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Community Crunch 359: ARK 2 Carnotaurus Saddle Concept and ASA Comparison!


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28 minutes ago, ladymarina said:

No I am completely right. I'm not saying they can't. They can do what they want. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit by and no be heard. We don't need ASA really. Think they could as this as dlc to ark2. But it's not right to advertise one thing and do another. For example in Walmart you pick up a bottle of soda it says on the shelf it's 1.29 but on the conveyor belt it rings up 3.00. You know your going to go back and get that sign and get your soda for 1.29. thats what other game companies and YouTube etc are talking about getting ripped off. It just doesn't add up.

ARK 2 is going to be a VERY different game than ASE, even when compared ASA. Souls Combat, 3rd person only POV, Parcor to name a few key difference. So it wouldn't make sense to make A WHOLE GAME'S worth of DLC for the sequel, especially since said DLC is just the first game. Think about it, what sense would it make for Dead Island 2 to have DLC that's just the campaign form the first game? What if Halo 2 did that, would it make sense? Why go backwards in time when the logical step is to expand the lore by going forward?

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15 minutes ago, TyranntX said:

ARK 2 is going to be a VERY different game than ASE, even when compared ASA. Souls Combat, 3rd person only POV, Parcor to name a few key difference. So it wouldn't make sense to make A WHOLE GAME'S worth of DLC for the sequel, especially since said DLC is just the first game. Think about it, what sense would it make for Dead Island 2 to have DLC that's just the campaign form the first game? What if Halo 2 did that, would it make sense? Why go backwards in time when the logical step is to expand the lore by going forward?

But thats what I mean. We don't need a update of the old game.  move forward. Ark 2 is coming out. No one knows what it's going to be because they haven't showed much at all.  It's like  Over Watch they made game 1 free and 2 is free for a limited time. If you didn't have the game then you would have to pay full price. They transferred over all the credentials to the new game. It should be a dlc or something along those lines. In reality they saw what last of us did and wanted to do that.  Thinking it would be ok. ASE has bugs etc they never even fixed yet. I mean I'm not against a remastered edition  but don't want to pay a price for a new game  either. But still I payed 80 +dollars that is way more than the last of us ever was.  I'm not talking about being cheap  I as a  ark player. I dont see that the need for a new rehashed game . The last of us isn't a game  that is buggy beyond getgo too. Because of past things that have happened with them I'm very worried. It's not right. 

Edited by ladymarina
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4 minutes ago, ladymarina said:

But thats what I mean. We don't need a update of the old game. Ark 2 is coming out. It's like  Over Watch they made game 1 free and 2 is free for a limited time. If you didn't have the game then you would have to pay full price. They transferred over all the credentials to the new game. It should be a dlc or something along those lines. In reality they saw what last of us did and wanted to do that.  Thinking it would be ok. ASE has bugs etc they never even fixed yet. I mean I'm not against a remastered edition either but still we payed 80 +dollars that is way more than the last of us ever was.  I'm not talking about being cheap I'm just saying we as a ark player. I see that the need for a new rehashed game isn't needed. The game isnt buggy beyond getgo either. Because of past things that have happened with them I'm very worried. It's not right. 

ARK 2's been delayed, to next year. Plus you could argue that we don't reallt NEED a sequel, ARK 1 stood just fine on its own and tied up enough loose ends to tell a great story. BUT it's because ARK did so well that it's getting a sequel, so why is the first game getting remastered so bad? Is it because it's just the first game but with prettier graphics? No, that can't be it, it's going to have a boat load of features not in the original. Plus if that WAS the case, why bother remaking any game at all? Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Halo? Pffft, Just dust off your old console am I right? Who cars if they smell like they're on fire everytime you start them up? Who cares if the load times are about as long as episode of anime? Remaster bad, don't make the same game twice... right? 

Sarcasm aside, lets do a price check on ASE and ASA. The OG game was about $59.99 on the official launch, DLC's costed about $19.99 each. OG ARK had five DLC's so that totals out to $159.94... Not Including Tax or inflation. ASA on the otherhand is priced at $59.99, and includes ALL the previous DLC's and new features and contnet unique to it. Granted the DLC's are going to be released overtime but you are still paying less than half you did back in the day, and it's not like the game WON'T go on sale often either, Especially how close it will be to the holidays by then. Also ASA is getting a NEW DLC that's taking place right after the events of GEN 2, which will likely be Arat to build hype for ARK 2. Which again, is going to be a vERY different game. So is the pricing the issue here? No I don't think is is either, just like with the idea of weather or not to remaster a game there's a bit more (or I suppose less given what I beleive the real issue is here but we'll get to that later) going on here.

Are the bugs in the game and WC's inability to fix them really the issue here? Not really, ARK 1 runs on the UE4 engine, ASA runs on 5. WC stated that many of the issues they'd like to fix in the past simply weren't doable because of restrictions on the older engine. This is also why many of the promised fetures never made it in as well, along with time constraints. so you can't really blame either WC or Snail for that. Hm, maybe there is a point to this whole remaster thing after all and why it shouldn't be DLC? A newer engine means better tech, better tech means better tools to squash the bugs that have persisted up until now. And as this crunch has demonstrated, better tools means graphics that are more inline with the astetic of the game instead of psedo-metal-plastic stuff smashed together. ASE had plenty of issues, many of them exploitable and could go unpunished for months if not years, but ASA's report system will see some actual justice this time around... which brings me to what's ACTUALLY the issue here for people.

No, the real issue people have is the Officials servers shutting down. They hate how their Hard (*cough*stolen*cough*) work is "going to waste". They are upset that the sea of pillars preventing players from setting a base down and play the game are going to be gone forever. They don't like that their poo farm of a breeding line of vanity tames is going to be cyber dust. and given the already divided nature of official server players and the rest of the playerbase, tentions are obviously going to be running hotter than usual. I hate official, PvE never has anywhere to build and PvP is infested with trolls who wipe wood/thatch huts for giggles never mind if the owner would ever be a potential threat (99/100 they likely wouldn't have been). Official players are just mad, they can't keep proving why officials are toxic waste dumps, and likely can't get away with the same tricks they used before due to the new features and prevenetive mesures ASA will have. and they can't very well do the same in unofficials on ASE because they'd just get banned there too.

For better or worse, ASA's going to happen. It's not going to be DLC because it's not the same game as ARK 2, and it's not going to be Free because Business. and I doubt ARK 1 will become free (at least not permanently) because the majority of it's features still work. Yeah sure it sucks, but as some one who already has a next gen console AND a PC, I'm not really losing much. I'll definetly Buy ASA to support Wild Card (maybe encourege them to do what MARVELOUS! did to Natsume and cut them out of publishing so they could just do it themselves), I wasn't planning on getting ARK 2 but if news like this keeps impressing me I may reconsider. I just don't see any real issues here to speak of. At least none that son't have a simple solution to them.

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1 hour ago, TyranntX said:

ARK 2's been delayed, to next year. Plus you could argue that we don't reallt NEED a sequel, ARK 1 stood just fine on its own and tied up enough loose ends to tell a great story. BUT it's because ARK did so well that it's getting a sequel, so why is the first game getting remastered so bad? Is it because it's just the first game but with prettier graphics? No, that can't be it, it's going to have a boat load of features not in the original. Plus if that WAS the case, why bother remaking any game at all? Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Halo? Pffft, Just dust off your old console am I right? Who cars if they smell like they're on fire everytime you start them up? Who cares if the load times are about as long as episode of anime? Remaster bad, don't make the same game twice... right? 

Sarcasm aside, lets do a price check on ASE and ASA. The OG game was about $59.99 on the official launch, DLC's costed about $19.99 each. OG ARK had five DLC's so that totals out to $159.94... Not Including Tax or inflation. ASA on the otherhand is priced at $59.99, and includes ALL the previous DLC's and new features and contnet unique to it. Granted the DLC's are going to be released overtime but you are still paying less than half you did back in the day, and it's not like the game WON'T go on sale often either, Especially how close it will be to the holidays by then. Also ASA is getting a NEW DLC that's taking place right after the events of GEN 2, which will likely be Arat to build hype for ARK 2. Which again, is going to be a vERY different game. So is the pricing the issue here? No I don't think is is either, just like with the idea of weather or not to remaster a game there's a bit more (or I suppose less given what I beleive the real issue is here but we'll get to that later) going on here.

Are the bugs in the game and WC's inability to fix them really the issue here? Not really, ARK 1 runs on the UE4 engine, ASA runs on 5. WC stated that many of the issues they'd like to fix in the past simply weren't doable because of restrictions on the older engine. This is also why many of the promised fetures never made it in as well, along with time constraints. so you can't really blame either WC or Snail for that. Hm, maybe there is a point to this whole remaster thing after all and why it shouldn't be DLC? A newer engine means better tech, better tech means better tools to squash the bugs that have persisted up until now. And as this crunch has demonstrated, better tools means graphics that are more inline with the astetic of the game instead of psedo-metal-plastic stuff smashed together. ASE had plenty of issues, many of them exploitable and could go unpunished for months if not years, but ASA's report system will see some actual justice this time around... which brings me to what's ACTUALLY the issue here for people.

No, the real issue people have is the Officials servers shutting down. They hate how their Hard (*cough*stolen*cough*) work is "going to waste". They are upset that the sea of pillars preventing players from setting a base down and play the game are going to be gone forever. They don't like that their poo farm of a breeding line of vanity tames is going to be cyber dust. and given the already divided nature of official server players and the rest of the playerbase, tentions are obviously going to be running hotter than usual. I hate official, PvE never has anywhere to build and PvP is infested with trolls who wipe wood/thatch huts for giggles never mind if the owner would ever be a potential threat (99/100 they likely wouldn't have been). Official players are just mad, they can't keep proving why officials are toxic waste dumps, and likely can't get away with the same tricks they used before due to the new features and prevenetive mesures ASA will have. and they can't very well do the same in unofficials on ASE because they'd just get banned there too.

For better or worse, ASA's going to happen. It's not going to be DLC because it's not the same game as ARK 2, and it's not going to be Free because Business. and I doubt ARK 1 will become free (at least not permanently) because the majority of it's features still work. Yeah sure it sucks, but as some one who already has a next gen console AND a PC, I'm not really losing much. I'll definetly Buy ASA to support Wild Card (maybe encourege them to do what MARVELOUS! did to Natsume and cut them out of publishing so they could just do it themselves), I wasn't planning on getting ARK 2 but if news like this keeps impressing me I may reconsider. I just don't see any real issues here to speak of. At least none that son't have a simple solution to them.

Uh what solution? Hmm I seeyo have what your beliefs are in WC. But WC is no longer WC they were bought by SG. Also *cough* only saw that  on unofficial servers * cough* not Pve. Hacker got through the servers t hat were unmonitored. That's another reason  unofficial is a bad idea.  You are entitled to your opinion. But what happens if it isn't lived up to what your standards are.  Well Ill still be against it. 

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Wooow, I'm stunned by the post.  Bringing nothing change a little podpicowane gadgets but as you can see some people are already excited are already buying ASA xD.  Personally, these announcements are 0.0001% of all the work they can offer?  Recall that The Island contains many bugs that have not been fixed.  We need more specifics, gameplay and the most important communication with players, not throwing them away like a rag.  Because that's what you did now, it's been 1 month and you only presented a few photos taken in Paint 3D?  Let's remind the players who bought the game about the change in the EU law regarding the guarantees of digital applications. Is the Wild Card aware of how this could end? Your only bargaining chip is those who feverishly still trust you in "Remaster" I would rather call it an excess of content over weight.  Despite the partial information about ASA or ARK2, you still have many supporters from computer owners due to the possibility of using mods). 

But in the case of the console, I notice a few decisive facts: 1-many will not buy a new console for $500 to be able to spend $100 on Apps supposedly fixed.  "allegedly" because we don't know anything about the internal changes and not the "paint3D" pictures.

2-Another fact that a faulty ASE application should be eligible for a free update.

3-now you can say that if you can transfer the game code from UE4 to UE5 in such a short time why can't you also transfer player accounts?  (well, databases etc deviate from EU5 standards) just like ASE xD

4-What progress has been made towards Console players? Are we talking about releasing a "Working and possibly useful" Server Save?

5-Unless you just delete us for the measly $50 I won't pay you anyway?

What you are doing is a big joke without further details.  Instead, you blind players with a new dinosaur and 2 photos.  Is that all you can afford?  See how happy they are already because the new dino and something with optics have improved but it's a fraction of everything.  Really the bare minimum info.

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well thats odd. we looked for "news" on friday around 7ish pm and did not see 359. so we missed the 2x until after it was over. I even googled 359 thinking maybe my browser was caching old news. but nope. same old purple wyvern from 358. ANd ya know...with everything Ive built and slaved over set to be wiped out Aug 30 I just dont feel much like playing unless there is an evo event. So I said "lets just skip it" this weekend. Gee so thanks for that timely news update.

as for waiting to reveal "ASA gameplay" ... what is that supposed to mean??? WE thought you were porting ASE over to U5 and revamping it a bit so as to justify going from free u4-to-u5 update, as previously promised,  to having to pay for it. but you are now hinting that you are messing with the ASE "gameplay"??

Im waiting 121 days for 1 or 2 maps, and a year more for the remaining maps, because instead of porting over from u4 to u5 your changing the game play? and why is it the "comparison" of game icons looks like ASA is being given ARK2 game assets.
Starting to sound to me like your merging Ark2 into Ark1 and if that means "souls like" game play instead of ASE gameplay...Im out. thanks but no thanks.
Going forward maybe just talked about ASE and ASA without mentioning Ark2 in the same sentence and or paragraph. just so we can be sure what it is you are doing with our "beloved" ark1.

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5 minutes ago, PeachSalad said:

well thats odd. we looked for "news" on friday around 7ish pm and did not see 359. so we missed the 2x until after it was over. I even googled 359 thinking maybe my browser was caching old news. but nope. same old purple wyvern from 358. ANd ya know...with everything Ive built and slaved over set to be wiped out Aug 30 I just dont feel much like playing unless there is an evo event. So I said "lets just skip it" this weekend. Gee so thanks for that timely news update.

Timely news update? I mean the Crunch did release approx 3 hours later than normal but it wasn't that late. In fact you just said you missed the 2x until it was over.... well the 2x is still running, most likely for another ~7+ hours.

8 minutes ago, PeachSalad said:

as for waiting to reveal "ASA gameplay" ... what is that supposed to mean??? WE thought you were porting ASE over to U5 and revamping it a bit so as to justify going from free u4-to-u5 update, as previously promised,  to having to pay for it. but you are now hinting that you are messing with the ASE "gameplay"??

How are they hinting that they are messing with the ASE gameplay?

They won't be showing ASA gameplay until shortly before release, which is what they originally did for ASE back in 2015. That's how Wildcard operates. They aren't messing with anything.

And they are no longer just porting to UE5, they are doing a major overhaul of the game. That will be beneficial for pretty much everyone that plays it. They have given no indication that they are changing the mechanics like souls-like or anything like that. The whole point of doing ASA and doing a major overhaul is to have ASA running parallel with ARK 2 once ARK 2 releases so that there are 2 games to play.

The devs have already admitted that ARK 2 is going to be a vastly different game and therefore a lot of ARK players may not want to play it. Therefore they are doing ASA so that those players can still play ARK 1 but more enhanced on UE5. So they are hardly going to introduce souls-like to ASA when that is one of the main things that people may not like about ARK 2.



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1 hour ago, Jpags13 said:

I have not seen anything to make me believe Mods will actually be available on console day 1 of ASA. Mods on console would bring in the majority of the console crowd instantly. Fingers crossed.

Well yeah, why would we have mods on day one of ASA? Sure mod developers will get access to the dev kit for ASA to port over their mods but that doesn't mean it will be instantanious. Did Skyrim have mods on the first day? When the first mods came around were they all that advanced as they are now? It will take time for all of our favorites to make the port over, but at the very least they will indeed be usable on both console and pc, cross platform will be a thing to so that's another bonus.

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13 hours ago, ladymarina said:

Uh what solution? Hmm I seeyo have what your beliefs are in WC. But WC is no longer WC they were bought by SG. Also *cough* only saw that  on unofficial servers * cough* not Pve. Hacker got through the servers t hat were unmonitored. That's another reason  unofficial is a bad idea.  You are entitled to your opinion. But what happens if it isn't lived up to what your standards are.  Well Ill still be against it. 


Hate to break it to you but much of the toxic enviornment I described was common place in Official servers, and out right rare in unofficials. Heck I almost never see such behavior in unofficial, and when I do the ome causing the issue is often punished the next day. On the other hand though Hackers are an issue un every server, not just unofficial. So again the only "problem" people have is they can't get away with being horrible as easily anymore. As for your solution, its simple. wither find another unofficial server, make your own, or play singleplayer. plenty of options to keep on playing without official servers.

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10 minutes ago, Dienstbier said:

Maybe ASA will also get such saddles that cover more than just the back in terms of appearance.

After all, WC wants to practice at ASA for Ark 2.
Yes I know, it was more about UE5, but hope dies last.

If we can special craft saddles like that, I'm going all out and giving my tames the best armor resources can make

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3 hours ago, TyranntX said:


Hate to break it to you but much of the toxic enviornment I described was common place in Official servers, and out right rare in unofficials. Heck I almost never see such behavior in unofficial, and when I do the ome causing the issue is often punished the next day. On the other hand though Hackers are an issue un every server, not just unofficial. So again the only "problem" people have is they can't get away with being horrible as easily anymore. As for your solution, its simple. wither find another unofficial server, make your own, or play singleplayer. plenty of options to keep on playing without official servers.

Uh actually there is not.  So we are just supposed to loose everything and be left with a glitchy broken game. No I don't think so. That's just down dirty to do to your players. I'm sorry I've been on many a unofficial server where that has happened. Since I've been playing 2017. Unofficial servers have no protection as the official servers do. I've witnessed it. That's what made me go to official servers. The admin was never around and it was just left unmonitored. No I do not want to play on my own. It's not fair how there is no real compassion coming WC or Snail games.

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16 hours ago, Noffek said:

Wooow, I'm stunned by the post.  Bringing nothing change a little podpicowane gadgets but as you can see some people are already excited are already buying ASA xD.  Personally, these announcements are 0.0001% of all the work they can offer?  Recall that The Island contains many bugs that have not been fixed.  We need more specifics, gameplay and the most important communication with players, not throwing them away like a rag.  Because that's what you did now, it's been 1 month and you only presented a few photos taken in Paint 3D?  Let's remind the players who bought the game about the change in the EU law regarding the guarantees of digital applications. Is the Wild Card aware of how this could end? Your only bargaining chip is those who feverishly still trust you in "Remaster" I would rather call it an excess of content over weight.  Despite the partial information about ASA or ARK2, you still have many supporters from computer owners due to the possibility of using mods). 

But in the case of the console, I notice a few decisive facts: 1-many will not buy a new console for $500 to be able to spend $100 on Apps supposedly fixed.  "allegedly" because we don't know anything about the internal changes and not the "paint3D" pictures.

2-Another fact that a faulty ASE application should be eligible for a free update.

3-now you can say that if you can transfer the game code from UE4 to UE5 in such a short time why can't you also transfer player accounts?  (well, databases etc deviate from EU5 standards) just like ASE xD

4-What progress has been made towards Console players? Are we talking about releasing a "Working and possibly useful" Server Save?

5-Unless you just delete us for the measly $50 I won't pay you anyway?

What you are doing is a big joke without further details.  Instead, you blind players with a new dinosaur and 2 photos.  Is that all you can afford?  See how happy they are already because the new dino and something with optics have improved but it's a fraction of everything.  Really the bare minimum info.

This is what I was talking about. Ok great they want to upgrade no problem. Even though I don't think we need it should be just Ark 2. It's there way of.making money.... How can they confirm or keep the players who play Ark Se from Not being concerned about this. The glitches and bugs in ArkSe has not been fixed. As I said before it seem like they are just going to leave the game the way it is which will suck. 


Edited by ladymarina
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