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Prim Plus Cross Ark PVP Status


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Hi all


Cedric time for an update on Prim Plus Cross PVP PC platform. 
Even with the limitations of this platform you still have dedicated players who put hours, days, weeks, months, years into it. 
It is disrespectful for WC to just leave them/us hanging. You cannot put one fresh new young talent on the Prim Plus version of the game and get some fixes in?

Many of us old timers who followed you into this great version of Ark had the highest vision. This was the version of Ark we had embraced and were so excited to invest in. Then as time went on less and less time was invested by WC into Prim Plus. It has so many broken elements that so many do not think it even runs. Well for those who have been scared off the core works and for us dedicated to it is very enjoyable. I would argue the most dedicated players in Ark play Prim Plus. We play a broken game that is true survival at the core. We walk everywhere we don’t have pokey balls, we don’t have space ships, we don’t have laser beams, we don’t have shields or turrets. We have to walk everything everywhere, we can’t use scuba tanks to tame the ocean, we don’t have incubators to raise babies, we don’t have Maewings to help, I cannot remember the last time we got a new Dino, no alpha Rex’s to take down ( been years since one stepped on Prim), we cannot tame Chalicotheriums because our beer is different, stegos don’t walk but scoot around like they are on popsicle sticks and Gigas cannot harvest them, we cannot use tranq darts because they don’t exist, our beautiful crops don’t work anymore.
Even with all these shortfalls a large number of us embrace the challenges and just chalk it up to the Prim life. We are still able to defeat all the bosses, we can tame the oceans , we find ways around the obstacles with teamwork and determination. I would argue PVP on Prim is the best of Ark. We get visited by high profile PVP streamers regularly and they will concur. Even Chinese streamers will pop on Prim and they get a good pop in viewerships while on Prim. 

The release of Ark2 is a big concern to us because if we do not get any respect now we can only imagine we will be left to die a slow unceremoniously death for lack of support from WC and Cedric.

Please show us some respect and throw us a bone @Cedric

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I loved Prim+. Its a shame it never got the attention it deserved, but its that 15 minute load time that is the real slap in the face. They give us a broken mod, ignore it and then add a 15 minute load time as the cherry on top. Even one person working on it would have done wonders, proof being how well the player mods did with very similar settings.

Good luck with this, it will fall on deaf ears. It has for years. And with Ark 2 coming out, minimum resources are left behind for Ark 1.

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