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Ark PvE Performance Issues


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For what I can tell, Ark PvE is well know for being problematic when it comes to server performance due to its foundation spam among the community, which makes it hard for newcomers to setup and grind any decent ammount of meat or new mount due to the dinos low level and scarsity, this is not my first time posting something of this sort, but for a game this old, and yes I'm aware focus is on the release of Ark 2, many will still be playing Ark as you can see with franchises like Battlefield, Cod and GTA, not everyone jumps to the new ship.

That said, I would like to raise flag once more to this issue, where if possible, a new mechanism should be added, or even a config, to PvE at least, where dino cap isn't so hardly affected by player structures. Either by reducing or capping the ammount of player placable structures, a similiar mechanic from Rusts Tool Cupboard or tinkering configs in Official so dinos ignore to a certain extent the pillar spam (probably the most viable one) so the server is populated again with more dinos and not just the Alpha spam seeing around, which I imagine for new players could be a massive threat to their already hard found tames.


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i feel like your proposal is answering a symptom (scarcity of dinos) without addressing the problem (pillar spam).  

i'll admit this now.  i have less than 1 hour in on any official server, all of my time playing has been on private servers.  my wife on the other hand has played on official servers more than i have.  most of my knowledge of pillar spam is hearing my wifes stories or reading about it in peoples discussion online.

pillar spam i feel has had a dramatic effect on gameplay in Ark, and i believe that needs to be brought to a swift end.   the only reason i see to keep it is to keep someone from building too close to you, or to try and block off someone's access to something.  there are easy answers to the first, and the second shouldn't need to happen.

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8 hours ago, MTOrder said:

many will still be playing Ark as you can see with franchises like Battlefield, Cod and GTA, not everyone jumps to the new ship

Uless they just pull the game down. What better way to get people to buy Ark 2.

A lot of older multi-player games are being taken down right now from other companies.

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On 7/7/2022 at 9:56 AM, Stewbawl said:

pillar spam i feel has had a dramatic effect on gameplay in Ark, and i believe that needs to be brought to a swift end.

That's wishful thinking. WildCard has made it very clear over the years that they have no intention of preventing pillar spam, as far as they're concerned it's a valid way of protecting your land from incursion by other tribes.

They will get involved if a tribe pillars an 'unnecissarily' large area, but that's a subjective call. Unless someone is using pillars to deliberately grief other player WildCard approves of using pillars to claim land.

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