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How do the word filter settings work?


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Two questions...

1. How do the following settings work if they're added to a server which already has a badly name tribe or character - or do they just work with chat?
2. Is there an official URL with bad words and good words?

bFilterTribeNames=True // Filters out tribe names based on the badwords/goodwords list.
bFilterCharacterNames=True // Filters out character names based on the bad words/good words list.
bFilterChat=true // Filters out character names based on the bad word/good words list.
BadWordListURL="URL GOES HERE" // for hosting your own bad words list.
BadWordWhiteListURL="URLGOESHERE" // for hosting your own good words list

Thanks in anticipation.

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3 hours ago, KobalT said:


I would join the question exceptionally the part how to set up the list... where to upload it... with what format etc... we need a bit more details on that one bcs its not really clear how to do that... me and my friends tried couple options but still server seems to not filter anything...



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59 minutes ago, invincibleqc said:

Nah nah i got set of banned words ready in my native laguage... we uploaded the txt on google drive and copied whole link to the listy into the settings but for some reason server still don't read them and after opening setting again there is a cut link in beside the command "BadWordListURL=" dunno why its doing that..

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