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Been Using Slomo Command To Make Breeding Faster

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I'm currently playing fjordur on a dedicated server that I'm renting on gportal. I often use the slomo command while waiting for shadowmane mutations and sometimes I feel like its cheating. I'm the only one who's active on the server anymore and it isn't impacting anyone else but it still feels kinda cheaty. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

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Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves
Will bring all of you to a new understanding and value of life
A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth
Like a priceless jewel
Buried in dark layers of soil and stone
Earth radiates her brilliant beauty
Into the caverns of space and time
Perhaps your are aware of those who watch over your home
And experience it as a place to visit and play with reality
You are becoming aware of yourself as a game master



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