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Community Crunch 355: ARK Roadmap, EVO Event, and More!


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6 minutes ago, Trevor2776 said:

Well thanks for ark'ing us all, and killing a a huge online community. Some of us had no intent of going to ARK2 for several reasons, one of which starting from scratch, as well as not being able to have tek again, and living in a primitive world with very little upgrades, as well as some of the dinos that we will no longer be seeing in ARK 2. Now you are basically taking all that away from us with wiping the servers and just erasing 2,3,4,5,6, years of every day grinding, some of us with still a little bit of the grind to go, and finally getting to where we want to be in the community, just getting ark'd to nothing again, losing all of our dinos and god knows what else that is not going to be in the save to go to a server to play by ourselves... and not with the little family of people we have grown to love and hate in our community. DILO? and now you are going to make us pay for it all over again, to start off with what in a game that may not even still live up to what it should be. 

They already admitted by their on statements that ASA will be practice for developing Ark2. No thanks. So many years. Bye. 

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let's look at the bright side, finally cheaters and exploiters who control all official PVP servers will meet justice :D

after years of trying to report them to no avail, wildcard is finally gonna do the job of banning all cheaters... as well as all legit players LMAO :D

they say death is the only justice in this world, that was not a joke LMAO

Edited by frenchiefries
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Hey @jeremystieglitz how will this work on official servers ? Would official servers need a wipe with the upgrade?
Save data will carry-over, no wipes will be required.



totally no-wipe and free they said..

Edited by darkradeon
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3 minutes ago, Chips3ar said:

so they shutdown official servers years of work gone with all friends i met in this game and played with, yea i can download my data maybe but whats the point i only played official

you are lucky, when they suddenly decided to wipe beginner servers, they didn't even provide a backup, it was a straight middle finger in the ass :D

I will definitely look at the saves, will be great to expose all the cheating and exploiting

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this reminds me of the great migration when ark went "live" they said we can keep our worlds and dinos but then suddenly we couldn't we all had to migrate to a new cluster while they phased out our old servers to make room for these NEW clusters you said the ue5 would be free.. and it is  bundled with a game you are so desperately trying to push did the budget for ark 2 go up some ones nose and now you need more money to complete it.. I cant understand how such a great idea of a game can be so horribly executed the only bugs that get fixed are the ones that no one cares about or that are kinda neat (the one when tame tracking first came out) hell I'm terrified of transferring from my server due to char deletions 3 TIMES!  this is the GREATEST game I have ever hated soo much but loved at the same time I cant wait till my map is available to download so I can protect my babies   but I doubt vary seriously i will ever buy another wc product again  i cant bear the thought of my baryonyx being deleted  

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Hey Wild Card Officials . Can I say what do you think you are doing closing down ark 1 and years of hard work for thousands of players. There are so many reasons why you can't do this.  The ark community will petition against your decision. We are your client base. Show us some respect and value our commitment..  why not make Dino transferable atleast?  I don't want to play single player..

Edited by scottbva
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A bitter appeal for Wildcard devs

Roadmap... It was so bad and I don't understand why few days ago Jeremy Stieglitz was so excited - we've got only bad news.

I expected this roadmap to be dissapointing because I was expecting delays but it isn't dissapointing, it's just sad.

Everyone expected ARK 2 moved to 2024 but rather early 2024 not end of 2024 (so probably early 2025 because we will have a few small delays just before ARK 2 launch for sure as always). In June 2025 we'll have 10th ARK: Survival Evolved launch anniversary so can you guys from Wildcard just promise us that you will give us ARK 2 not later than 10 years after ARK: Survival Evolved? Or maybe better not promise because my main problem in this roadmap are broken promises.

First about ARK UE 5 update. Me and for sure many other ARK players would be ok with paid remaster (you can buy new version of ARK and support Wildard in making ARK 2). But there is one big problem - you announced ARK UE 5 update will be free for all ARK: Survival Evolved players and now you changed your mind (it looks like you were surprised not only how much time but also how much money do you need for making ARK 2 - it shouldn't be a surprise for experienced devs like you). That's first broken promise and many ARK players will call it was a lie. Also there is still a big group of players in official servers so if they want to play ARK: SE in the future like this they will be forced to buy ASA. I also don't like idea of paying for DLCs maps again. If you want us to pay for ARK remaster just give us one final price for everything.

Now about ARK Animated Series. At start of 2023 you promised us that it's just around the corner and people are expecting this series very, very soon. Today you wrote just few words informing us that you still even don't know on what platform the series will launch, also no date when to expect this show. That's second broken promise. Will we see Animated Series in first half of 2023?

That's why I'm sad now and why I can't trust you guys anymore. Just don't make promises if you are not sure you can keep it. Respect your community. You should know it but you still make the same mistakes again and again.

There will be no ARK 2 gameplay trailer or screenshots this year. I just hope when you released info about ARK 2 in 2020 you've already making this game, it wasn't just a idea and now ARK 2 is very advanced in development right now but not ready to be shown yet. But you should be ready to show us how ARK: Survival Ascended looks on UE 5 and I think all of our community of ARK players would like to see some trailer soon. So don't promie us this trailer, just show it to us.

So please Wildcard - no more promises, just show us new trailer of ARK on UE 5 and inform us when you know where and when we will be able to watch Animated Series. Restore our faith in you. You have to change a lot in communication with fans. Good luck.

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If I am reading this correctly, we have only a short amount of time remaining to play the game we bought to play with friends. Those of us that play that game also voted on a new creature that we will not be able to fully experience with our friends, and may not even see the creature since what is the point of playing any more when all our resources will be taken away already? And the only way we can do all of what I just stated is to buy the game all over again, which we already own, and are currently playing. And we will get to buy it at an increased price to account for the increased "value" of getting an extra game we do not even know if we even want. This all in an attempt to FORCE players to "pre-purchase" a game they know nothing about, which should at least have some form of game play that could be shown, since the first step in game development is creating a mock-up of test game-play, then working on visuals after the game play is solid enough to progress in production (which I now doubt the game play mechanics have been completed given the hints of the "real pipe-line" I am seeing from what has been shown so far). All this just so players can start over from the beginning again, begging weekly for evo event crumbs just for the opportunity to have even half of a chance to get back to the progression we had before, and to maybe reduce the time that is taken from us all over again with the "hurry up and wait" mechanics that are somewhat mitigated by evo events. You want to have imprinted creatures again? Well you better "hurry up and wait" to spend eight hours of your life waiting for imprint timers, and you better hope all your baby timers activate at the same time. That is just one example of the "hurry up and wait" mechanics that we could sit through once, and only when we already struggled to get established enough to not feel the suffering as much. But starting over again in all of it is going to break players, and drive away many players. Maybe even create grudges that will guarantee a drop in Ark 2 sales. 

Well done wildcard. Your non-committal attempt to be more open, and forthcoming with your plans will only serve to anger your players. All because you thought they would not notice that you are not actually sharing any real information about your plans. You basically just said "leave or stay, it's up to you." all without giving enough information to make anyone want to stay. You could have shown a tech demo of how good the UE5 version of Ark will look, and get them excited about the paid upgrade before telling everyone that the only way they get to play the current version of their game is to get that upgrade. At least then the players would know what is being offered, rather than feeling as tho everything is being taken away, and an amorphous nothingness of higher cost with no added value is being pushed upon them. So tell the players the cost of the upgraded version of the current game, then later, after you release some tech demos of Ark 2, showing it in action, and how amazing it will be, even though the demo is only half as good as it will be when it is done, and get people excited about the prospect of playing the next installment of the Ark franchise. THEN you give the offer of adding a bundle version of getting new Ark 1, and getting Ark 2 at a lower cost if purchased in this "special" bundle. But no. It was decided that it would be best to tell your players that you are taking away years of their life/effort/time/commitments, and saying they get the PRIVILEGE to pay for the opportunity to start all over again, in a game they already spent years in, and had everything taken from them, all without knowing ANYTHING about what makes the cost worth the buy. 

It is funny how we know the price of the product, before we know anything about the product. And to those of us that have game development experience/understanding, that tells us that you have nothing, and probably miss-used funds on developing really bad ideas, and had to scrap it all, just to start over again. So now you are asking for money, in the form of extortion disguised as upgrades, and promises disguised as a great deal, that is actually a compelled pre-purchase. And gamers are not so fond of promises, and per-purchases these days. Not after the cyber-punk release. Even IF you currently have unreleased information to get players excited about what you just announced, the fact that you instead angered your players BEFORE showing something to give those players hope for the future, means you probably just lost a lot of your players who will have JUST NOW written you off as a waste of their time, and they will just leave, and never return without even giving you a chance to explain, or show what you have to offer. How can you speak to your audience, when the room is empty?  

If you want help to fix your situation, and need someone who has skills in concept art, story development, game development, and an undeniable skill with "Perspective", and understanding in all things creative, let me know. Though I doubt I will ever be contacted, given the aggressive nature of this post. But regardless of all I stated, I hope you get your deck/act together over there wildcard. Do not mess up what you have built. It would be a shame to see it all burn down from this spark that was struck today.

Edited by BlakeEIves
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I haven't been a player since day one, so there is a lot I don't fully understand. If the official servers are being closed and the final data is being uploaded, will I still have my dinos, can I take them to single player or do I loose everything? What about the players who have spent the last 6 years perfecting their dinos and builds?

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I am fine with them charging for both games and I Like the option for a bundle.... But paying for all of the DLC AGAIN is ludacris! I have already bought the DLC on ps4 and steam. That is a total of $280 already spent and they want me to spend another $130 to get an upgrade to the same content? A little loyalty to those that have already invested in Ark would go a long way.

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WildCard. Peruse these pages of comments created in just the past few hours. The general consensus is that you may have made a huge mistake with your decision to sunset Ark SE servers with your next revamp. And charging these players, who've been so dedicated and so loyal, to start from scratch with maps they already had....tsk tsk tsk. Now THAT'S an expensive trick. 90 hard earned smackeroons in ransom to get their scramble back on. A word comes to mind....well...a few come to mind, but for the sake of tender eyes I'll proffer one. Time. Time, my sisters and brothers and all in between and beyond. The time we've all spent exploring and building and befriending. The time we spent staking our claims, the loss and gains. The small victories and the larger pains. All that time spent. And for what? For a last, glittering orange sunset. I beseech you...nay I implore you Wildcard...have mercy on those who quite literally gave you hundreds upon hundreds of hours of their very lives to you. Our time on earth is but a short burst. A fart in the wind. And we gave so much of it to you. Skipped dinners and our children's soccer games, all put aside for the love of your creation. Our children are adults now....grown from eggs to maturity seemingly in an instant. Because we were with you. To lay these hourglasses of ours, etched with the sincerity of each keystroke, glazed with blood and tears, tempered in our sweat and hardened with the bellows of a million laughs and screams alike, to lay these unto the guillotine would be such a bittersweet end. An end which doesn't justify the means. For godsake have you even SEEN my adobe castle in the Southend desert of Lost Island? Have you witnessed my pack of killer dodos taking on a rabid Terrorbird?? Please reconsider, oh best beloved WildCard administrators...please. Our time should not be for naught.

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Honestly separating the UR5 upgrade for the OG game into a separate game makes sense, albeit is a bit poopty in my honest opinion.

My main concern though is this; what about the people who already own ARK: Survival Evolved and its DLC? Will we be forced to pay for the game all over again to play Survival Ascended? Or will we get it for free if we already own the base game? This wasn't addressed in the article from what I could tell and while I'm assuming it's not the case I would really appreciate an answer on this.

Also, is ARK 2 being released only for PC/XBOX a limited-time exclusivity thing where it'll be made available for Playstation at a later date, or is it just not getting put on PS5 at all?

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13 minutes ago, SharkLordSatan said:

Honestly separating the UR5 upgrade for the OG game into a separate game makes sense, albeit is a bit poopty in my honest opinion.

My main concern though is this; what about the people who already own ARK: Survival Evolved and its DLC? Will we be forced to pay for the game all over again to play Survival Ascended? Or will we get it for free if we already own the base game? This wasn't addressed in the article from what I could tell and while I'm assuming it's not the case I would really appreciate an answer on this.

Also, is ARK 2 being released only for PC/XBOX a limited-time exclusivity thing where it'll be made available for Playstation at a later date, or is it just not getting put on PS5 at all?

scroll up a few of us shared a tweet from Jeremy and what he said on it

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Wait wait wait, the standalone Ark: Survival Ascended is forty dollars? Why? What is this absurd price? Ark Survival Evolved's base game costs half that. And Survival Ascended isn't going to have any new content.

It's going to include remastered content, sure, but that would lead one to assume the price is going to decrease not increase. Are they paying for all of the free DLC that's included? Because that content is free - expecting it to be paid for is absurd.

And why in the world are the Explorer's Pass and the Genesis Pass still two separate things? Let me propose an alternative pay model:

  • $30 - Ark: Survival Ascended which includes The Island, all of the free maps, and Scorched Earth.
  • $30 - The Genesis Explorer Pass which includes Aberration, Extinction, Genesis 1, and Genesis 2.

Is this pricing model any less absurd? No. It's still insane to expect to sell a remaster for a price like this when the last expansion only released two years ago. This price is even more insane when you take into account the new DLC that's being made, but it's a lot more reasonable than $80 dollars. 

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