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Community Crunch 356: ARK Roadmap Update, Rhyniognatha Concept, and More!


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2 hours ago, margifish said:

Sheesh...some people need to work on their math and reading comprehension skills.

Does it suck that ASE official servers are getting shut down? Sure, but they weren't going to run forever. They've given a date and all of us will be able to take the save data and continue in hosted servers if we HAVE to maintain our original collections/bases. I have over 11,000 hours on Official PVE over 5 years and I've made my peace with it.

My main issue with the original announcement was being forced to buy Ark 2 (which frankly from the game play changes they've mentioned including the 'dark souls combat' I have zero interest in) if I wanted to play ASA. Not to mention the original plan was pay $50 bucks THEN pay another $20 for scorched, Ab and extinction and then ANOTHER $20 for Gen 1 and 2.

$60 for ALL the maps in a game I *know* I'll enjoy that's going to run and have content added to for years is a fair deal to me. It's not just 'the same game' with a new coat of paint if they're making changes to it beyond graphical updates. If you're still mad you're not getting essentially a new game with all the maps for free, take your save data and move to a private server.

pve is a joke. try fighting and defending and actually EARNING your way then having it all taken.

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I am in mixed feelings about this. On one hand i do love game very much and see it getting improved and upgraded remaster  makes me exited (that if it actually would get improved), on the other hand the way WC presented it all to us, the community, makes me wanna barf. It is so sad that such great game as this have developers with no respect for their playerbase. I have played for 9k hours on both official and unofficial servers, and personaly dont mind to pay for an remaster (on a discount maybe), but im not so sure that i want to support WC anymore.

I guess time will show how good this "remaster" will be. 

Edited by CatInFire
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So, im new to this community page, but I have 1200 hours in ARK... baby hours, I know. But anyways... from my understanding.... y'all want to shut down current ARK servers. Launch this new ARK ascended game. Force people to pay for it because you will no longer be running the old ARK servers/supporting the game. Then in a couple vague years, ARK 2 will get pushed out, which we'll have to pay for as well?

Y'all are genuinely just telling your community that they're irrelevant money bags to y'all. And we have to pay for mods now too, where y'all keep half of the profits?? I don't know. I was legit just really getting into the game when a buddy told me about these new plans from y'all and can genuinely say.... if this is y'alls plan, then I won't be playing this game anymore as of right this moment. And I will not be spending money on anything else from y'all. I paid for every single DLC currently out and now it's just... a waste. Thanks for stealing my money. Really appreciate it.

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Seems a bit better, even though you just shifted the expansions for ark 2 so the price will be the same...

But get rid of overwolf. We don't want anything to do with that spyware infested buggy software. Go back to steam workshop. If crossplay has to go because of it then so be it, that will be turned off anyways for my unofficial servers.

Edited by Gelantious
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6 hours ago, darkradeon said:

Lmao, you don't get it: price is the last and minor issue. Getting payid for work is legit thing (if price is legit tooI). The main issues are others.


Official shutdown

Total official shutdown is like forcing users to buy the game, despite ASE still selling good and getting new players activation daily.
This also kills owners of old gen consoles that cannot even download and keep the server saves.
You NEVER cared about server status: never a server review after 2019 with the partial shutdown of legacy. You opened always new servers even for unplayed maps. And now you are telling those resources are all needed for a game that still doesn't exists even on preorder and that will face 1-2 maps only at begin? This is a mockery.

FIX: Keep Official alive until it is played. Do a server review, do it seriously, say what server have to close for being un-played, allowing people to move giving a decent amount of time. Do this review every 6-9-12 months until really those servers are all unpopulated and you decide to shutdown ASE. And please note that a lot of official players quitted now for your previous disastrous community crunch.



Overwolf is a piece of crapware slowing down system, eating resources. Paid mods will kill unofficial with players having to pay both slots and mods. Instead, mod.io initial choice was far better choice.

FIX: Toss off overwolf and go back to mod.io.



Multiplatform is just a sex toy for monkey streamers to get more viewers: it will only add tons of issues about cheating, account login issues, patch deployment issues (pc vs consoles certification process). This also put a dark shadows against unofficial and dedicated server runtimes: microsoft and sony don't like non-nda users dealing with their account and login platforms. You tried it with SOTF and didn't work (pad vs mouse&keyboard).

FIX: Toss off multiplatform. It didn’t work with SOTF (mouse vs keyboard) and brings only deployment issues. Nobody really cares nor asked about this. Or if you really wanna do it, don't put it as default choice and on official servers.


Your behaviour toward community

You totally lack of any real sign of respect towards your community: lies, mocking, total silence hoping people will forget
Now you say you changed again idea about your economical future econmical income? All these are proofs you aren't serious on your work and intentions.
You are even able to sincerely ask sorry for those that will lose years of supporting your game. All this "we al learning" agile poop paradigm is just the iceberg peak of your total fail on this.
ARK Survival Evolved is sold as an mmo, at least on Steam. In a mmo there are 2 really important aspect a developer must consider: servers review and community respect. For 7 years you clearly totally showed you do not care about these 2 things.

FIX: Ask sorry. Really and sincerely. And stop using players as beta tester. Provide beta releases and servers for that.


I fully agree with DarkRadeon. I share a lot of the same concerns, and wasn't aware of DLSS possibly causing issues too. So now kinda worried about that on top of everything else. I really don't want anything to do with Overwolf. A friend of mine said they recently had to uninstall spyware from Overwolf...
They're just not trustworthy. Please use Mod.io or even just stick with the Steam workshop. Anything but Overwolf. I haven't played Ark without mods for years now. If I can't play Ark 2 or ASA with mods then I'll just stick with ASE. I'm not downloading spyware.

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3 hours ago, Booboo82 said:

jolly / giochi di lumache  

hai ucciso ark per molti giochi, giocatori e persone che hanno trascorso migliaia e migliaia di ore su ark, molti di noi stanno persino nascondendo più di 10.000 ore e per te tienici f ...... noi con questo incredibile . dici una cosa, fai qualcosa di diverso (va bene, ce ne occuperemo solo) stai facendo notizie su Internet dall'enorme cazzata che hai fatto. i giocatori di lunga data sanno che i giochi di lumache tirano i fili e ora stanno solo tirando i fili. i giocatori non vogliono molto solo che tu fornisca ciò che hai detto dall'inizio ASA come aggiornamento gratuito. 

i giochi di lumaca sono un'azienda in cui il proprietario ha giocato a pvp ufficiale e ha dato ai suoi amici, compagni di trippa e chiunque volesse cose con comandi di amministrazione. quindi perché lasciare che incasino ASA con un pasticcio per averci fatto pagare per un gioco che non abbiamo visto non vedremo fino a quando non saprai solo tu quando. 

La base di giocatori comprende la necessità dell'azienda di fare soldi, dio capisco che non è facile ma questo non è il modo giusto per farlo. la base di giocatori non è del tutto scomparsa, speriamo ancora che tu risolva questo problema, ma allo stato attuale stai perdendo sempre più base di giocatori di giorno in giorno, tutto perché la mancanza di parlare con la base di giocatori non è difficile. 

Nella vita dicono che tutta la stampa è buona stampa anche se è cattiva, ma da alcune delle nuove storie che ho letto e molte altre questa volta sembra essere una cattiva stampa perché sta uccidendo un gioco. ark è più grande di tutti, quindi tira fuori il dito e mostraci cosa pensa la tua staffetta dei fan della tua base di giocatori e al punto sono una famiglia.

anche se offri solo un aggiornamento 1 volta ad ASA solo per i giocatori che possiedono Ark ES e chiunque non possieda Ark se dovrà pagare per ASA come nuovo gioco. la base di giocatori ha speso un sacco di soldi con tutti i dlc e gli eventi della vita extra nel corso degli anni, sono sicuro che il minimo che puoi fare è dare un aggiornamento una tantum a chi possiede l'arca se ad ASA e i nuovi giocatori dovranno farlo compralo in questo modo continuerai a vendere giochi e la base di giocatori inizierà a tornare perché hanno qualcosa.


per quanto riguarda il server ark se ufficiale è stato chiuso perché non tenerli in esecuzione più a lungo anche se rallenti gli aggiornamenti solo a quelli seri e non hai eventi o eventi evo per mantenere basso il carico di lavoro su quel fronte. le persone hanno passato la vita su server ufficiali impanando costruendo e giocando c'è un server di discordia buco solo per i dinosauri per la triade perché tutto questo prende un modo sta solo uccidendo il gioco non pochissime persone stanno giocando perché i server chiudono. ci sono società di giochi là fuori che supportano ancora giochi che sono più vecchi di quelli con un server ufficiale su cui giocare e per te darci mesi per affrontarli è molto scarso per la tua pari. non sappiamo come sarà il nuovo ASA vogliamo solo che il nostro gioco viva uno e noi con noi quando torniamo a casa dal lavoro o quando stiamo passando una brutta giornata possiamo andare e parlare con gli amici che abbiamo incontrato gioco dell'arca. ma tutto ciò sembra essere finito ora perché ci siamo appena presi tutto grazie ai giochi jolly / lumaca 


questa è la fine dell'arca come la conosciamo quando i giocatori iniziano a cercare nuovi giochi da giocare e così farò, ma almeno dimentichiamo i bei vecchi tempi in cui tutte le persone che abbiamo incontrato giocando sono alcune brave altre meno buone. 


speriamo che ASA non sia il nuovo ATLAS non importa come la base di giocatori prenderà l'arca 2 nel 2068 quando uscirà buona fortuna 


...Toc toc... WC are you here? You read??....

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I have mixed emotions on this. If you are able to change your plans that quickly about the future of Ark SA, how should we know if you are going to change your mind in the future several times again. I can't trust you fully. It is time you be honest with the community and admit that those massive changes are not realisticly achievable in 4-5 month time. It does not seem thought out.

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50$ for ark2 AND ascend pack :D nonononon !!!! 59$ for ascend AND additional 60$ for ARK2 later yes yes yes ! What a amazing plan !  I hope you understand what they done ! With this they actually make 2x more and you all are happy lol ! In reality previous deal was way better even buying game which wont came out in  next 5 years in asc package was better !  Nice tricky move we all are treated like pili of idiots who understands nothing ! Give us free upgrade and milk us with new content until ARK 2 is released ! Make money on product is active / live to make other product ! DILO is your brains going WC its not how to make money your successfully destroying company ! try to see future , not grab money now and hope to release other poop ! 
How to make money - 
Give community what you said will be for free = ASC
Create new dlc for ASC = 30$ ( any poop will do)
Skin shop in ASC = $
Genesis 2 subscription map its broken yes paid dlc and you must pay subscription to play on it too aff= +++ $
DLC dinos (premium) any will do = + $$
Yes you'll make people mad but stil better than now ! 


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So instead of 50 for ASA and 2, plus 40 for the dlc (90 in total), we now pay 60 for ASA complete and 60 for ARK 2 (120 in total). Yes, it is speculative, ofc. But you guys do not think now that ASE is so popular, and new tripple A's come out at a 70euro pricepoint, ARK 2 will be lower than 60 euro, right? We have to pay 60 euro for what is essentially a visual upgrade to what we already have, including extras as cross server, paid mods, wild eggs and extra character customisation, most of which could have been added to the old game essentially. Even if ARK2 would be 30 at launch for some crazy reason, we still pay the same now as for the old deal.

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WILD BABIES? Ok, i pay you 100$ only because of that! 👀

Jokes aside, I'm glad you listened to the community that had some several good suggestions as well (see skin shop etc. People go crazy for what stuff lol).

Also, the bundle is fair. You could have asked for 80$, people would have bought it anyway. We know the maps, how they work etc.  So, people was not mad because of the price itself, but the bundle.

Sadly, for Ark II is not exactly the same and some people are not even interested to buy it. So, yes, even if for a low price, they wouldn't want own a game they are not going to play. I myself was going to buy the upgrade next year, when the bundle is over, and not at its launch 😅 i never blindly buy something, and when I did, I regretted (and because they're digital copies, i can't sell them).  I prefer to wait for Ark II and see what you guys are working on ☺️ I'm sure it will be great, but better show first and then sell.


And now, the creatures: The new giant bug looks cool and, yes, no one cared but... I do love the new Sabertooth design as well! Waiting for more sneak peeks 👀 

Also, did i read right? SE variants? Are we going to get creatures with different patterns? 👀 

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3 minutes ago, Cybershot29 said:

With this they actually make 2x more and you all are happy lol

Actually I am. Now rather than being able to BS numbers by throwing the package deal numbers on a spreadsheet wildcard and snail games will have to hope ark 2 can stand entirely on its own merits. Now people can choose to just not get ark 2 if they don't want it rather than having it hang onto the product they actually want like a leech on the nethers of ASA.

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Il y a 7 heures, darkradeon a dit :

Ptdr, vous ne le comprends pas : le prix est le dernier et le moindre problème. Être payé pour le travail est une chose légitime (si le prix est légitime aussi). Les principaux problèmes sont d'autres.


Fermeture officielle

L'arrêt officiel total, c'est comme forcer les utilisateurs à acheter le jeu, malgré le fait que l'ASE continue de bien vendre et d'obtenir l'activation de nouveaux joueurs tous les jours.
Cela tue également les propriétaires de consoles d'ancienne génération qui ne peuvent même pas télécharger et conserver les sauvegardes du serveur.
Vous ne vous êtes JAMAIS soucié de l'état du serveur : jamais un examen du serveur après 2019 avec l'arrêt partiel de l'héritage. Vous avez toujours ouvert de nouveaux serveurs, même pour les cartes non jouées. Et maintenant, vous dites que ces ressources sont toutes nécessaires pour un jeu qui n'existe toujours pas même en précommande et qui ne fera face à 1-2 cartes qu'au début ? C'est une moquerie.

CORRECTIF : Gardez Official en vie jusqu'à ce qu'il soit joué. Faites un examen du serveur, faites-le sérieusement, dites quel serveur doit fermer pour ne pas être joué, permettant aux gens de se déplacer en donnant une quantité décente de temps. Faites cet examen tous les 6 à 12 mois jusqu'à ce que ces serveurs soient tous inomplés et que vous décidiez d'arrêter ASE. Et veuillez noter que beaucoup de joueurs officiels ont quitté maintenant pour votre précédente crise communautaire désastreuse.



Overwolf est un morceau de crapware qui ralentit le système, mange des ressources. Les mods payants tueront non officiels, les joueurs devoir payer à la fois les machines à sous et les mods. Au lieu de cela, le choix initial de mod.io était un bien meilleur choix.

CORRECTIF : Lass off overwolf et retournez à mod.io.



La multiplateforme n'est qu'un sextoy pour les streamers de singes pour obtenir plus de téléspectateurs : il n'ajoutera que des tonnes de problèmes de tricherie, de problèmes de connexion de compte, de déploiement de correctifs (processus de certification pc vs consoles). Cela met également une ombre sombre contre les environnements d'exécution de serveur non officiels et dédiés : microsoft et sony n'aiment pas que les utilisateurs non-nda traitent avec leur compte et leurs plates-formes de connexion. Vous l'avez essayé avec SOTF et cela n'a pas fonctionné (pad vs souris et clavier).

CORRECTIF : Lardu multiplateforme. Cela n'a pas fonctionné avec SOTF (souris vs clavier) et n'apporte que des problèmes de déploiement. Personne ne s'en soucie vraiment et ne s'en soucie pas. Ou si vous voulez vraiment le faire, ne le mettez pas comme choix par défaut et sur les serveurs officiels.


Votre comportement envers la communauté

Vous manquez totalement de tout véritable signe de respect envers votre communauté : mensonges, moqueries, silence total en espérant que les gens oublieront
Maintenant, vous dites que vous avez à nouveau changé d'idée sur votre futur revenu économique et économique ? Ce sont toutes des preuves que vous n'êtes pas sérieux au sujet de votre travail et de vos intentions.
Vous êtes même en mesure de demander sincèrement pardon pour ceux qui perdront des années à soutenir votre jeu. Tout ce paradigme de caca agile "nous apprenons tous" n'est que le pic de l'iceberg de votre échec total à ce sujet.
ARK Survival Evolved est vendu en tant que mmo, au moins sur Steam. Dans un mmo, il y a 2 aspects vraiment importants qu'un développeur doit prendre en compte : l'examen des serveurs et le respect de la communauté. Pendant 7 ans, vous avez clairement montré que vous ne vous souciez pas de ces 2 choses.

CORRECTIF : Demandez désolé. Vraiment et sincèrement. Et arrêtez d'utiliser les joueurs comme bêta-testeurs. Fournir des versions bêta et des serveurs pour cela.


Comment ça personne ne s’intéresse au multiplateforme ? Ne prend pas ton cas comme un cas général, moi perso g toujours voulu jouer avec des potes sur pc et Xbox. Je peux comprendre que tu ne veux pas que ça soit une généralité mais évite de condamné cette option, elle est très utile pour plus de monde que tu le penses. 

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7 hours ago, darkradeon said:

Lmao, you don't get it: price is the last and minor issue. Getting payid for work is legit thing (if price is legit tooI). The main issues are others.


Official shutdown

Total official shutdown is like forcing users to buy the game, despite ASE still selling good and getting new players activation daily.
This also kills owners of old gen consoles that cannot even download and keep the server saves.
You NEVER cared about server status: never a server review after 2019 with the partial shutdown of legacy. You opened always new servers even for unplayed maps. And now you are telling those resources are all needed for a game that still doesn't exists even on preorder and that will face 1-2 maps only at begin? This is a mockery.

FIX: Keep Official alive until it is played. Do a server review, do it seriously, say what server have to close for being un-played, allowing people to move giving a decent amount of time. Do this review every 6-9-12 months until really those servers are all unpopulated and you decide to shutdown ASE. And please note that a lot of official players quitted now for your previous disastrous community crunch.



Overwolf is a piece of crapware slowing down system, eating resources. Paid mods will kill unofficial with players having to pay both slots and mods. Instead, mod.io initial choice was far better choice.

FIX: Toss off overwolf and go back to mod.io.



Multiplatform is just a sex toy for monkey streamers to get more viewers: it will only add tons of issues about cheating, account login issues, patch deployment issues (pc vs consoles certification process). This also put a dark shadows against unofficial and dedicated server runtimes: microsoft and sony don't like non-nda users dealing with their account and login platforms. You tried it with SOTF and didn't work (pad vs mouse&keyboard).

FIX: Toss off multiplatform. It didn’t work with SOTF (mouse vs keyboard) and brings only deployment issues. Nobody really cares nor asked about this. Or if you really wanna do it, don't put it as default choice and on official servers.


Your behaviour toward community

You totally lack of any real sign of respect towards your community: lies, mocking, total silence hoping people will forget
Now you say you changed again idea about your economical future econmical income? All these are proofs you aren't serious on your work and intentions.
You are even able to sincerely ask sorry for those that will lose years of supporting your game. All this "we al learning" agile poop paradigm is just the iceberg peak of your total fail on this.
ARK Survival Evolved is sold as an mmo, at least on Steam. In a mmo there are 2 really important aspect a developer must consider: servers review and community respect. For 7 years you clearly totally showed you do not care about these 2 things.

FIX: Ask sorry. Really and sincerely. And stop using players as beta tester. Provide beta releases and servers for that.


Thats so true all you say!  Minority? We are the players who play the game - your game - with all your rules and restrictions and are addicted to love our efforts in dinos raising and playing together. We need the official servers of Ark SE running further on because we dont wanna loose everything our heart is stick to. If you close all ofgicial server you will break all our hearts. So stop this. Just reduce the official servers if needed. But if you cut them off you will loose your community forever.

  • Thanks 1
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3 hours ago, DearDeanna4 said:
  1. la pratica di ottenere qualcosa, soprattutto denaro, attraverso la forza o le minacce.
    Chiaro e semplice, ecco cos'è. Stai  costringendo  la tua base di giocatori ad acquistare un gioco che già possiedono, ancora una volta, solo perché vedi costantemente quanto siamo appassionati di quel gioco e pensi che lo faremo tutti. Uscire con questo CC e cambiare il prezzo manca completamente il punto. Il prezzo non è ciò con cui le persone sono arrabbiate. 
    Quindi, lascia che te lo spieghi: 
    - Si diceva che questo fosse un aggiornamento GRATUITO che avrebbe trasferito i nostri salvataggi ASE (personaggi, dinosauri, ecc.)
    - Stai perdendo una parte decente della tua base di fan che non può passare alle console di nuova generazione a causa del costo, tanto meno acquistare ASA.  
    - Stai disattivando i server ufficiali su cui le persone hanno macinato DURO per 8 anni. Dubito seriamente che chiunque lavori in Wildcard giochi tanto quanto la maggior parte di noi. Ti rendi conto di quanto lavoro va nelle mutazioni delle statistiche per un addomesticamento che richiede DUE settimane per aumentare ?! O quanto lavoro è trovare le note dell'esploratore su OGNI. SEPARARE. CARTA GEOGRAFICA. così puoi massimizzare il tuo personaggio? E dovremmo tutti accettare di perderlo, ricominciare da capo e pagare per farlo. 
    - Hai reso pubblico, come da questa citazione, " Riconosciamo anche che ARK 2 ha alcune modifiche di design piuttosto significative rispetto al gioco originale, che potrebbero non renderlo attraente per tutti  ", che ti rendi conto che Ark 2 non lo farà essere un successo per tutti coloro che apprezzano ASE. Eppure... siamo costretti a perdere ciò che conosciamo e amiamo. Questo è il più grande dito medio per tutti noi. Se  sai che  la maggior parte dei tuoi fan non è favorevole, cosa stai facendo? Mantieni i server ufficiali o semplifica Ark 2 in modo che sia simile ad Ark 1. 
    - Non ci sono state vere scuse. Nessuna responsabilità. Nessuna rivendicazione di responsabilità per le dichiarazioni di Jeremy. Nessuna vera comunicazione; solo questo scricchiolio sciatto e deludente. 
    - Ci sono molti giochi che hanno e aggiorneranno a Unreal Engine 5 che NON fanno pagare i loro giocatori per l'aggiornamento. Allora, perché sei? Posso rispondere, in realtà. Sei gestito da una società avida chiamata Snail Games. Che, a proposito, continueranno a perdere soldi solo perché stai percorrendo un percorso con molte perdite (vedi il loro attuale prezzo delle azioni, come indicatore). La scusa di "costerebbe risorse e tempo" - i tuoi giocatori pagherebbero per il porto. Doneremmo, assumeresti persone per aiutare. È una soluzione semplice. Il che è un'orribile scusa per cominciare: Fortnite lo ha fatto senza alcuna perdita di dati ed era completamente gratuito. 
    - I giocatori di console non vogliono il cross-play. Ci sono abbastanza problemi solo su PC, non c'è bisogno di intrecciarli e rendere tutto 10 volte più complicato. 
    - Dato lo stato in cui si trova ASE e il fatto che il tuo team abbia appena abbandonato l'aggiornamento e se ne occupi, perché qualcuno dovrebbe voler sostenere finanziariamente ASA? Sarà lo stesso pasticcio pieno di bug, solo con grafica e mod migliori. È già stato ammesso che il tuo team non ha esperienza con esso, quindi dovremmo credere che verrà masterizzato e che un ASA completo e giocabile sarà disponibile alla fine di agosto? E dobbiamo pagare per questo, di nuovo. Chi può dire che non cancellerai quei server una volta che Ark 2 sarà finalmente disponibile?
    - C'è stata una petizione in giro con oltre 5.000 firme su di essa che ti chiedeva di mantenere in vita i server ufficiali. Si tratta di oltre 5.000 persone che hanno dedicato il loro tempo e denaro nella vita reale al tuo gioco molto, molto imperfetto per ANNI. Ti abbiamo supportato per tutto questo tempo, ti diciamo cosa vogliamo e tu scegli continuamente di ignorarlo. Prim+, rotto. Nessuna pelle sulle tute Tek. Avaro di eventi Evo, anche ora che il gioco sta letteralmente finendo tra quattro mesi. Lag, rollback, perdita di personaggi durante il trasferimento, exploit, essere espulso casualmente dalla tua tribù, problemi di combattimento con i boss, problemi di teletrasporto, problemi di anti-meshing. L'unica cosa che ha mai avuto importanza per Wildcard è stato il PvP : il resto di noi ha avuto la parte più corta del bastone, ogni volta. 
    La parte triste è che questo elenco non è nemmeno esaustivo e so già che questo messaggio non verrà mai letto. Anche nella piccola possibilità che accadesse, non cambierebbe nulla. Questo è stato essenzialmente un modo per sfogare le mie frustrazioni ed esprimere che io, personalmente, non supporterò più Studio Wildcard, Ark o Snail Games. Questo è fondamentalmente il mio addio a un gioco che amo da molto, molto tempo. 
    Riposa in pace. 


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2 hours ago, basilmemories said:

hey buddy, guys, pals. I don't think you're getting the message here. I play on official because my pve self is attached to an entire network of servers that i can hop to if one gets too toxic, or if someone basecamps, say, the metal cave in the desert on 194 and nobody ever does anything about it, despite all the tickets we send in. you know, stuff like that. What i'm saying is that the server network gives an out if the wildcard team fail in some way.

I can't do that on an unofficial server, or even a cluster. on unofficial I just have to hope that the people running it are good at what they do, or don't play favorites, or don't one day decide to tank all of my hard work because they felt they didn't get enough donations to think it's worth keeping the whole thing up. I've yet to see unofficial setups last longer than a year, ever.

But hey, i get to try and host my own now and also hope that my small group of friends will join in and help keep the server up while also trying to deal with your janky code? OH THAT'S THE SOLUTION I'VE ALWAYS WANTED, except not. Not in the slightest. if I wanted that headache, I would have already have done it.


So hey, let's talk in your language, the language of money.  for 60$ i would pay to have a FULL transfer of ALL my stuff and various bases to ASA, that is reasonable. However you're going to pave all the time I've put into this and time is money as they say, so... 0$. Zero Dollars would I pay for this product, where I have to start over again. for the issues that you are raising, and the choice you are forcing me and others to make, you should discount ASA by 100% for existing users.

Those are the only two legitimately ethical choices, and the only choices I won't talk endless garbage about you making.


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"Minority" has never been used as a reason in the past.

I recall a post some years ago stating that 85% of the player base is console PvE.

That never stopped you developing for PvP and nerfing the PvE game experience.

Poor excuse.  Next.

Overwolf is a really bad idea.  It's bloatware, pure and simple.  Use that "partnership" with mod.io and have in-game mod menus like other games utilizing mod.io

"UE5 Upgrade is hard"  I don't hear the Satisfactory devs crying about it (or charging extra for it).  Chin up, get 'er done.


Here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/unreal-engine-5-migration-guide/



Edited by PELIC
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5 hours ago, Mork said:

Ditching the bundle is a good move, as selling players a game they haven't seen without the ability to refund it was a horrible idea.  Only issue now is that the change actually increases the costs for existing players who already own all DLC.

Please consider a discounted upgrade to ASA for exisiting complete content owners. If players who already own ASE+DLCs could get ASA for 30/40 bucks, and then Ark 2 for 60/70 then the overall costs would be similar to the bundle but more consumer friendly.

I was about to write the same. I own Ark + All DLCs on PC and Ark on PS4. Now I have to buy it a 3rd time for the full price?! This will never happen! I even doubt the game will be fully functional on release, as every other game related to WC/SnailGames, so we'll be their guinea pigs again.

I'd be OK if the price was around $25-30 but not more!

And btw: Wildcard should make ASE + every DLC completely free right now! I can't imagine how new players feel when they buy it a few weeks before ASA drops without knowing that ASE will be dead.

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Dear Wildcard, if that was your attempt at an apology, that was pathetic. I used to be inspired by you. Now it just seems like money controls you. You claimed to represent minorities, but now seem to scapegoat them. Every step I take away from your company, it becomes more clear that we are better off without you now. Thank you for the good times, but you are a shell of the thing you once were. I will not return.


I pay for game pass but still bought your base game and every dlc just to support you. I have over 12k hours because the official pve was a real community and a place to meet people from around the world, in a supposedly “safe and fair” server. I learned to play your game from other players. I chose to invest my time on official because I trusted YOU the most. You just destroyed that and so much more. Your lack of transparency and disrespect to your community is enough for me to not trust you again, but I believe people can change. Will you stand up, do what is right and be the wildcard we all loved and supported for years? Or are we all just voices thrown into the void called snail?

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Wait so instead of getting the upgrade AND ark 2 for $50 we now only get upgraded ark for $60... so they basically just added the dlc price into the UE5 upgrade and told us to screw off and we now we have to buy ark 2 full price on release??

Not only was charging for the dlc scummy in the first place but this is next level of scum.

You basically just shat on our cake and told us it's frosting... 

Remember karma exists and it's going to come back with a vengeance..

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