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Deinocheirus "Terrible Claw" aka the Scorched Earth God




I have recently learned that the person behind the Ark Additions mod is close to finishing a Deinocheirus for his mod and it will be releasing soon, for his benefit dont upvote.

I guess us console players gotta wait until august then



Description and Abilities:

In my opinion ark deserves a more powerful multi purpose creature, so let me introduce the Deinocheirus.

The grand idea for Deinocheirus is more of a mid to late game tame for scorched earth that could be a beneficial due to the maps harsh climate and hostile creatures.

This creature's most crucial feature will be its thick fur/feathering, which will provide the rider with an insulation buff as well as providing a natural damage resistance to the creature (nothing to broken probably 20-25%) but will provide heavy resistance towards wyvern breath attacks. If it come into contact with water it will produce a hydration buff that greatly reduces the need to drink.

Another feature would be 3 separate attacks that provide 3 different purposes:

1. Bite: a pretty standard attack that can harvest berries/fibre from bushes, thatch from trees and hide from bodies.

2. Claw swipe: a more brutal attack that can cause bleed (even to bosses) as well as having wood and meat harvesting capabilities.

3. Body slam: An extremely powerful attack with a cool down that Involves a jump and a wwe style move that deals massive damage, stun, aswell as dismounting.

Its two final abilities will be a weight reduction for harvested items and the longer it runs the more speed it picks up.


For the size I believe being slightly bigger than the Allosaurus should be a fair bet.images.jpeg.e966ebaebe4e7a1020f0fb19a9153cf0.jpeg


Behaviour and Taming:

The behaviour for a wild Deinocheirus should be similar to that of the dire bear, passive for a few moments than extremely aggressive with the intention of killing.

The Taming for this creature should be passive and requires a certain animation to interact.

The general idea is it will wonder for a while and proceed to sit it will open its mouth and start panting, once this happens you walk up to it and feed it water to hydrate it, the colder the water the greater the effectiveness.




The location of this creature will be around or near the green obelisk since its a nice beautiful area, with the added bonus of an alpha variant that spawns out in the dunes of the desert.


With that all said and done, Good luck to all the creature submissions.


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This could be a lot like the Duck king from the previous vote

  • super gatherer and farmer that boost crop growth when close, it could help them grow in the scorching heat where they are prone to dry out (reduce base growth speed of crops),
  • it could also eliminate some debuffs from tamed dinos and players around (eliminated debuffs to be discussed) 
  • or it could make food intake of dinos and players around it much more efficient making food give more health and food
  • you could choose which berries to mainly harvest, giving more of that berry than others

OR   this could be a bigger better version of the famous therizinosaur, widely used in the dragon boss fight because they are herbivores who take less damage from the dragon

  • it could be a real TANK due to its large size and bulkiness, almost as big as a giga or carchar and have extremely wide range being able to catch flying creature off guard
  • it wouldn't do crazy damage against dinos, maybe a boost against flyers. It could have a special damage boost against bases, useful for multiplayer, raiding and SOTF.
  • its tall body would make its back a safe haven for adventuring across scorched earths deserts as the dino takes less damage from attacks and has a substantial amount of health
  • It would be slow considering its size and its short legs
  • most projectiles wouldnt do as much damage or torpor due to its thick fur and skin
  • Due to its large size it could carry a lot of weight making it a mobile large storage box
  • A water buff like the spino could be discussed but its very unlikely being on scorched earth.
  • If you try to tame it while it has a child around it will be aggressive, however it will usually be passive.
  • The dino was known to love water and eat fish so how about having a fish trap like ability where it sinks its claws into the water and waits for fish to pass, it could also stab small aquatic creatures  in a single swipe for a quick feed.

We really need more useful herbivores/omnivores in ark rather than just for collecting resources, this dino would be used as much as the usual carnivoure

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The damage resistance should be tied to a mud armor mechanic where it depletes over time when away from water. It can also be restored with water canteens if needed or have water reservoir on the saddle. Just cause I don't see feathers being resistant to fire, electricity, or poison balls.

I don't think bleed shouldn't be given to bulky creatures unless it has a high cost.
I think the body slam should be toned down to have a similar affect to the trike charge.

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The dinosaur in question is Deinocheirus, a herbivore that lived in the late Cretaceous period in what is now Mongolia. This dinosaur stood out for having a very long neck and tail, as well as having huge claws on its front legs.

The Deinocheirus would be an efficient gatherer of resources, especially berries and plants. Also, it would make a good traveling companion thanks to its speed and stamina.

Domestication of the Deinocheirus would be a long and expensive process due to its size and temperament. Players would need to build a structure large enough to contain it and have a significant amount of resources to keep it fed and healthy. However, once tamed, the Deinocheirus would make a great companion for collecting resources and exploring the world.

Breeding the Deinocheirus would require a large amount of resources, including a significant amount of berries and plants. Players would have to grow a large amount of food to keep the young Deinocheirus well-fed and healthy.

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This is sort of like a hybrid between a spino and a parasour. It was said by peintologists that it was bigger than a t-rex and was bipedal. I believe it was hunted by tarbosaurus which appears t-rex like. The deinocheirus had long arms with 8 inch claws. I wanted to suggest this because I want to see more theropods like the parasour. I'm no peintologist because I bet some of my information may be wrong in some ways but the parasour is basically my favorite Dino and I just want more dinos like the parasour.

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Es la única especie de su género extinto, que surgió a finales del cretacico, en lo que es la actual Asia. Su nombre significa mano terrible dado a la fuerza y tamaño de las manos y garras, este herbívoro era letal, y con su pelaje le aportaba una gran resistencia siendo inmune a hemorragias y aportando al piloto inmunidad a las olas de calor y altas temperaturas. Y con su pico parecido al de un ornitorrinco podría servir para recolectar grandes cantidades de cactus, semillas, madera, entre otros recursos,  teniendo una reducción de peso del 60% en los 3 materiales principales nombrados anteriormente.

Y con sus letales manos el deinocheirus es una máquina de matar, que compensa su velocidad de movimiento no muy alta con un daño alto. Este al estar cerca de un gran carnívoro como Tiranosaurios, spinosaurios... obtendrá un efecto de sangrado en sus enemigos.

El deinocheirus media 12 metros de largo, 3 de alto y pesaba 5 toneladas, al ser un dinosaurio tan voluminoso tiene una gran capacidad de peso y de energía. El deinocheirus con unos brazos de 2 metros y medio, puede levantar estructuras medianas y pequeñas, y lanzarlas a una distancia corta, (está distancia puede verse beneficiada al subir la estadística de peso a la criatura, está subirá cada 400 de peso y dejará está de aumentar al superar los 2400 de peso.


Información basica

Temperamento neutro

Dieta herbívora y rara vez su dieta era piscivora

Grupo dinosaurios

Habitat Zonas cerca de los ríos (comparte habitat con los kaprosuchus)



carne cruda

Carne cruda de primera




Este se domesticará de forma pasiva dándole de comer cactus, pero este se volverá agresivo si atacas a cualquier criatura que esté por la zona, así también perderá eficacia de tameo


Este gracias a su pelaje no necesita montura, pero tiene una montura que aparte de aportarle armadura le aporta más daño ya que recubre sus garras con metal y también está mejora le permitirá levantar cajas fuertes con todo en su inventario pero no podrá lanzarla y solo la podrá dejarla encima de un cimiento


Zarpazo: golpes con las garras

Picotazo: da un picotazo que daña al jinete

Agarre: agarra estructuras medianas y pequeñas, que lanza con el ataque principal y deja en su sitio con el ataque secundario


Para el transporte y mudanza

Este gracias a su gran habilidad de elevar estructuras y su gran peso es adecuado para transporte de materiales y para mudanzas

Para derrotar jefes

Gracias a su gran daño, su más que decente vida y resistencia al sangrado es una montura indispensable en estos combates

Recolección y cosecha de cactus, semillas y madera

Gracias a sus reducciones de peso y multiplicador de recolección de cactus, semillas y madera.





sabia de cactus




flores raras

Setas raras


La imagen no es mía y no encontré el autor de esta para poder darle crédito


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