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The Haast Eagle, scientifically known as the Hieraatus Moorei, is the largest species of eagle to have ever existed. Native to New Zealand, this eagle was the uncontested apex predator of the ecosystem, tackling and bringing down prey as large as the giant moa and possibly New Zealand's first humans. Its genus name in Greek means harpax, meaning grappling hook, and it’s very likely the influence of the folklore of giant man-eating birds in New Zealand like the Pouakai and Hokioi. Adapted to hunt prey larger and heavier than itself, haast eagles would divebomb prey on the forest floor from trees, slamming into them at high speeds while slashing away with their tiger-sized talons and beak. The force exerted by this would be similar to having a large cinder block dropped on you from a four-story building. Accustomed to life in the jungles, haast eagles are commonly found darting through the map's high canopies. These powerful predators are well adapted to snatching prey, predators, or egg thieves that encroach on their territory or threaten their nests. 


-Divebomb attack that temporally stuns creatures up to the size of an allo or yuty on impact. This attack does work on other flyers, and can tun creatures up to the size of a quetzal. While diving the eagle can perform a barrel roll and quickly change direction to avoid missing the target.

-Perch: While sustained long periods of stamina are what argents specialize in, haast eagles specialize in maneuverability and speed. To conserve stamina the eagle is able to lock on and perch on the many various surfaces with its massive talons, primarily they can perch on the vines/zip lines connecting the rock formations across parts of the map, While perched on these vines, provided there's enough space, they can slide down or shuffle up in a similar manner to ravagers and gigantopithecus. Doing this does not drain any stamina. 

-Passive scare: Small animals are frightened by the eagle, and will passively flee from it. These animals include microraptors, pegos, troodons, hyaenodons, and ichthyornis.

-Insulation: Similar to the direbear, the eagles course and fluffy feathers provide insulation to the rider

-Wing attack, after soaring/diving for a short amount of time will gain the ability to perform a new attack. When landed, a built-up wing beat will result in a gust of wind that pushes attackers back. Works up to creatures the size of a carno/baryonyx. The resulting hit has the potential to keep several attackers back for several seconds. The wing beat will also collect nearby resources if not being used to attack anything.

-Eagle eye: Birds of prey have some of the best eyesight of all animals, and I think it should be utilized. These eagles are active both day and night, and utilize their eyesight to spot enemies and prey at all times of the day. Eagles are able to spot and point out enemies in a large vicinity, these enemies include those buried underground.

-Enhanced agility , able to turn on a dime at high speeds through the trees

-Prime meat collector, can collect prime meat from smaller creatures with its talons

-Maneuverability is one of the birds main strong suits, riders will be able the benefits of its more nimble frame compared to tames like argents and pteranodons

-A screech that frightens small creatures, this works on creatures up to the size of a direwolf

-Pest Control: when set on wandering it targets small creatures in a large vicinity like troodons, pegos, dilos, and ichthyornis(this factors into the whole prime meat collector thing). If the eagle doesn’t kill them in one hit it will seize them with its talons and tear them apart while airborne. This can be particularly useful on beaches where these creatures are a constant annoyance.

-The pest control ability would also target non tribemates on foot trying to sneak into your base, so having some of these soaring or perched around the base would be very beneficial from getting raided

-Carrying: These large birds can pick up the majority of the Ark's smaller creatures. While not able to hold creatures as large as the argent, they can carry heavier animals than the ptera. They are able to attack any creatures that they're holding. 

Taming Method: There are two ways of taming haast eagles. Adults can be passively tamed by being ensnared by a net gun. Once down they can be passively fed their preferred food, mutton. Once freed they’ll briefly retreat but return to the attack, in doing so they can be ensnared again and the taming process can be contained. Be careful, as the speed at which adults can move can make this difficult. The alternative is more straightforward and is done by collecting eggs from nests in large trees and cliffsides. Once eggs are collected the parents will go after you, so get out fast.

Nest loot: Eggs aren't the only thing that can be found in nests. Most large eagle nests today are full of fur and bones from previous meals, so even if the eggs are the main focus one could collect some pelt or additional resources from nests/empty nests. Nest loot can range from items like hide, wood, thatch, gems, and mushrooms, to melee weapons like hatchets, picks, and climbing picks.

Appearance: Appearance loosely based on the largest living forest eagles like a harpy, crowned, and philippine eagles, but with obvious differences to give it a distinct, different look. To some extent, it would make sense for it to have some slight resemblance to the little eagle(ironically it's closest living relative). Having a crown of feathers like some other large raptors that could be a color region would also add to its look. A small detail that should be mentioned was that in real life it had a fairly long beak compared to most eagles. Another detail that should be acknowledged is its broad, rounded wings. These wings would be more robust and rounded compared to those of other flyers in a similar look to the real creature, which gave it less ability to soar but allowed for its extreme aerial maneuverability. Also similar to modern eagles, its posture would be in a tall, upright stance when grounded or perched.

Spawn locations: A forest eagle by default, these birds can also be found on the maps of mountainous and canyon regions. While less common, they can be found on the maps snow regions as well. 

Colors: Small detail that can be taken into consideration regarding appearance, Maori(New Zealand's first people) oral tradition from the late 1800s records described it as apparently having “red, black, and white plumage with black feathers tinged with yellow or green with a bunch of red feathers on the head”. 

Source: https://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/species/haasts-eagle#:~:text=Maori%20oral%20tradition%20from%20the,of%20a%20small%20golden%20eagle

Drops: Feathers(pelt), raw meat, raw prime meat, hide, and talons that can be used for crafting. These large hooked talons can be used as primitive-style climbing picks.

Crafting: Eagle talons can be used to craft certain melee weapons and can be used as a substitute for keratin in other crafting. Items that eagle talons can be used to craft include climbing picks, sickles, picks, etc. These weapons do more damage and have more piercing ability compared to their normal metal counterparts.

Ideas from the comments:

-When grabbing enemy players, if receiving too much damage, the eagle will keep flying upward before dropping them from a great height. This idea actually makes a lot of sense as large eagle species have been documented doing this to animals.

-Is able to swoop like the snow owl

-When diving and slashing, the eagle can rip a parachute. 

-Spawn in the high mountains and redwoods.

-Specialization: Can be trained to specialize in attacking certain creatures like insects, theropods, mammals, etc.

Image Credit(please read): /THE IMAGE IN THE PROPOSED SIZE COMPARISON AND DOSSIER IS NOT MY ART/. The art in the proposed size is from Cenozoic Life.blogspot. The illustration of the eagle is from Jurassic World Alive, who’s done a great job of displaying the animal. The outline for the eagle with wings expanded can be credited to Emily Stepp over on Twitter as well. Be sure to follow her if you're a fan of great paleo art. Keep in mind I do not intend for the creature in-game to look exactly like either depiction, but both are good reference points. Once again, I take no credit for any of the art used in these, only the abilities, ideas, and suggestions. Thank you for reading.

Other Notes: Rideable, can go with or without a saddle, although like with almost any creature a saddle is preferred. Smaller than the argent but bulkier/taller than the pelagornis. Regarding the wing attack, think of the build-up being something similar to the wooly rhino's charge. Its crown of feathers could flare up like a dilo's frill during its boosting shriek. As always feel free to give suggestions, drop your art, or even a dossier in the comments. I’ll be sure to take what I can into consideration and be open to adding new things so long as they're not unrealistic or too ridiculously OP. I’d love for this amazing creature to be something that we can all find fun and useful. Also, feel free to give me any ideas on how I can make this even more fitting for Ragnarok, I was originally going to submit for a different map vote but decided to give it a go for this one as well.



Haast's eagle was the largest eagle ever known to exist. They lived in New  Zealand as recently as 600 years ago, meaning they would've interacted with  the native Maori. There are legends

Haast Eagle - Fjordur Creature Submissions - ARK - Official Community Forums

Haast's Eagle attacking a human : r/Naturewasmetal





Edited by roy3100
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It would be interesting to see these as an aggressive wild flying creature, faster than a pteranodon. Pteras don't get challenged often enough imo. having a real arial threat in mountain areas I feel would make the game more challenging and engaging. Perhaps the hast eagle should have a barrel roll, similar to the pteranodon, which would also interact with it's diving ability?

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I thought that a good idea for this creature would be to give it a lifeguard function. By this I mean that, in case of danger, the eagle could pounce on its owner and take it in its claws to take it to a safe place.

This ability would also apply to other enemy players, being able to grab them with its claws and then drop them from a great height; even being able to dismount the player from flying creatures like the microraptor.


Edited by Hotcakeke
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On 6/5/2023 at 9:26 AM, AmanaTishala said:

I definitely want to see these guys submitted to Valguero, knowing we get to vote on creatures to the "dlc maps" too! With all the steep cliff sides, I want them there! They'd be great on Rag too, but definitely hope they are in the Valguero options too! They'd be my top pick ^^. 

Thank you, since we're likely going to get a community vote for all the non-canon maps I do plan on submitting this again for Val, I think it is even more fitting there since Val doesn't have any unique native flyers. When the time comes for the Valguero vote I hope it does well! 

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1 hour ago, roy3100 said:

Thank you, since we're likely going to get a community vote for all the non-canon maps I do plan on submitting this again for Val, I think it is even more fitting there since Val doesn't have any unique native flyers. When the time comes for the Valguero vote I hope it does well! 

I also think since Val has such vertical landscape and so many cliff sides it'd be perfect! And the dive bomb could be very helpful on their considering a lot of up-and-down movement is needed. I think they'd be PERFECT on there! And all the "anti-flyer stuns it out of the air" varied suggestions out there, I like these guys the best as the idea of diving and striking other flyers and things on the ground to stun. Especially after they nerfed the griffins. I'd like a big scary bird of prey for it ^^

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5 hours ago, AmanaTishala said:

I also think since Val has such vertical landscape and so many cliff sides it'd be perfect! And the dive bomb could be very helpful on their considering a lot of up-and-down movement is needed. I think they'd be PERFECT on there! And all the "anti-flyer stuns it out of the air" varied suggestions out there, I like these guys the best as the idea of diving and striking other flyers and things on the ground to stun. Especially after they nerfed the griffins. I'd like a big scary bird of prey for it ^^

I'm definitely gonna bring this suggestion back for Val, thank you for the support on this submission!

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Some more suggestions to make this the most interesting and usable mid-late game flier in the game:

Swooping: Should be able to swoop, like a griffin or snow owl.

Barrel roll: like I suggested before. Should be available in regular flight and while swooping, and you should be able to maintain momentum from gliding.

Size: I don't want this to be any bigger than an argy, and it probably shouldn't be able to pick up anything an argy can't.

Throwing ability: when it barrel rolls while carrying a creature in its claws, instead of dropping the creature, like a pteranodon would, it should fling the creature in the direction of the barrel roll. This creature should be thrown with the same speed that the haast eagle was moving. Also this ability should inflict a new status effect on the victim, which allows wild Dino's to take fall damage, and increases the fall damage taken. Perhaps this inflicting this effect can be turned of in a menu, similar to the desmodus's life steal. Wild eagles should use this ability also.

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Wild: Hieraaetus, or more commonly known as the Haast’s Eagle, is a giant bird found in the forests of the Arks. These enormous eagles are even larger than they are back on Earth, approaching similar sizes to the Pteranodon. However, unlike the Pteranodon and even Argentavis, this eagle is specialized to hunt prey far larger than itself. I have witnessed this bird taking down Parasaurs, Iguanodons, and even a Carnotaurus! It uses its massive talons to slash at the creatures head and pierce the braincase, being able to blind other animals. I’ve even witnessed unfortunate survivors getting carried off to their nests, located high up in trees. These birds can be extremely territorial when they have eggs or young, and both the male and female will brutally attack any threat nearby.


Domesticated: These eagles are one of the most useful tames that survivors have found. Hieraaetus is highly intelligent, even for a bird of prey, and thus have been trained by especially caring survivors looking to raise a specialist for various tasks. Survivors will often teach these eagles to harvest specific resources, hunt specific animals, or even to lookout for enemies and locate resources! Another innovation made by survivors for these birds has been a special harness which holds a video camera. Survivors can essentially use their Hieraaetus as a drone to scout the lands from the safety of their homes. But, if a survivor needs to take their bird out for an adventure, the Hieraaetus will carry their tamer into battle or into the world, freeing up the hands.


Features of the Haast’s Eagle:

A new training mechanic! Tamed Hieraaetus can be taught to attack certain categories of creatures, which gives them damage boosts against, for example, theropod dinosaurs, but a reduction against others. Hieraaetus would also be useful for those looking to harvest specific materials from corpses, trees, and eggs at high efficiency at the cost of not being able to harvest the other materials.

Other Training Abilities: High-level detection for outside Aberration, detection of enemies and allies through specific calls, and spotting resources.

Higher imprints=More effective training

New attack effects: Blindness

When Hieraaetus attacks a creature, it will attempt to grip the head and gouge the eyes, which would cause a similar viewing effect to the fear roar, without the loss of control. Hieraaetus can only blind a creature when not carrying anything.

Specialization: Hieraaetus can be trained to specialize in attacking certain groups of creatures, which gives them major damage and resistance buffs against those creatures specifically, but nerfs them against others.

Ex: A Hieraaetus specialized to attack arthropods would gain major boosts against Pulmonoscorpius, Arthropleura, Rhyniognatha, etc. while gaining resistance against attacks like spit and projectiles. However, it would not be able to deal as much damage as normal to Ornithischians, for example.

Picking: Unmounted Hieraaetus can pick off targeted players from their mounts and carry them into the air, clawing through armor with ease.

Taming: Hieraaetus would be an egg-stealing tame, where you would have to avoid the parents and steal the egg, like most other egg tames. It would be breedable.73011D7D-EA5D-41B1-AEE0-1A5355DD4799.jpeg.483deee3bbf8b7573a3467d018626e12.jpeg

Edited by KaproSupremacist
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Honestly, a great suggestion, all of it. If i remember correctly harpy eagles have shorter wings to allow for better agility, i love how you mentioned how it also affects haast. The pearch mechanic is a pleasantly suprising and well thought out one.

Only thing i'm confused by is i don't see any ability to pick up creatures listed, thats problably one of the most integral parts of an eagle, so i suggest maybe it can pick up similar creatures to the argy but it's more so an offensive damaging grab?

It just looks like such a geniuene and well thought out concept. Hoping to see it make top 10 in future votes.

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9 hours ago, humanwastaken said:

It would be interesting to see these as an aggressive wild flying creature, faster than a pteranodon. Pteras don't get challenged often enough imo. having a real arial threat in mountain areas I feel would make the game more challenging and engaging. Perhaps the hast eagle should have a barrel roll, similar to the pteranodon, which would also interact with it's diving ability?

Added a barrel role to its diving ability, thanks for the idea!

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On 6/4/2023 at 5:42 AM, roy3100 said:

The Haast Eagle, scientifically known as the Hieraatus Moorei, is the largest species of eagle to have ever existed. Native to New Zealand, this eagle was the uncontested apex predator of the ecosystem, tackling and bringing down prey as large as the giant moa and possibly New Zealand's first humans. Its genus name in Greek means harpax, meaning grappling hook, and it’s very likely the influence of the folklore of giant man-eating birds in New Zealand like the Pouakai and Hokioi. Adapted to hunt prey larger and heavier than itself, haast eagles would divebomb prey on the forest floor from trees, slamming into them at high speeds while slashing away with their tiger-sized talons and beak. The force exerted by this would be similar to having a large cinder block dropped on you from a four-story building. Accustomed to life in the jungles, haast eagles are commonly found darting through the map's high canopies. These powerful predators are well adapted to snatching prey, predators, or egg thieves that encroach on their territory or threaten their nests. 


-Divebomb attack that temporally stuns creatures up to the size of a rock drake or yuty on impact(note this attack does work on other flyers). While diving the eagle can perform a barrel roll and quickly change direction to avoid missing the target.

-Perch: While sustained long periods of stamina are what argents specialize in, haast eagles specialize in maneuverability and speed. To conserve stamina the eagle is able to lock on and perch on the many various surfaces with its massive talons, primarily they can perch on the vines/zip lines connecting the rock formations across parts of the map, While perched on these vines, provided there's enough space, they can slide down or shuffle up in a similar manner to ravagers and gigantopithecus/ Doing this does not drain any stamina. 

-Insulation: Similar to the direbear, the eagles course and fluffy feathers provide insulation to the rider

-Wing attack, after soaring/diving for a short amount of time will gain the ability to perform a new attack. When landed, a built-up wing beat will result in a gust of wind that pushes attackers back. Works up to creatures the size of a carno/baryonyx. The resulting hit has the potential to keep several attackers back for several seconds. The wing beat will also collect nearby resources if not being used to attack anything.

-Eagle eye: Birds of prey have some of the best eyesight of all animals, and I think it should be utilized. These eagles are active both day and night, and utilize their eyesight to spot enemies and prey at all times of the day. Eagles are able to spot and point out enemies in a large vicinity, these enemies include those buried underground.

-Enhanced agility , able to turn on a dime at high speeds through the trees

-Prime meat collector, can collect prime meat from smaller creatures with its talons

-Maneuverability is one of the birds main strong suits, riders will be able the benefits of its more nimble frame compared to tames like argents and pteranodons

-A screech that frightens small creatures, this works on creatures up to the size of a direwolf

-Pest Control: when set on wandering it targets small creatures in a large vicinity like troodons, pegos, dilos, and ichthyornis(this factors into the whole prime meat collector thing). If the eagle doesn’t kill them in one hit it will seize them with its talons and tear them apart while airborne. This can be particularly useful on beaches where these creatures are a constant annoyance.

-The pest control ability would also target non tribemates on foot trying to sneak into your base, so having some of these soaring or perched around the base would be very beneficial from getting raided

Taming Method: There are two ways of taming haast eagles. Adults can be passively tamed by being ensnared by a net gun. Once down they can be  passively fed their preferred food, mutton. Once freed they’ll briefly retreat but return to attack, in doing so they can be ensnared again and the taming process can be contained. Be careful, as the speed at which adults can move can make this difficult. The alternative is more straightforward, and is done by collecting eggs from nests in large trees and cliffsides. Once eggs are collected the parents will go after you, so get out fast.

Nest loot: Eggs aren't the only thing that can be found in nests. Most large eagle nests today are full of fur and bones from previous meals, so even if the eggs are the main focus one could collect some pelt or additional resources from nests/empty nests. Nest loot can range from items like hide, wood, thatch, gems, mushrooms, to melee weapons like hatchets, picks, and climbing picks.

Appearance: Appearance loosely based on the largest living forest eagles like a harpy, crowned, and philippine eagles, but with obvious differences to give it a distinct, different look. To some extent, it would make sense for it to have some slight resemblance to the little eagle(ironically its closest living relative). Having a crown of feathers like some other large raptors that could be a color region would also add to its look. A small detail that should be mentioned was that in real life it had a fairly long beak compared to most eagles. Another detail that should be acknowledged are its broad, rounded wings.These wings would be more robust and rounded compared to those of other flyers in a similar look to the real creature, which gave it less ability to soar but allowed for its extreme aerial maneuverability. Also similar to modern eagles, its posture would be in a tall, upright stance when grounded or perched.

Spawn locations: A forest eagle by default, these birds can also be found on the maps of mountanous and canyon regions. While less common, they can be found on the maps snow regions as well. 

Colors: Small detail that can be taken into consideration regarding appearance, Maori(New Zealand's first people) oral tradition from the late 1800s records described it as apparently having “red, black, and white plumage with black feathers tinged with yellow or green with a bunch of red feathers on the head”. 

Source: https://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/species/haasts-eagle#:~:text=Maori%20oral%20tradition%20from%20the,of%20a%20small%20golden%20eagle

Drops: Feathers(pelt), raw meat, raw prime meat, hide, and talons that can be used for crafting. These large hooked talons can be used as primitive-style climbing picks.

Crafting: Eagle talons can be used to craft certain melee weapons and can be used as a substitute for keratin in other crafting. Items that eagle talons can be used to craft include climbing picks, sickles, picks, etc. These weapons do more damage and have more piercing ability compared to their normal metal counterparts.

Image Credit(please read): /THE IMAGE IN THE PROPOSED SIZE COMPARISON AND DOSSIER IS NOT MY ART/. The art in the proposed size is from Cenozoic Life.blogspot. The illustration of the eagle is from Jurassic World Alive, who’s done a great job at displaying the animal. The outline for the eagle with wings expanded can be credited to Emily Stepp over on Twitter as well. Be sure to follow her if you're a fan of great paleo art. Keep in mind I do not intend for the creature in-game to look exactly like either depiction, but both are good reference points. Once again, I take no credit for any of the art used in these, only the abilities, ideas, and suggestions. Thank you for reading.

Other Notes: Rideable, can go with or without a saddle, although like with almost any creature a saddle is preferred. Smaller than the argent but bulkier/taller than the pelagornis. Regarding the wing attack, think of the build-up being something similar to the wooly rhino's charge. During its boosting shriek, its crown of feathers could flare up like a dilo's frill. As always feel free to give suggestions, drop your art, or even a dossier in the comments. I’ll be sure to take what I can into consideration and be open to adding new things so long as they're not unrealistic or too ridiculously OP. I’d love for this amazing creature to be something that we can all find fun and useful. Also, feel free to give me any ideas on how I can make this even more fitting for Ragnarok, I was originally going to submit for a different map vote but decided to give it a go for this one as well.



Haast's eagle was the largest eagle ever known to exist. They lived in New  Zealand as recently as 600 years ago, meaning they would've interacted with  the native Maori. There are legends

Haast Eagle - Fjordur Creature Submissions - ARK - Official Community Forums

Haast's Eagle attacking a human : r/Naturewasmetal





The idea you presented is cool but I would add the possibility not of having another mount, but of having a creature which, as for the sinomacrops, could be a wingsuit only that now it is more versatile and with the immense wings of the eagle you can fight us... like marvel falcon...take my vote



Edited by Ermerus
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Having Harpagornis is an exciting prospect as a 'battle mount Argie', there's a workshop Harpa which has the ability to sprint on land by almost skipping. Extra manoeuvrability in the sky including the ability to glide like a Snow Owl would be great. Firearms on the saddle seems a bit too much though. The air dashes could be used similarly to the Pteranodon's spin attack? :)

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I like a lot of your ideas other than the dive attack. instead of being able to attack land mounts but not flyers. have it only be able to dive flyers. imagine, it dives a pteranodon, or argy grabs onto it with its talons and dives it onto the ground, taking fall damage. the draw back is the timing.

1. you need to be a certain distance above the target to generate enough force from the dive.

2. you need to catch the creatures, which shouldn't be too hard as the eagle is faster and more agile than most flyers. 

3. you need to let go at the perfect time, too early and they'll get their "footing" and be able to take off before hitting the ground. too late and you yourself will also take fall damage. it has to be just the right time so you can safely swoop away. 

when doing this flyers should not be one shotted when hitting the ground but should take a significant amount of damage. this also can only work with flyers smaller than haasts eagle, pteranodons, argentavis, lymantria, maewing, griffins, desmodus, owls, tapejara, astrodelphis, and tropeos. wyverns, rhynios, and quetz will not be able to be grabbed. 

griffins(when swooping), owls(when swooping), maewings, tropeos(when boosting), and astrodelphis(when boosting) will be obviously harder to hit. 

attempting the dive on the larger 3 will still apply damage, you will essentially be able to griffin swoop hit but loose momentum which rhynios and wyverns will be able to capitalize on this.

you can also do this to players but a smaller hitbox again means you are harder to hit, however they can rip parachutes. 

Eagles are the kings of the skies and I would like Ark to represent this well without making them too overpowered. they are built for speed and precise attacks not brute force like argys. they should be able to apply decent primary damage but not tank damage like argys. I essentially would like them to be a glass cannon.


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On 6/9/2023 at 9:22 AM, humanwastaken said:

Some more suggestions to make this the most interesting and usable mid-late game flier in the game:

Swooping: Should be able to swoop, like a griffin or snow owl.

Barrel roll: like I suggested before. Should be available in regular flight and while swooping, and you should be able to maintain momentum from gliding.

Size: I don't want this to be any bigger than an argy, and it probably shouldn't be able to pick up anything an argy can't.

Throwing ability: when it barrel rolls while carrying a creature in its claws, instead of dropping the creature, like a pteranodon would, it should fling the creature in the direction of the barrel roll. This creature should be thrown with the same speed that the haast eagle was moving. Also this ability should inflict a new status effect on the victim, which allows wild Dino's to take fall damage, and increases the fall damage taken. Perhaps this inflicting this effect can be turned of in a menu, similar to the desmodus's life steal. Wild eagles should use this ability also.

I always intended it to be able to swoop, but I'll add that to its abilities to make it more clear. As for the size, it is not as large as the argy in its proposed size. I'm capitalizing on its smaller more maneuverable size and ability to tackle prey larger than itself. I've already added a barrel roll during dives, and I'll try to add what I can from your throwing ability into the suggestion, and I'll take that into consideration when submitting this for the next vote.

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3 hours ago, Ficho said:

Honestly, a great suggestion, all of it. If i remember correctly harpy eagles have shorter wings to allow for better agility, i love how you mentioned how it also affects haast. The pearch mechanic is a pleasantly suprising and well thought out one.

Only thing i'm confused by is i don't see any ability to pick up creatures listed, thats problably one of the most integral parts of an eagle, so i suggest maybe it can pick up similar creatures to the argy but it's more so an offensive damaging grab?

It just looks like such a geniuene and well thought out concept. Hoping to see it make top 10 in future votes.

Thank you! You are correct, harpy and haast eagles both have shorter wings in proportion to their body size for enhanced agility for flying through the forest, and I really wanted to incorporate the forest eagle lifestyle the real animal had into its suggestion. I didn't include the ability to pick up creatures since I figured that since I included it being able to pick up survivors for its pest control ability it could pick up creatures. I will add this on its own now to clear up any confusion, and I will make sure to make this distinction from the beginning for the next vote. The concept and idea are something I've been working on for a while, so again thanks for noticing. I do plan on submitting this for some of the future votes on maps that it could be accustomed to, and I also hope it's able to make its way into the final 10 at some point. 

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It would be great if this dino has a combo attack along with the griffin or a damage boost when the two are together. I would like the size between the onyc and the phoenix and that it cannot be mounted
And that the area where it is located can be protected from annoying dinos such as ichthy or insects.

Edited by ZULU2020
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Note: I don't speak the English language, so some things may be spelled incorrectly, as everything was translated from Google itself, Thank you for understanding.


 Of all the birds on the island, none surprised me more than this colossal raptor.

The Haast eagle is undoubtedly the largest bird I have ever seen flying in the air on this island.

As fast as a griffin and ranging in size from Quetzal-sized males to Wyvern-sized females, this eagle is the perfect mount for those survivors who like to mobile.

Its powerful claws and its terrifying size make it possible to grab small and medium-sized creatures, with the exception of a few large animals,I have seen tribes use this eagle to lift huge creatures from the ground, such as mammoths and even Tyrannosaurus, the strength of its legs allows it to carry animals.

Like its distant relatives, the fjordhowks, (a much smaller predator), it has very good peripheral vision, being able to identify with a "zoom"what is the level, life and gender of the creature, this makes it a lot easier when taming, this skill too, allows you to locate nearby explorer notes within a 1km radius of the animal (from all angles).

Its head feathers ruffle and it begins to detect where the bill is. (The location is marked with a bird symbol)

Another distant relative of this giant eagle, are the snowy owls, able to dive through the air like the same, He descends in free fall causing his speed to increase considerably.If this swoop hits a creature smaller than itself, its claws will dig into the creature and pin it to the ground until the end of its stamina. Thanks to its predator instinct, Haast's eagle is able to capture low-frequency sounds and notice more easily where its prey is, being their favorites: small mammals, reptiles, fish (depending on their variant).


Taming a creature like this can be tricky depending on the survivor, if he prefers to steal the egg from a nest, the chances of a couple of eagles hunting you is proportionally great, but if you are accompanied by a predator(Fjordhowk, snowy owl) they barely noticed him.

After collecting the egg, the survivor will have to follow a series of requirements until the chick matures, a food should be prepared for the puppy in order to keep him strong, since there will be no presence of parents.With a few specific meat joints, you can make a meatloaf that will not only feed you, it will also give you an affinity "boost" and make the hatchling grow with 25% more points in each attribute. 

If the survivor chooses to tame an adult eagle, you must follow the eagle until it approaches. Depending on its variant, it will ask for a specific food (meatloaf will serve as universal food in taming).

After feeding it, the first flight will "set" its dignity to tame it, he will try to hunt specific prey, and you must find them, proving your loyalty to him.(Be aware that, you won't choose the eagle, it will choose you)


Once domesticated, the Haast Eagle plays several roles for its bearer, winged hunter, load carrier, domestication aid, among others…

Because it contains a cell with a forge and two packs strapped tightly to the chest, Haast's eagle receives a 43% weight reduction from any item placed in its inventory.His cell is a factory with 450 cast metal bars, 1370 pieces of leather, 995 fibers, 172 wood logs and 100 kitchenettes/keratin.Once done, you will be able to enjoy one of the most imposing winged creatures in the skies.


In addition to its diving in the air, holding it with its claws and its precise vision, Haast's eagle has a vocalization that scares its main competitor.(Argentavis) leaving them with the effect of Fear, and attracting some animals, their rapacious relatives, itself, arthropods and amphibians, in addition to causing a rage effect on larger animals.

PASSIVE: Haast's eagle, though huge, has small wings in proportion to its body. And to adapt, it has developed a tail that is longer than its wings, which helps it maneuver in the air. doing quick spins and twirls, as well as being able to fly backwards and do something similar to the "Pteranodon spin" which allows him to fend off creatures too close to him.

As you hunt, she gets faster and faster. When killing a creature, the eagle gains a stack of attack speed and reduced stamina consumption.Your accumulation is capped at 10 levels, upon reaching tenth, the eagle recovers 35% of its health every 2.5s.

CUT EFFECT: If the knight descends from his cell, is captured by another creature, or the eagle goes too long without dealing damage, the stack will reset immediately.After resetting the accumulation timer, it will receive a 1-minute cooldown until used again.


VARIANTS: Haast's Eagle loves to live in high places, but its location is not limited to mountains and redwood forest trees.

The most common eagles are forest eagles, found in redwood forests, as mentioned above.The Mountain, Snowy Mountain, Coastal, and Cave variants are each found in their respective environment.

The forest variant is found in the tallest trees in the redwood forest, perched on branches or flying over the mountains near the forest.When noticing the approach of humans, they vocalize and try to "scare away" the predators that are there, hunting any and all possible threats to the survivor. Its appearance resembles the current eagle known as the plumed hawk.

The coastal variant appears flying over the beaches, or standing on top of rocks, they usually hunt fish and marine creatures, however, it is quite curious.When she sees a human being she chases him from above, hoping to be fed. Its appearance resembles the current Philippine eagle, with protruding feathers that even resemble hair.

Coastal Variant: Philippine Eagle Reference.

The mountain and snowy mountain variants are a little more territorial.

If you get too close to a nest, it will attack you until you are at a safe distance.They are found on top of mountains, in crevices and chasms, or even flying over the lower areas of the mountain, although this is much rarer. The snowy variants have a camouflage aspect, so they usually appear in white.

Mountain Variant: Brazilian Harpy Reference.

Ps: I had made a concept art of the saddle, but I couldn't attach it.







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This is the content submitted by a friend of mine who doesn't know English.


Name: Harpagornis moorei 

Latin name: Harpagornis moorei dauntless

In the wild: The Haast's eagle is found in high mountains, mainly in the snowy mountains of Rangarok. Harpagornis moorei looks a bit like Argentavis, but its wingspan is larger than that of Argentavis, and it is relatively bigger in size.

Harpagornis moorei has a unique hunting method throughout Rangarok and even the entire ARK system. Its claws can quickly crush the shells of prey, tear open wounds, and each attack on the prey causes more serious injuries than the last. Its wings and tail feathers give it extremely fast flight speed and powerful agility, allowing it to quickly move away from the prey after each attack and then strike again when the opportunity arises. The most important thing is that when the prey's wounds become severe enough, as long as the prey is not a Rock Elemental, Harpagornis moorei can easily tear off the meat to eat and accelerate the healing of its own wounds. This makes it more forgiving when dealing with tough opponents such as T-rexes and wyverns.

Its wings even support it in performing rapid air dashes, which not only allows for quick movement, but also allows it to attack and tear prey apart during the dash, causing the prey to bleed profusely. If the prey pursues or flees, the bleeding will be accelerated, and this kind of attack can even instantly kill small creatures.

Taming: Harpagornis moorei will not attack survivors. Survivors can feed it food to show friendliness, and then hunt with it. However, it is not as stupid and irritable as an amargasaurus. Its skills can easily kill small and medium-sized prey, and even if it is accidentally hit or injured by a survivor, it will not reduce its trust and bond with the survivor. However, it still needs to be fed during breaks in the middle of hunting.

Domestication: After taming, although Harpagornis moorei cannot transport goods like an Argentavis, its wind-like speed and strong endurance allow you to freely roam the paradise. If you want to maintain the speed of the Haast's eagle and protect Harpagornis moorei to a certain extent, you can only use organic polymer to make a saddle. This type of saddle can also be designed with an additional structure for mounting firearms. Although it cannot shoot freely like a griffin, it is fixed to shoot only in front of Harpagornis moorei. Its excellent maneuverability can completely enable it to stun or shoot down prey from behind. If trained properly, its speed can be used for emergency evasion during aerial combat. When facing a crisis, Harpagornis moorei can intimidate nearby creatures, causing them to scatter and flee, but it will not be frightened by any creature except for Lymantria. However, this ability can only be used again after a long time. When Harpagornis moorei is injured, it can accelerate healing by gnawing on corpses.

Harpagornis moorei can eat Lesser Antidote, which makes it immune to flames, toxins, and other diseases. I highly recommend using it to challenge the guardians of ARK trials.

Edited by aaacccsss
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39 分钟之前, Hitmonjake 说:

Having Harpagornis is an exciting prospect as a 'battle mount Argie', there's a workshop Harpa which has the ability to sprint on land by almost skipping. Extra manoeuvrability in the sky including the ability to glide like a Snow Owl would be great. Firearms on the saddle seems a bit too much though. The air dashes could be used similarly to the Pteranodon's spin attack? :)

firearms require players to manually install them on the saddle,and they can only shoot straight ahead.

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