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Tylosaurus - The Venomous War Submarine




Ideas- Give it an armored saddle similar to the andrewsarchus but make it a fully enclosed saddle that provides oxygen and has a torpedo launcher on it or make it so you can build inside the saddle as if its a small submarine 

Wild- It would spawn in packs of 2 in the deep sea 

Tame- To tame it you must lead it to the surface where it slows down from the pressure difference where it would be able to be knocked out and tamed but im open to ideas

 Domesticated- It would be like a slightly smaller mosa that's faster and with a better turning circle and is just all around more responsive with movement. Its saddle would provide oxygen have a mounted torpedo launcher and maybe be buildable to make it like a smaller submarine 

Harvest-It would be proficient in farming oils from basilosaurus due to its large sharp teeth 

Feel free to leave ideas in replies 

Summery of ideas from replies 

  • Venomous bite/secretion to let it stay on land as long as it has venom and produce a narcotic elixir to keep creatures out cold
  • Turbines/engines to make it like a tropeo of the sea in terms of speed
  • Undersea artillery cannon with a cruise missile   
  • Buff/Debuff Roar to make it an yuty of the seas and help in undersea boss fights
  • Immunity to cnidaria 

Edit- Other ideas from replies are to make it an almost yutyrannus of the sea where it can buff creatures in the water/ another would to be making in an underwater artillery cannon where you can shoot out a guided missile that explodes after a certain amount of time/ could also have turbines or engines on the saddle that make it like an undersea tropeo/ would also be immune to cnidaria due to the rubber in the saddle/ yet another idea would be to make it venomous like its modern-day relative's of komodo dragons and sea snakes, the venom could be used as an explanation or timer for how long the tylo would be able to beach itself, or it could passively build up venom to make an narcotic version of  sanguine elixir where it instantly fills half a knocked out creatures torpor bar, would ofc also come with an venomous alt attack/

Edit of taming- Like stated above keep the dragging to the surface but instead of just bringing it to the top of the water make it beach itself like modern-day orcas do when hunting, then you must trap it and prevent it from returning to the depths this would ofc also mean that when tamed it would be able to beach itself but wouldnt really have much maneuverability on land


^ Art done by Helios 

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 Tylosaurus (gr. "Lagarto con protuberancia") es un mosasáurido que vivió hace entre 88 y 66 millones de años, en el Cretácico superior en lo que hoy son los Estados Unidos.



Al igual que los demás mosasaurios, Tylosaurus tenía la cabeza enorme y unas mandíbulas impresionantes. Las aletas eran más largas que las de otros mosasaurios, por lo que podía maniobrar mejor. Era uno de los mosasaurios más grandes, y aterrorizó los mares del Cretácico.


14 metros


15 toneladas



Rango temporal

Hace entre 88 y 66 millones de años, en el Cretácico superior

Posible hábitat.


Significado del nombre

Lagarto con Protuberancia


Cráneo enorme y aletas

Encontrado en

Estados Unidos y Canadá

Descrito por


Año de Descubrimiento

las habiidades que podria optener Tylosaurus son las siguientes
1 podria saltar hacia las orillas de las playas para cazar a sus presas luego de un tiempo de 500SG debera volver al agua sino ira perdiendo vida eventualmente
2 podria impulsarse desde las profundidades hacia arriba saliendo disparado un par de metros fuera del agua 
3 con sus fauces podria atrapar y triturar criaturas como megalodones basilosaurus ichthyosaurus ect
4 con su montura podria poder lanzar torpedos hacia estructuras o criaturas "habilidad muy util en PVP"
5 esta criatura podria llegar a tener version R y X para ambas version de genesis
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I love this idea of a submarine-like creature. I like your torpedo idea as well. To go along with it, put a Guided Cluster Missile launcher on it specifically to fire straight up out the water and towards anywhere on land (With range restrictions for balancing and to prevent from firing across the map)(This similarity to real life submarines that attack land from afar)

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