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Pliosaurus - Predator X - King of the Ocean



Pliosaurus - Predator X

Basic Info

  • Group- Pliosaurus
  • Species- Pliosaurus funkei
  • Diet- Carnivore
  • Temperament - Aggressive


  • Torpor Immune - No
  • Taming Method - Knock out
  • Preferred food - Leediscythis Blubber


  • Pliosaur saddle
  • Pliosaur War Saddle

Carryable by

  • Tusoteuthis

Can damage

  • Thatch
  • Greenhouse
  • Wood
  • Adobe
  • Stone
  • Metal (Adrenaline)
  • TEK (Adrenaline)


  • Hunter Vision
    • All Creatures with a smaller drag weight are highlighted
  • Crunch
    • Does 1.5x damage to mosa,plesio and leos
    • Does 2x damage to alpha
    • Damage stacks (Alpha mosa)
    • Gives the target the broken status effect
    • 20 second cooldown
  • Rush down- Breaks into a short fast burst
    • Does 2x damage to boats/rafts
    • Stuns the target 
    • Inflict small torpor
  • Adrenaline boost
    • Activates when adrenaline bar is filled and activated
    • Bar is out of 100 points
      • Small creatures add 1 point
      • Medium Creatures add 10 points
      • Large Creatures add 15 points
      • Alpha Creatures add 25 points
      • Taking damage adds 1 point
      • Being stunned adds 20 points
  • When under half health, points are doubled
  • When its active, pliosaur cannot gain points
  • The Pliosaurus does a start up animation
  • Eyes glow yellow
  • 25% bonus to melee damage, movement speed
  • 35% damage and torpor resistance
  • Crunch does bleed damage
  • Rush down travels further
  • Creatures in a 20 meter radius become scared the closer it gets
  • Pliosaurus cannot be stunned
  • If inked, rider loses control


  • Alpha Hunter
  • War Mount


  • Left Click - Bite
  • Right Click - Crunch
  • C - Rush down
  • X - Adrenaline Rush
  • CTRL - Hunter vision

Extra Notes

  • During the baby stage, full ghillie armor is required to wear in order for the baby to not kill the survivor
  • During Juvenile stage, only the ghillie chestpiece is required to wear
  • Wild Pliosaur will attack everything in the wild except for alpha creatures, mantas, eels, jellyfish and ammonites


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Pliosaur in the wild:

This furious creature existes deap in the oceon ,always surrounded by illes and jelly fish they are around him because it makes them faster and protected .This monster has a magnificent bite that can crush even tek If this beast attacked you you have only one choice to let him kill you this monster floows you even in the land (20 meters) . You can not fight it brcause it makes big sea dinos weak ( mosa/basilisk/dunkly...) by his amazing bleed (3.2 percent of th health)

This dino has only tow weakness meglodon and plesio this monster fear those and dont attack them they do x3 the dammege on him

Taming :

the females of creature are wandering with babies you need to claim the baby and run from his mother


When hiS Tamed:

this creature is very strong as strog as giga he has and special ability that can do x3 the damege and a bleed (1.5 percent) but only if you can kill 10 dinos .And he can  go out of the sea for 30 seconds 

The Dining Habits of a Jurassic Sea Dragon

The saddle :

in his saddle you can carft an alexer that boustes the stamina and weight



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I am an avid user of daeodon and his healing abilities, specialy in middle of combat and i always tought, why not add an creature that does this exact same thing with this exact same way but on the ocean? Where daedon cannot go.

 And that is when i tought about pliosaur funkei (predator X), i want it to heal creatures, specialy in midle of combat, in the same way daeodon does on land.

 About his taming method, i want it to be simple: Standarth Knockout.

 In the wild he can act mostly like a smaller version of mosasaurus but that is able to heal the creatures that engage in combat alongside him, like daeodon usualy does when he is wild. 

Since he is bigger than daeodon he needs to have higher stats tough.

Another idea i have is for him is to make him be able to use courage roar, just like yutiranus and fulfill his role but on water, we don't have an ocean creature that does that yet. 

If the develops think will not be too op, make him heal himself and others in an excelent way but also giving excelent damage buff (To himself and others).

If the developers think will be too much, instead of nerfing him to do both things at the same time but in a not very good way, just make him be excelent in doing one of the two things!

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Description : La première fois que j'ai vu ce monstre, il mesurait 15 mètres de long et devait peser au moins 20 tonnes. Une nouvelle espèce présente dans tous les océans. En l'observant à bonne distance j'ai pu constater qu'il s'agit d'un des prédateurs marins les plus rapides du règne animal.

Ce chasseur des océans est grand et terrifiant, c'est indéniable, c'est un prédateur au sommet avec une morsure dévastatrice, il est coriace, rapide et surtout dangereux.

Apprivoisement : pour les personnes assez folles pour apprivoiser cette créature, il faudra sûrement l'endormir pour l'apprivoiser mais encore faut-il réussir à la piéger avec cette vitesse élevée et cette mâchoire puissante qui ne sera peut-être pas facile.

Une fois équipée d'une selle, cette créature sera parfaite pour explorer le fond des océans, faire des grottes et surtout pour le combat aquatique avec sa grande résistance, sa vitesse et ses morsures puissantes qui en font une remarquable machine de guerre aquatique. Il peut également utiliser son sonar pour détecter les ennemis sous l'eau.

I think this creature is capable of having young but I will not say if it lays eggs or if it has to give birth.



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