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Community Crunch 321: EVO Event, Community Corner, and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin


Today, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade regarding abortion as a constitutional right in the United States. Studio Wildcard believes that bodily autonomy and reproductive rights are fundamental human rights, and this ruling heralds the erosion of American liberties. 

This impacts the lives of our employees, and we are committed to supporting their right to make their own choice and we are providing them with the healthcare and resources they need to support that personal decision. 

In spite of the Supreme Court ruling, U.S. voters can still protect reproductive freedom at the State level, and now it is up to all of us what happens next through our voices at the polls. If you are one of the vast majority of people who support a woman's right to choose, it's time to get out and vote. 

We have also donated to Abortion Funds (https://abortionfunds.org/). If you would like to support them, you can do so here: https://abortionfunds.org/donate

Listed below are several other organizations that you may consider.

Urge: https://urge.org/
In Our Own Voice: https://blackrj.org
Plan Chttps://www.plancpills.org
The Brigid Alliance: https://brigidalliance.org



Greetings Survivors, and welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch!


We'd like to take a brief moment and thank the ARK community, old and new survivors, for helping us reach a monumental milestone.  This past weekend we reached a record-breaking 248K CCU (concurrent players) on Steam!  You continue to blow us away with your never-ending passion and support.  We are extremely humbled, gracious, and energized as we embark on creating the ultimate primal survival experience.

In addition to an EVO event and a look at some amazing community content, here are a few reminders to keep on your radar:


On Sunday at 10am Pacific, Conquest will introduce new maps to its currently active season.

Map Rollout Plan

  • 6/26/22 - The Island, Scorched Earth, The Center
  • 7/10/22 - Ragnarok, Aberration, Valguerro
  • 7/24/22 - Lost Island, Crystal Isles

Find out more information about conquest here, and be sure to stop by the Conquest Discord to get into direct contact with the Enforcement team for Conquest.


In April this year we moved the Official ARK wiki to its new home and partner, ark.wiki.gg!

Moving the ARK wiki has provided a more stable and streamlined experience for the ARK community to build its future wiki roots on. Since the move to wiki.gg the wiki team has been working hard to improve the way information can be displayed and accessed, and one of these projects is the improved interactive resource, exploration, and spawn maps!



  • Update Your Links: Remember to help those who forget the new Official ARK Wiki home.
  • Become an Editor: Help improve the wiki! Wiki’s are most successful when many community members contribute content and validate information.
  • Wikis are Worldwide: ARK players come from all around the world! We encourage non-English speakers to help make the ARK Wiki an even more valuable resource by contributing to the specific language wikis!
  • Share Your Feedback:  As always, we want to hear your thoughts on the Wiki transition. Anything you want to see the wiki add in the future?






There is an ongoing EVO Event until Monday, June 27th.  You can find the rates below:

*Note that these bonuses are multiplicative of the game's standard 1x rates. 

  • Official Servers: 2x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (Imprint, Maturation, Hatch/Gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x Hexagon Bonus
  • Small Tribe Servers: 4.5x XP, Harvesting, and Taming, 4x Breeding (Imprint, Maturation, Hatch/Gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x Hexagon Bonus
  • ARKPocalypse: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (Imprint, Maturation, Hatch/Gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x Hexagon Bonus
  • Classic: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (Imprint, Maturation, Hatch/Gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x Hexagon Bonus



Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot GalleryArtist Feedback Form


A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog”#6542


2017. Bought the game for the first time. Heard good things about it. It looked like a pretty cool game. I spawn in, and I see what looks like a piece of driftwood. I walk over, and realize its a creature. I approach it thinking “maybe it’s friendly?” Nope. It was a sarco. It chases me and kills me. That was my first death in ark.


Superiority Complex#9163


Okay, what you are about to read is disturbing and may cause an extreme fear of Therizinosaurus.

I'm playing a fjordur, day 100 or so. I'm level 68 and tired of seeing everyone walk around with their rex and cool creatures. Like any other person I decide to step up my game so I can be a respected tribe. Night comes around I have the bright idea to collect narcoberries on my level 100 or so para named Cherry. It's almost pitch black. Out of nowhere I hear the battle music kick in. Pulling out my torch I see a f****** Therizinosaurus.

Now I had 2 options- run to base or fight

I run because there is no way my Para is gonna f*** with a Therizinosaurus and survive.

I get within eyesight of my base when Cherry dies. It was devastating but I run without looking back, maybe Cherry's corspe can distract the Therizinosaurus just long enough for me to make it to my base. My base is made of wood. It is built on the side of a cliff with the edge of the house sticking off slightly. The opposite side, not facing off the cliff is guarded by 5 wooden gates.

Anyway I run and barely shut the gate door before the Therizinosaurus reaches me.

It starts to break the gate. Panicking I run up to the top of my base where I keep Bloodfire, my pterodactyl. Before I can get on, the Therizinosaurus hits me, sending me off the cliff to my death. I wait abit and respawn at my base. The Therizinosaurus is gone. I walk down the cliff and get my stuff then make my way back up and find Cherry's remains. I take the narcoberiies and saddle. Once returning to my base I examine the damage. One gate destroyed. Not to bad. Some time has passed now, I am in my base crafting tranqs and gates when I hear the sound.  the Therizinosaurus attacking my base again, this time my living complex. Frantically try to dash upstairs to my ride,  blood fire, goes crazy and fly away. My base is pretty much destroyed and I am brutally slashed to death. My bed is on cool down and I can do nothing.



Creator: Ark Solo

Watch this adorable little Bulbdog embark on a perilous adventure, journeying across Aberration to find their way home.

Creator: Raasclark

Raasclark guides players through everything there is to know about Fjordur: Map Base Locations, Creatures, Resources, Artifact Boss Requirements, Locations & Rewards. It's all here in one place!


Magmasaur by Jitser#9861



Ark Yuty go brr by 𝔗𝔬𝔎𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔖𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔦#0476



Deinonychus by @ebiflyyyy4



Our Sarcosuchus by @Fururuuun



Fan art of ARK Survival Evolved by @tanituki



Fenrir by KrioStaz



Megalosaurus Cuddle Pile by Foxitrox



Fjord Djrip (Render) by RedGear17#1277







Ari the Adventurer#1243






CHipZz - Ark Builds#9595



See you next week!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Discord: discord.com/invite/playark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg


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...What about Summer Bash? Shouldn't it be starting soon? Or are you going to take the event away from us now, in the last year of events, so we won't have a chance of getting the colors/new chibis/items? I hope this is just either a neglect to mention or a delay, not an outright cancellation, because that's not fair to us. There isn't going to be another chance

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second post i will not say what my view on this matter of abortion or gay rights  nor saying pro or no but i feel that as a company that it is not your right to put your views in a post and should just stick to the game news and related. this is also bothering me that u hve continued to done this as their are some who may find this offensive or they are to little to hear about this yet so if u could please dont put ur  views into this. i love ur game though. ty


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20 minutes ago, HanchoChancho282 said:

second post i will not say what my view on this matter of abortion or gay rights  nor saying pro or no but i feel that as a company that it is not your right to put your views in a post and should just stick to the game news and related. this is also bothering me that u hve continued to done this as their are some who may find this offensive or they are to little to hear about this yet so if u could please dont put ur  views into this. i love ur game though. ty


there are several lgbtq characters in ark lore, they've been "putting their views" in their work since the very beginning. they own the game, they can do what they want on their weekly forum posts.

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It's really such a shame. WC has been building their brand and reputation with the creativity and skills of everyone on the team working at the company for the past 7 years. As well as inspiring others in the community to contribute. I have been one of them. A diehard supporter since the beginning. In all those 7 years, Ark / WC has been a good place. A neutral place and there was harmony, never having to get politics involved. Not once. With the beginning of June this year, it's becoming more and more clear that there is either new management at WC, or the old bosses just don't care about community anymore since they've milked profits from Ark 1 as much as possible. So now they've decided to throw their reputation in the trash by becoming political and voicing opinions when they shouldn't have one. Individually, that's fine. People are allowed to have opinions. But publicly, as a company, no. If someone new is in charge and making their voice the companies, then I hope they get removed, before it's too late. I know I've lost a ton of respect for WC recently which is a real shame considering I believed a job there was a true dream job, just a short time ago. 


All this political talk, and not even a single bit of news regarding the summer bash event. It's really a shame what things are coming to. 

Edited by LastSurvivor
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I honestly don't care how strong you feel about anything or that level of hysteria, nothing has really fundamentally changed other than that an overarching government has had their wings clipped in favor of state rights as it always should have been. You are a gaming company and I can guarantee you a large chunk of your customer base is on the other side politically to you, I find it interesting how willing you are to alienate them by overestimating your influence on any of your customers. I don't think more than a tiny fraction if that cares to know anything about your political leanings or affiliations.

I don't care what the politics of my grocery store is or my utilities provider, my barber or any service provider including a company that makes a game I enjoy. I'm sure if a company started flaunting conservative views the "they can do what they want with their bla bla bla" guys would turn around faster than the speed of light.

Edited by monomania
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The Wiki: 
OMG this is soooo much better than that last eye sore! And horary for dark mode! Srsly, can't tell you how many times my eyeballs got burnt out of their sockets looking at the ever blaring bright white of the other one. UGH.

Roe v Wade:
I'm super saddened by some of these comments I'm reading about the roe v wade thing. I think some of these people need to find a new game and new community. Ark and WC have always been pretty open about their politics and what they support, especially with the united states being such a dumpster fire right now. As a Canadian, I'm sorry you guys are going 50 years back into the past, and I'm watching closely to see what rights of yours they will be taking away next because the supreme court made it very clear, they want to take away a lot more.

Honestly, it shouldn't be a law in the first place. This is plan old personal health care.

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50 minutes ago, LastSurvivor said:

It's really such a shame. WC has been building their brand and reputation with the creativity and skills of everyone on the team working at the company for the past 7 years. As well as inspiring others in the community to contribute. I have been one of them. A diehard supporter since the beginning. In all those 7 years, Ark / WC has been a good place. A neutral place and there was harmony, never having to get politics involved. Not once. With the beginning of June this year, it's becoming more and more clear that there is either new management at WC, or the old bosses just don't care about community anymore since they've milked profits from Ark 1 as much as possible. So now they've decided to throw their reputation in the trash by becoming political and voicing opinions when they shouldn't have one. Individually, that's fine. People are allowed to have opinions. But publicly, as a company, no. If someone new is in charge and making their voice the companies, then I hope they get removed, before it's too late. I know I've lost a ton of respect for WC recently which is a real shame considering I believed a job there was a true dream job, just a short time ago. 


All this political talk, and not even a single bit of news regarding the summer bash event. It's really a shame what things are coming to. 

agreed to me it doesnt matter what there view is but just focusing on the game and make  it better instead of milking it

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Right, even though o still hold firm to my beliefs on carcharadontasaurus I've got to ask: has anyone seen any news on it? I don't use twitter so I've not checked there and the players on my server are driving me up the wall since I'm the de facto information broker. Please tell me they've said it's an ark2 thing so I can make it stop.

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I'm proud to support a game that supports people who can get pregnant.

23 minutes ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

Right, even though o still hold firm to my beliefs on carcharadontasaurus I've got to ask: has anyone seen any news on it? I don't use twitter so I've not checked there and the players on my server are driving me up the wall since I'm the de facto information broker. Please tell me they've said it's an ark2 thing so I can make it stop.

No, nothing yet. If you don't use Twitter I recommend watching people like Raasclark, he regularly makes informative videos on top of his gameplay content and guides, and is reliable when it comes to these things. Of course I doubt he'd release information about the Carchar before WildCard, but he sometimes recaps things that have been discussed on Twitter or Discord, so he provides complementary information you're missing out on :)



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Thanks for chipping in on the reproductive rights dialog, Wildcard. It means a lot and the whiners make it really clear why it's important.

To those whiners: Ark is made by people. People care about things. At a rate even higher than the already large majority of the US electorate that wants Federal protection of reproductive rights, people who make games and tech things in general want women's bodily autonomy respected. If that makes you uncomfortable and you don't want to support the game, that's fine and that's your choice — just as it's theirs to speak out.

But while you're at it, be sure you aren't using a phone or the Internet, as Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and a great many others stand equally opposed to this appalling regression in women's rights (and erosion of due process that presages who knows how much more). You're quickly going to find a very scarce range of products to choose from as it turns out there aren't many people who think this is a good thing.

And that's why it's important that Wildcard and everyone else do their parts to speak up. Silence is assent or at least a "no contest," and anyone with a voice needs to speak up before that's taken away, too.

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1 hour ago, Sparky16 said:

The Wiki: 
OMG this is soooo much better than that last eye sore! And horary for dark mode! Srsly, can't tell you how many times my eyeballs got burnt out of their sockets looking at the ever blaring bright white of the other one. UGH.

Roe v Wade:
I'm super saddened by some of these comments I'm reading about the roe v wade thing. I think some of these people need to find a new game and new community. Ark and WC have always been pretty open about their politics and what they support, especially with the united states being such a dumpster fire right now. As a Canadian, I'm sorry you guys are going 50 years back into the past, and I'm watching closely to see what rights of yours they will be taking away next because the supreme court made it very clear, they want to take away a lot more.

Honestly, it shouldn't be a law in the first place. This is plan old personal health care.

Kind of jumping the gun and assuming everyone wanted to avoid the political stuff in favor of in game stuff are American don't you think? That aside, personally when it comes to games I just gloss over anything political unless it's actively tied to something in the medium I enjoy or is entirely past my personal viewpoints. Others may not hold the same ideology and may solely want the forum to focus purely on the game rather than things in the real world. Different strokes, different folks.

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42 minutes ago, ladyteruki said:

No, nothing yet. If you don't use Twitter I recommend watching people like Raasclark, he regularly makes informative videos on top of his gameplay content and guides, and is reliable when it comes to these things. Of course I doubt he'd release information about the Carchar before WildCard, but he sometimes recaps things that have been discussed on Twitter or Discord, so he provides complementary information you're missing out on :)

I watch him here and there but he kinda pads his videos so I tend to zone out after a while. I've the attention span of a coked up spaniel at the best of time.

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That is a hard choice to make. The best way to prevent this is easy. Dont have pre marital sex. If its their choice its fine whatever your business is is not my issue. It was not their choice though. Most of these women were being persuaded into it and if that didnt work they were being offered money. There were hundreds of thousands of incidents where they were on their knees in the hall way after it was done screaming for forgiveness. Stop acting like rabbits and we will have nothing to worry about. The love a parent has for a child is unimaginable unless you have a kid. It is the greatest thing any living species can accomplish, It is a miracle. People take for granted how special a woman is. I have been playing ARK for a long time. Wildcard, your servers are unstable enough. Maybe you should fix that and stay out of politics before it ruins you. Nobody cares what you support. We just want to play a game and have fun. This is where I go to escape the daily bullpoop. Also I have not seen you speak out against what is happening to the slaves in China but you speak out against trying to save lives???? Kinda got your priorities backwards. Ya think???

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21 minutes ago, ToddB said:

It is the greatest thing any living species can accomplish, It is a miracle.

We made a machine that can theoretically kill us all in a black hole by speeding particles near or to the speed of light. Not sure about you but personally I think that's more impressive than doing what literally every non singlecelled species can do.

Edited by CosmicSkeleton
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