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Cannot sign into ark support or report bugs


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Hey survivors!

So, I log in to Ark (Playstation, PvE gen2 map) last night and had someone claim I'd reported his base and gotten some structures destroyed (a day after helping him with missions lol), but thought nothing of it after the issue was resolved. Fast forward to today and I noticed there were random walls missing in my base too, 3 tek walls at the top of my building were auto-decayed. I know singular structures can be demolished in 8 hours but this was on top of a pretty large base, impossible for them to be considered a single structure under normal circumstances.

So, I wasnt too worried as it was only a small number of structures, but figured id put in a bug report / support ticket to make them aware that something is causing this to happen, and it seems I cant report issues or contact support, possibly due to refusing the pretty bad compensation of losing a cryofridge of top stat dinos, the link redirects as something following "User+Suspended". (I didnt spam the system, I did say the offer was pretty disgusting given the effort, but there were no swearing, spam, just outright said no to the offered replacements).

Obviously losing the walls is no big deal at all but its kinda worrying that if theres larger issues in the future, or if I find bugs such as this and cant report them.

Is there any way to get an official response on the matter?


Cheers for any help


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