flies close enough to it (though it will dismount you if you touch water.)



In order to make it worth it, its speed is 75% the speed of a Wyvern. It can inflict serious amounts of damage with its meelee attacks and its freezing ability. As huge as this creature is, its health pool would also be very large. As mentioned before, it doesn't have a weight stat.





Taming a Cryodrakon is not an easy task and it requires to domain the sky and its creatures. Wild ones are always flying at insanely high heights, so they must be tamed in the air. This will require for you to bring your best flyer creatures as an offering in a dangerous passive taming. You must be cautious as it will get angry if you get close, though you must do it. It will ask for different air (and bird-themed) creatures you must bring to it. The Cryodrakon will grabb them and then it will attack it until it kills it to eat it. The tamming effectiveness and progress will depend entirely in the level, being any wild max level or above breed creature the best option. It can grab them even if you are mounted on them, though it's recommended to dismount them before offering them.

Some of the creatures it will ask for are:

- Wyvern (Fire, Ice, Poison, Lightning)
- Quetzal
- Lymantria
- Tapejara
- Argentavis
- Kairuku
- Pelagornis
- Ichthyornis
- Pteranodon

- Griffin
- Onyc
- Mantis

- Vulture
- Archaeopteryx
- Dimorphodon

It would most likely ask for rideable creatures and Kairukus.

Once the taming process has started, there must be at least one player in the air close to the Cryodrakon or the taming progress and effectiveness will drop to 0. This can be achieved by mounting aerial creatures, with a Tek Chesplate, shoulder creatures such as Archaeopteryx or Sinomacrops, Parachutes, Glider Suit Skins, and any method that keeps you in the air the whole process. It doesn't matter if a player returns to the ground as long as there is at least a player from their same tribe still in the air, so it could be a good idea to tame this mighty beast with a friend that can bring the required creature.

For map reasons, it wouldn't ask for creatures nor present in Ragnarok, or at least creatures not present in ARK: Survival Ascended a its time of release. Once more maps are released, it could ask for them. For the mental health of every player of this game, it won't ask for Phoenixes or Rhyniognathas and it won't ask for the same creature twice.

Once you fulfilled the required list of creatures, it will allow you and your tribe to mount get on its back (not mounting it, just to be on its back). This place will be insanely cold. Even much worse than the Murder Murder Snow biome from Ragnarok itself. If you survive a determined amount of time without dying because of the cold, it will respect you and the Cryodrakon will be yours. You can recur to Fur Armor, an Otter, Soups, etc. in order to achieve this.





Cryodrakon can be bred, though it will require a set of conditions. The first one is to be in an extremely cold place, such as the Murder Murder Snow biome from Ragnarok. Once there, both Cryodrakons must be frozen while mating. This can be achieved with Snow Owls, Managarms, Amargasaurus and Ice Wyverns (the former one, can freeze thanks to the Cryodrakon's passive buff). As most of these creatures are from maps not yet available on ARK: Survival Ascended, Ice Wyvern seems to be the only option, giving them a new good reason to tame them! Cryodrakon eggs can only be incubated with a nearby Cryodrakon. Egg IncubatorsAir Conditioners and temperature creatures such as Otters and Dimetrodons couldn't be cold enough.




I know most saddles from the game are most primitive-themed, specially the most reent ones. Though we have some tech saddles such as those seen with the Tapejara, Andrewsuchus, Magmasaur and even the Snow Owl. So I think in order to make you the king of the sky with a plane-sized bird, you must make it with style. This is why I thought about a saddle inspired by a B-2 Spirit Bomber. This would be similar to a Tapejara Saddle, and it would require a largue amount of Gasoline in order to work. It would increase the Cryodrakon's speed to transport resources or to fight. It would be as fast as a Wyvern thanks to the pair of jet engines attached to it.

To fulfill the B-2 Spirit Bomber theme, the saddle would allow the ice ability to be aimed at a long range. This means you could freeze enemies in the zone you aim instead of around you while the saddle is equiped. This would mean your Cryodrakon turns into an ice bomber! The effect would apply even if the enemies are inside a wall, forcing them to move if they don't want to die beause of the ice.




It would algo be cool to add a pair of machine guns on each wing of the saddle, which obviously need ammo. It would have the damage a Heavy Turret has.

It also has a platform to allow Vaults to be built on the Cryodrakon, making farming easier along with a Rhyniognatha. Even if the Cryodrakon is much larger than a Quetzal, the platform would be around the same size of the Quetzal's one and it could only allow storage structures to be built on it.

Though I know the weapons and the jet engines couldn't make it into the game, I hope the B-2 Spirit Bomber saddle and the ranged ice bombing skill make it into the game! D;




And this is my submission for the new community voting, I hope you liked it! I tried to get the perfect creature to fit in this awesome and epic map. I also loved the interaction it could have with ice creatures and the recently added Rhyniognatha!

If you liked it, please vote up! And if you have some idea or suggestion, don't doubt in comment it!

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Cryodrakon borealis

"Cold Dragon"



Cryodrakon borealis, also known as the "Cold Dragon" is a great relief from all the horrors I've seen throughout the ARKs! Unlike it's actual draconic counterparts, Cryodrakon borealis doesn't have an appetite for, well, everything that moves! Cryodrakon instead prey on small and medium-sized herbivores. Cryodrakon is often found in colder climates, feasting upon nearby Megaloceros. Unless provoked, Cryodrakon will usually leave humans alone, sometimes even actively avoiding humans. Many characteristics from Quetzalcoatlus conchapicem, Cyrodrakon's relative, are seen in Cryodrakon borealis, such as flying at high altitudes and rarely, if ever, landing. However, unlike the Quetzal, Cryodrakon will fiercely protect itself by diving at its attacker. As well as diving, Cryodrakon will also aggressively impale its attacker with it's massive beak, these pecks make wounds that quickly cause any creature to bleed. In a nutshell, these sky-giants are not to be provoked!

Cryodrakon borealis often has a light-colored coat of feathers; typically white, light grey, very light blue, or other cold light colors. Their beaks, claws, and feet are often the opposite of this, being a dark cold color; such as dark blue and navy blue, sometimes even black. Their wings are a midway between these two colors, such as grey-blue, blue, and sky blue. Cryodrakon are identical in size and shape to the Quetzal. However, Cryodrakon are faster and have a different crest in contrast to their relative.


To tame one of these mighty fliers, one most knock them out of the sky with a bola, though normal bolas aren't big enough to hold them down. After a Cryodrakon is brought down, one must feed them small and medium-sized herbivores along with some Giant Bee Honey periodically. After these steps are repeated until taming, you now own a great companion for the sky!

As mentioned before, Cryodrakon borealis can perform a diving attack and an impaling peck, but the Cryodrakon can now perform more attacks with a pilot! Similar to the diving attack, the Cryodrakon can dive into its targets, inflicting massive damage but partially damaging itself in the process. Cryodrakon can also knock back enemies with its mighty wings, this can be used in the air too, but less effectively. During takeoff, it can perform this attack at the same time to make for a quick and safe escape! Cryodrakon, similar to the Quetzal, can pick up and carry creatures much larger than other fliers. Divebombs become much more lethal to your enemies if Cryodrakon is carrying a heavy creature! This can also be used to suplex wild creatures, Cryodrakon can pick up a wild creature and dive them into the ground, inflicting a massive stun.

Passive Abilities

Cryodrakons make for great exploration partners, being able to either keep their riders warm with their cold-resistant feathers, or keep their riders cool with their heat-dissipating crest. This ability makes Cryodrakons great nannies as well due to also keeping nearby fertilized eggs the right temperature better than even multiple air conditioners! Their massive beak also dissuades many predators and other creatures from attacking them and you.


Cryodrakon are best suited to having a basic saddle, again similar to the Quetzal, but they can have a small platform saddle for long hauls. 

Cryodrakon are often lone wolves and greatly dislike being in the company of another same-sexed Cryodrakon. They dislike this so much to the point they put less effort into their attacks and fly slower. Cryodrakon even refuse to mate if same-sexed Cryodrakon are nearby! If equipped with a platform saddle, Cryodrakon burn through stamina faster and can't do any of their diving attacks!

Art and dossier by yours truly ;>

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Hey, I apologize for not seeing this post before I made mine for Cryodrakon, seems we both found the idea within identical time spans, you were just faster to finish it. If you don't mind, could you check the one I made out and perhaps mix features from it to this one? Again I apologize for not checking if someone had made a Cryodrakon submission before I posted mine

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  • Volunteer Moderator
Just now, Zichfried said:

I just saw they turned my whole post into a comment in this other post... I guess that finishes all the work and time I spent on this... sigh...


Creature Submission Guidelines:

  • One thread per creature
    • If someone has already made a thread with your creature suggestion, feel free to upvote the thread and post your own ideas and thoughts into that existing thread
  • Must be a real-world extinct/prehistoric creature (dinosaurs, mammals, reptiles, etc)
  • Developers are disqualified from posting their own ideas
  • Supplemental information (wiki links, images, art) is preferred.
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Hi! Dankasaur! I also tried to add a submission about the Cryodrakon for this new voting! It seems we both love the creature and we both made a post to see it in the game. Though it seems your version was posted first so the forum turned mine into a comment in your post. That's why I want ask you a huge favour... Can you read my version of the Cryodrakon please? (my whole post is already a comment in your post). In case you like it... could you please add it to the main post you made please? I think it could gather a lot of attention with all the art, images and ideas to get the creature in the game! Just in case you want to, otherwise I'll understand and you can just ignore this... Anyway, thank you for your attention!


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With a wingspan of 33 feet or 10 meters taming the Cryodrakon is no easy feat. The Cryodrakon is a aggressive furry flyer being able to latch onto walls with either a platform saddle or War (Non-Platform) saddle the war saddle has three available seats controller, gunner, and bomber the Cryodrakon also has the ability to dive bomb. The way you would tame this avian beast would be when it lands you can mount it but it will attempt to throw you off by draining stamina while you're on it you can soothe it while mounted to tame it.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 221718.png

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  • Volunteer Moderator
2 minutes ago, NekoMaid said:

I came here from a post on reddit because I really liked the version of this creature with the aurora borealis on its background and the proposed abilities may be useful for the game, but this main post is kind of different from the one I saw there

Then vote for the both the creature and the version of it you like. 

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I love this furry pterosaur. I would absolutely love to see it on a map with colder areas, fjordur especially as it's one of the coldest with its special realm. 

I do not, however, like the idea of it being dramatically oversized like the rhynio was. This was a large pterosaur, but certainly not large enough to dwarf a bronto. I would maybe see it justifiable if it was solely a carrier and weight reducer with no damaging abilities. I'm neutral about the insulation ability. Useful in the cold where it should soawn I guess. At MOST, it being able to freeze dinos around them without inflicting damage to get away with their load seems reasonable. I don't think it should be able to heal itself or other dinos, because then the Snow Owl is deemed obsolete. 

Overall this creature has some cool ideas though and I'd love a visually appealing pterosaur (because let's face it, the ptero and quetz aren't the prettiest of dinos lol). Endgame quetzal for thr win!

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