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Basilisk cannot be tamed?


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  • 2 months later...

Here is the key thing that videos dont seem to explain very well. The lightpet and foundation do work in fact they always work BUT you have to be in the taming process BEFORE you take the Basilisk to the foundation and lightpet with eggs on top of it. If you dont it will have the lightpet on the aggro list and it will stay that way until you kill it.

How to fix this ? Setup your lightpet and foundation and throw out the eggs on top of it a good distance away from the Basilisk. Now keep one egg and take it with you and find the Basilisk. Then you throw it out on the path to the foundation and aggro the Basilisk NOW you must kite him in circles until he emotes with his head straight up that signals feeding guide him over the egg and IF he eats it kite him the rest of the way to the foundation and then AFK. Key part is he has to eat that one egg to start taming so keep kiting til he does and make sure its a good distance away from the foundation once he does take him to it.

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