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Community Crunch 355: ARK Roadmap, EVO Event, and More!


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15 minutes ago, Legitarkplayer23 said:

So I know I'm quoting my own post but this is really bugging me since I've tried getting back into official pve off and on for years and I always quit because of how immersion breaking it is when the whole map gets pillared or worse, (foundationed) by 3 or 4 tribes... could someone at wildcard confirm that this issue will be resolved? It matters to  me and a lot of people who like the pve experience but hate when the few ruin it.

You are getting new fresh servers. But only if you buy the new version of Ark that is bundled with a game that doesn't exist yet. 

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Ark 2 delay was fully expected, maybe not such a big delay, but whatever.

New ark version could be a lot of fun, at least for the first few months, until the poopty maps come out for it (extinction, gen1, gen2). The selling practice for it is a little questionable but if ark two becomes a hit it would be fine. That entire ASA project is completely useless tho if wildcard doesnt include a proper anti cheat program into it. The current game is an absolute cheat fest, cant properly play pvp if you dont have cheats or friends who cheat, and cant get around that massive real money trading market either. Absolutely disgusting what official pvp has become. If thats the same on the new version id be massively disappointed.

I also want to add a suggestion for ASA, pls give us orp clusters again, maybe even combined with the ruleset of classic seasons. Or a cluster where breeding for stat mutations is removed or at least heavily limited as originally planned. Helps the longevity of the game.

Oh and last one, is it a mistake or intentional that the initial tek engrams for the new conquest season dont include tek turrets?

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I just want to say thanks to Wildcard, now I can close down servers and stop checking for any semblance of news every week.

There is no need to keep the current game (or servers) going when ue5 is a new game.  Frankly, this news sunsets my interest in Ark and officially transfers me to the “I’ll believe it when I see it” server for Ark 2.

Also, kinda hard to believe they have nothing worth sharing, it’s been how long since we’ve gotten a trailer and still no game footage? How do you go years with nothing to show for it?  Maybe they’ll turn it around in 2024 or maybe it’ll be 2025…

Either way, best wishes to the community!  I’m impressed we’ve all held on until now.


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To clarify: the UE5 tease a couple weeks back is referring to in-the-works complete free upgrade/remaster of ARK Survival Evolved in UnrealEngine5. Not a cinematic. We havent officially announced the ARK UE5 upgrade yet 'cause there's other major things we wanna show then as well

Mr Dolphin @MrDolphin101 · Jan 23
Replying to  @jeremystieglitz
Hey @jeremystieglitz how will this work on official servers ? Would official servers need a wipe with the upgrade?


Jeremy Stieglitz @jeremystieglitz · Jan 23
Replying to @MrDolphin101
Save data will carry-over, no wipes will be required.


Edited by darkradeon
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7 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:

You are getting new fresh servers. But only if you buy the new version of Ark that is bundled with a game that doesn't exist yet. 

I'll buy a new version of the same game gladly if they could confirm that the pve servers will actually be for multiple people and not 4 tribes who pillared everything on day 2.

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3 minutes ago, Belthod said:

I just want to say thanks to Wildcard, now I can close down servers and stop checking for any semblance of news every week.

There is no need to keep the current game (or servers) going when ue5 is a new game.  Frankly, this news sunsets my interest in Ark and officially transfers me to the “I’ll believe it when I see it” server for Ark 2.

Also, kinda hard to believe they have nothing worth sharing, it’s been how long since we’ve gotten a trailer and still no game footage? How do you go years with nothing to show for it?  Maybe they’ll turn it around in 2024 or maybe it’ll be 2025…

Either way, best wishes to the community!  I’m impressed we’ve all held on until now.



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2 minutes ago, SoilingSage said:

A sad day for official ASE players a great day for fans of the game ASA will be a welcome addition perhaps more so than ark 2 thanks wildcard UE5 looks amazing I look forward to new adventures

I look forward to those adventure too as long as pve official will be playable for multiple people.

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1 minute ago, crazyhobo said:

welcome to the party everyone they did what they did to us in alpha all over again lol no favor to the people who love the game kept it alive just toss us into the ocean once they done with us

Straight up. The Scorched Earth cashgrab was the beginning of the end for me the first time. I wonder if most people who play even know they did that incredibly shady tactic. "Hey instead of fixing core issues, here's a 20$ dlc while our game is still over a year away from official release."

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1 minute ago, Trickytim88 said:

Sounds like there be a lot of employees not doing their job, so we gotta charge for what was supposed to be free, so that they can get paid to set on their a**. Ark 2 is included!! Oh you mean that game that will be on game pass for free hummmm!! Yeah sounds like I’m paying for just the remaster.

Wow I didn't even think of it like that. So they're basically charging us 50$ to play ark 1 for a year.

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WC for your sake I really hope this is a joke because your are about to loose so much business. Who would want to buy from a company that would do this to them.

Lets break this down real quick.

1. Your gonna shut down all official server that people have been working on for years just so you can release a new version on a different engine that no one gives a poop about. Your gonna call it remastered but we all know its gonna be the exact same game yet we are gonna have to rebuy the game and rebuy all the DLC's for it.
2. The Official servers are gonna be shut down right as the release of this so called remastered version comes out trying to force people to buy it since they just lost all their years of hard work.
3. Your gonna leave access to the old game and all the old DLC's people paid for but only in single player and un-official servers that no one cares about. Basically robbing these people of all their money they spent on your company just to turn around and ask them to spend more money?
4. You push the release date of the game people have actually been waiting for just to release a cash grab which suggests you do not have the funds to finish Ark 2. I mean if you had the funds you would of just opened new servers for this so called remastered instead of just pissing on all of your players and making them all loose everything they have worked for just so you can try to make more money.

I will never spend another penny on one of your games. The fact that people are boycotting a harry potter video game and their boycott has absolutely nothing to do with video games is just dumb to me, this right here is the kind of stuff that deserves for a video game to be boycotted. This is just a big raptor you to all of your players.


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