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Community Crunch 346: Ragnarok on Nintendo Switch, Community Creature Voting, and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin


Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch!

We've enjoyed seeing the creativity on display with the latest round of creature submissions and we were pleased when we saw some fan and studio favorites from prior contests return for battle! Now that submissions for creatures have closed, the second round of voting will begin.  Voting is open now and ends on February 6th at 4 PM Pacific.


Round up your tribes and cast your vote for the next creature to be added to ARK!  *Multiple votes are automatically deleted/disqualified. Only one vote will be registered




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Ragnarok, a popular community ARK Expansion Map, makes its way to Nintendo Switch on February 7th.  Ragnarok features new biomes, environmental traps, and impressive ruins, combined with a beautiful world to explore!

 Click here to check out the patch notes for Nintendo Switch and here to follow the Grove Street Games Twitter account.






There will be no EVO Event this week.




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Creator: Syntac

Is Carchar the new apex predator in ARK?  Find out in Syntac's latest ARK episode!

Creator: Cjthecheesed

There's often debate on the most essential creatures to tame in ARK?  Do you agree with this list from Cjthecheesed


The black wyvern by @k3zk_627


X-Woolly Rhino by Amberghini


Untitled by Iyumi#6526


ARK Snow Owl by Saprom


ARK 2 Brachiosaurus by @StudiosGoji


ARK 2 Allosaurus Fan Concept by Allosaurus16









Catch you next week!
Studio Wildcard

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Hoping for gorgon but I wouldn't mind the beetle, bison, or goat making it. They've definitely given a good push as time has gone on, especially in the case of the beetle seeing as gorgon was winning pretty handily till a few days ago. In truth the only creature I flat out wouldn't care for taking the win would be the lion. As satisfying as the meltdown to follow would be to watch, I'd prefer a creature both not surrounded by controversy and that I'd actually want to use making it.

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More useless creatures. I struggle to see a use for any of these creatures in ARK. Why don't they just pick one those great mod creatures I see on Youtube, Series X doesn't have any of those. Also, Gen 2 being Ark 1's last official map, opened the door for all kinds of great imaginary creatures from all those different planets, like that Pandora map.  Anyways, my submission would.ve something usleful, fun and awesome. The great Eagle King. Something to rival the Wyvern and just as fast. The jet fighter of Ark. Can pick players, dive bomb( like griffin and owl) and stun flyers temp, like void wyv and does bleed stacks with sharp talons. Great meat. prim and hide gatherer with weight reduction.  Mortar and pestle saddle. You have to steal eggs while adults are trying to pick you off, like trope  


Edited by Caligamer1
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10 hours ago, Caligamer1 said:

More useless creatures. I struggle to see a use for any of these creatures in ARK. Why don't they just pick one those great mod creatures I see on Youtube, Series X doesn't have any of those. Also, Gen 2 being Ark 1's last official map, opened the door for all kinds of great imaginary creatures from all those different planets, like that Pandora map.  Anyways, my submission would.ve something usleful, fun and awesome. The great Eagle King. Something to rival the Wyvern and just as fast. The jet fighter of Ark. Can pick players, dive bomb( like griffin and owl) and stun flyers temp, like void wyv and does bleed stacks with sharp talons. Great meat. prim and hide gatherer with weight reduction.  Mortar and pestle saddle. You have to steal eggs while adults are trying to pick you off, like trope  


It's generally agreed upon that most mod creatures remain just that: mod creatures. Unless wildcard is willing to shell out the cash to pay for the rights to use them it would basically be stealing the works of others for their profit. As far as your suggestion is concerned, it wasn't ever brought up in the vote, even if it were it would've been disqualified as it's not a real world prehistoric creature. The closest you'd have to it would be the haast eagle which while submitted received very little support.

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