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Community Crunch 322: Summer EVO Event, Community Corner, and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin


Greetings Survivors!

With the Studio’s focus on the development of ARK 2 and the recent launch of Fjordur, the team has been very focused on making that as awesome as we possibly can. Unfortunately that means we haven’t been able to do a traditional Summer Bash event. We really appreciate all the support you’ve shown us over the years, and the heights that have been reached with our new arrivals so let’s celebrate summer with a special Summer Evo Event!

Including all of your loved past Summer Bash colors plus 7 hand-picked new ones with a tropical vibe.  Throw in special 3x rates on everything including breeding and the ability to get your hands on past Summer Bash items and we think we have a fun little celebration!

We know you folks enjoy your event cosmetics so as has been our trend during this last year of events on ARK 1, we will continue to keep the associated cosmetics in the Hexagon Exchange once each event ends.

So break out your shades and catch some rays in the 2022 Summer EVO event! Running from July 1st 1PM Pacific to July 15th 1PM Pacific - and while you are at it, check out this new piece from ARK: The Animated Series completed by Gareth Coker.  Find out more about the upcoming series here.



  • The Summer EVO event will run from July 1st 1PM Pacific to July 15th 1PM Pacific.


Note that single player and non-dedicated servers will need to manually enable the event in Advanced settings:

  • Active Event: summer

For unofficial servers the required launch parameter is:

  • -activeevent=summer


For the duration of The Summer Evo Event, we will be disabling the world buffs from Baby Boon & Maewing Poach on Genesis Part 2 on the Official Network. In the past, we've adjusted for the impact events have had on the rates by tweaking the bonuses that we use during the holidays, however, those tweaks lead to unfavorable circumstances on maps that aren't Genesis Part 2, so going forward during breeding events, we'll be disabling these mission buffs specifically as not to affect the bonuses on other maps

*Note that these bonuses are multiplicative of the game's standard 1x rates. 

  • Official Servers: 3x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
  • Small Tribe Servers: 4.5x XP, Harvesting, Taming, 4x Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
  • ARKPocalypse: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus
  • Conquest: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 1.5x Hexagon Bonus


  • Emotes, skins, and chibis from previous Summer Bash events are available to craft in the Cooking Pot!


  • Dino Light Red *NEW*
  • Yellow *NEW*
  • Dino Albino *NEW*
  • PowderBlue *NEW*
  • Turquoise *NEW*
  • Lavender *NEW*
  • Light Green *NEW*
  • Dino Dark Blue
  • Red
  • White
  • Dino Light Blue
  • Dark Red
  • Blue
  • Light Grey
  • Cream
  • Cammo
  • Orange
  • MediumTeal
  • DarkBlue
  • LemonLime
  • Peach
  • Coral



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Woof 2.0#4952


My first tame was a dilo, I got a pack of 8 of them and then I thought "wow this army is so strong, it kills all raptors and enemies at the beach"... So I approached the Therizinosaurus and basically said "alright get him boys" and uh, let's just say after I had no more dilos AND I died afterwards. From that moment, I noticed that thing is no joke in the early game.




I wanted to get my first artifact ever, So I went searching for a thyla (I’m on the island), I couldn’t find s***. So I went looking for a baryonyx, I found a level 115 and tamed that guy right up. I got some meat for him, and cryppoded him. I decided to go to the southern cave, so I did and I was confident as hell going in there. So I went in there, I thought that there would be way less creepy crawlers in the my bary was half health, then it was 1/4 health, then it had 200 hp, then it died. I ran into the artifact room. I tried to exit but an arthropela came up and I had 15 hp. I set up some sleeping bags In the artifact room, and ran out of the cave, and someway somehow, I made it out with the artifact, but no baryonyx.

Lesson learned: bring med brews, level up your caving Dino before going caving, and tame a thyla.



Creator: Ninjakiller
A brief but very informative breakdown of Fjordur rune locations, plus tips to help track them all down.

Creator: pterafier
pterafier's 10 tips for beginners! ARK can be hard, don't feel bad about being confused or dying a lot. It happens to the best of us!



Over 800 followers by @bonten_ARK



Allenolantern's Pride Art Collaboration by Various Artists



Coffeebean by naeriie#2439



My best friend and his Spinosaurus by DEYNO • デイノ#0999



Snow Owl and Argentavis by Wrath#9612



Untitled by @k3zk_627



Fjord walk fun by @k3zk_627



Argentavis and Survivor by @k3zk_627



Ice Wyvern by @ScutalTheLizard



Glowtail and Fjordhawk by @rianeko_mabi



Shinehorn and Basilisk by @rianeko_mabi



Dracula by @falco_luna



Shadowmane doing a leap by @FishE2122



"Beast trainer" by @WolfTek7



#ARK2 Raptor by @StudiosGoji



Watcher of Snowy Land by artlimit7



Thyla plushie by @RaeVan87







[T.R] Quantum#2914









See you next week!
Studio Wildcard

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  • Volunteer Moderator
17 minutes ago, Cellus49 said:

Wait so remove world buff from gen1 and gen2 because its unfair to those who don't have the map... but then the only way to get skins and emotes is from gen1 and gen2...? What sort of backwards logic is that


Has nothing to do with 'unfair'. They literally tell you why they do it.

"In the past, we've adjusted for the impact events have had on the rates by tweaking the bonuses that we use during the holidays, however, those tweaks lead to unfavorable circumstances on maps that aren't Genesis Part 2, so going forward during breeding events, we'll be disabling these mission buffs specifically as not to affect the bonuses on other maps"

It causes problems with other maps.

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  • Administrator
35 minutes ago, Cellus49 said:

Wait so remove world buff from gen1 and gen2 because its unfair to those who don't have the map... but then the only way to get skins and emotes is from gen1 and gen2...? What sort of backwards logic is that


Unfavourable in the sense that due to how dynamic rates work, those events combined with boosted rates put us in a pretty bad situation on GEN2 with never ending/infinite breeding, which is not something our servers can handle. The way to counteract that, is to either (1) reduce the bonus rates across the board (all maps - due how to we do dynamic rates) or (2) adjust how the mission bonuses are awarded, which has an impact on every other mission on GEN2 or (3) disable those two mission effects. We believe that the former options are worse for the official server playing experience and opt into #3 which is disabling those particular buffs for the duration of the event.

Additionally, we added some clarification in the crunch, but the previous summer cosmetics will also be available to craft in the cooking pot, including chibis, however there won't be any new cosmetics this year.


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I just wanted that you guys add two new skins: brasalets (for gauntlets) and sandals (for boots). So i can match every piece of my armpur with something from the event... at least one event, and I know i have a full piece of dino costume to do that, but i would like to at leats combine each piece with each skin. I dont know if its hard to make a skin... maybe yes. But, for been this the last Sumemr Bash event, at least im more interested in skins but dino colours, to be honest.

more tahn 2 whole months waiting to see the last Summer Bash.... they only add colours... XD

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1 hour ago, BlackScarlatta said:

I just wanted that you guys add two new skins: brasalets (for gauntlets) and sandals (for boots). So i can match every piece of my armpur with something from the event... at least one event, and I know i have a full piece of dino costume to do that, but i would like to at leats combine each piece with each skin. I dont know if its hard to make a skin... maybe yes. But, for been this the last Sumemr Bash event, at least im more interested in skins but dino colours, to be honest.

more tahn 2 whole months waiting to see the last Summer Bash.... they only add colours... XD

Funny thing is the colors they have listed for the event aren't even new. They've been in the color IDs for quite a while. Usually when hearing the word "new" you'd expect a different color altogether

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