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Community Crunch 339: ExtraLife 2022!


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19 hours ago, Cyberra said:

Here's hoping this doesn't get screwed up as badly as Fear Evolved did. That last event was a trainwreck, and you guys ignored us for two weeks despite multiple people messaging about multiple issues

Well being as they dropped an 11gb update two hours into Extra Life I would say that the event is going Wildcardingly.

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19 hours ago, Cyberra said:

Here's hoping this doesn't get screwed up as badly as Fear Evolved did. That last event was a trainwreck, and you guys ignored us for two weeks despite multiple people messaging about multiple issues

Well it was worth hoping, but this update is horrible. I'll be playing by myself for hours instead of playing with my friends. I guess I should count myself lucky I've got good enough internet I'll even Get to play.

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1 hour ago, pickleismyname said:

Appreciate dropping an update on a 24hr event. You could have easily released after event but you did it during. I have fast internet and it still took me about 2hrs due to the copying part taking forever. 

yeah agreed, i happen to be in a hotel and internet is okay but its been over 2 hours for me and im at 8 percent. so im going to miss the whole thing and all my stuff prolly gonna be dead cause i can't get on when the multipliers are going cause of the update. we shall see i guess lol

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On 11/4/2022 at 7:46 PM, CosmicSkeleton said:

Given how close we are to the end of the year and the sequel's (presumed) release it's honestly up in the air. Now I'm not one to make a definitive declaration on the matter but I feel we've reached the point where wildcard kind of just wants to wash their hands of the first Ark so they can streamline shuffling resources to Ark2

The way i see it is of they wanted players to play the second game they probably should have tried harder with this one i will never lay a finger on another game made by Wild Card because the game is a broken pile of lag and they've had years to fix stuff and they haven't game still crashes constantly every event servers go down for hours or days and people get banned for little crap like putting people in cages but glitchers duper hackers and scammers and paypal sellers riddle the entire game with toxicity people spawn block and pillar everything so much so that people go out of they're way to try to circle your area in to prevent you from building

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14 minutes ago, ZaraVee said:

The way i see it is of they wanted players to play the second game they probably should have tried harder with this one i will never lay a finger on another game made by Wild Card because the game is a broken pile of lag and they've had years to fix stuff and they haven't game still crashes constantly every event servers go down for hours or days and people get banned for little crap like putting people in cages but glitchers duper hackers and scammers and paypal sellers riddle the entire game with toxicity people spawn block and pillar everything so much so that people go out of they're way to try to circle your area in to prevent you from building

I'm sure they'll miss you ;)  BYE!

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On 11/5/2022 at 1:52 AM, forgotenlore said:

seriously though thanks for all the hard work over the years. its not a perfect game its been both frustrating and fun to find the imperfections within the game. looking forward to watching the extra life stream like I have basically since the beginning  staying up for as long as I can playing the game. good luck And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Apart from a few querks that most of us tend to just live with, i think it's pretty close to perfect. Most people you play with whine like babies and still make claims like "I've played since the beta"..... I mean...DILO.... It's like these people have never tried to make 0 and 1 into a fully living and breathing alternate reality ;) So i support your notion good Sir. Thank you Wild Card for some truly amazing times over the last 7 years!

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On 11/5/2022 at 3:32 PM, Joebl0w13 said:
On 11/5/2022 at 3:26 PM, TheBLAIDD said:


Just added Carchar to the game.

Guess they were going for the Scorched earth approach to it then. Would've preferred they mention it in the announcement page though, would've given me a chance to mentally prepare for all of the players in my servers going cherry flavored apesh!t trying to find one after I got back from a double shift and a meeting.

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3 hours ago, Vesdied said:

yall gotta learn to be grateful, at the end of the day the money is going to children in need

That would require the complainers have a grasp of the world beyond their videogame as well as the empathy and maturity to understand that they while they live a plush and easy enough life to afford to be able to whine about something so small, the people these donations go to don't have such a luxury.

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