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Official ARK Wiki - Feedback


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  • Wildcard Admin


As an ARK survivor, it's likely you've been in a bind and inevitably found yourself looking for information on one of ARK’s various game systems. Since 2016, the ARK wiki has served as an invaluable resource for millions of players making their first steps onto The Island. Cataloging and detailing ARK’s content, from the base experience through the expansions, is no easy task. Internally, we’ve even used it as a resource.

The ARK wiki has had a happy home on Fandom and we’re grateful to have been partners as they supported the growth of the ARK wiki. We’re pleased to announce that we have a new home and partner, wiki.gg, for the Official ARK Wiki!  

The ARK wiki is undergoing an evolution!


From this point forward, you can find the Official ARK Wiki at ark.wiki.gg!

Our intent in moving the ARK wiki is to provide a more stable and streamlined experience for the ARK community to build its future wiki roots on. The team at Wiki.gg are not new to starting community wikis and have a long history of successful community-led projects in their portfolio. Our shared vision for the ARK wiki is one that prioritizes gamers and the browsing experience over profits.

The Fandom ARK Wiki and the history of the contributors aren't going to disappear! The wiki team at Fandom has expressed interest in keeping the ARK wiki operational and functional as a second unofficial ARK wiki.


  • The Browsing Experience: Nobody likes slow-loading web pages! The ark.wiki.gg layout allows for a more streamlined and less obtrusive browsing experience.
  • Creative Control: In the past, there has been no creative control over things that affect the overall presentation and user experience (ads, banners, UI, etc.).
  • Marketing (Ads): Ads displayed on the ARK wiki are from internal partners from the Wiki.gg network.


  • The Wiki History: All the current content of the ARK wiki has been migrated to its new home.
  • Community Control: The ARK wiki community will still dictate how the content is managed, created, and edited.
  • The Rules: All content moderation rules remain the same and prior ARK wiki admins have transitioned to the new official wiki.


  • Become an Editor: Help improve the wiki! Wiki’s are most successful when many community members contribute content and validate information.
  • Wiki’s are Worldwide: ARK players come from all around the world! We encourage non-English speakers to help make the ARK Wiki an even more valuable resource by contributing to the specific language wikis!
  • Share Your Feedback:  As always, we want to hear your thoughts on the Wiki transition. Anything you want to see the wiki add in the future?
  • Update Your Links: Remember to help those who forget the new Official ARK Wiki home.

With this transition, The ARK wiki has evolved into a long-term platform for ARK information to thrive! Please leave any feedback you have for the wiki team in the thread below!


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I'm loving the new platform so far. I mostly use the wiki on a PC monitor, so going back to a layout that makes use of all the available space was a very welcome surprise. I was also happy to see that all pages and maps for mod pages made it over intact. Currently I'm only experiencing lag and freezing when opening a link from one wiki page to another, sometimes the page has to be refreshed to finish loading, and images are still a bit slow. Other than that, it feels nearly perfect. Thank you!

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i've help this game with a loot of reports of xploits, bugs and glitch filling the doc my last was ads floating on the wiki and all the reports of false antymesh system in my almost 10,000 hrs and you guys still paying me with a nice "comment deleted"


i want to help to fix the wiki on spanish version bc still broken, but idk if im going to be deleted again...

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure where to post this but the wiki is missing a lot and while sometimes can be found on the old fandom page some of those pages are not picking up new map such as Fjordur.

for example the spawn map is not working on old fandom and also nothing on new wiki.

Like to suggest the old fandom be kept updated until all content is migrated.

as for the error on the new wiki fjordur spawn page the drop down button is listing code <datamap-legen;tab-locations> maybe this is the drop down menus name? It shouldnt be showing code if its not working. If this page is supposed to be working suggest someone look for errors on the flip side. a small error is all it takes to blow up the intended. Maybe its just me but I worked with coders for over 20 years and when an item wasnt read for prime time we hid it. so it doesnt look like we made a mistake,

BTW Im very happy to see the wiki attached to the main website. so so happy. can not wait until it is complete.

one last thing. I was able to look at the fjodur resource map last night but the dots are so so so small that often can not be seen when the color matches the background even slighty. Recommend they be larger as they are in the old fandom site and check colors to make sure they show up. there were at least three items I could not see.

in addition the old fandom resource map contains more data. the new resource page for example shows only one location for crystal, one location for fresh flowers, etc. I know thats not the case.

Best of luck to all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just started using the Desmodus elixir for imprinting babies and it does not work on water creatures, such as tusoteuthis. Can you somehow remedy this? It seems that since you cannot 'consume' items under water, the elixir just stays right there on the hotbar unconsumed, therefore the baby it is intended for does not get the additional imprint. I have not tried it while sitting on a shadowmane, though I intend to experiment with that to see if it works that way. My guess is that since the shadowmane is already grown, the elixir may either still not be consumed, or may have no effect on anything. We shall see.  ... off to experimenting.   

Update: sitting on shadowmane does not work, nor does sitting on a chair. Although one can consume food items in both those situations, one is unable to consume the elixir. 

Edited by Babii4eva
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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice if the wiki could contain a bit more "technical" information, for example:

  • Stamina regeneration of Dino's (how much per second and what percentage of the total Stamina)
  • Velonasaur: Show the number of the DMG-cap (if there is one ~ wiki mentions something vague), how much stamina it drains per second when shooting in turret mode (ridden/unridden), how much food it needs to regen a certain amount of stamina
  • Titans: Show how long they survive after server transfer (how long it takes to starve to death)
  • It would be nice to have a little calculator for each dino (with adjustable multipliers) to see how much resources they would harvest with which stats and which attacks
  • ...



Edited by BetaWolf
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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed a problem on the new Wiki, specifically on the Resource Map for Fjordur.

For many of the resources, the "Surface" and "Cave" toggles are Backwards. That is, if only "Surface" is checked, then resources which only appear in CAVES are shown, and vice-versa.

For example, red, blue, and green gems are only found in caves, but are not shown if only "caves" is selected.

This problem only seems to affect the caves-only resources, or resources found on both the surface and in caves (eg. crystal). Surface-only resources are fine.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can we move the wiki search to the header bar? That way it's always accessible. ATM I need to scroll back to the top of the page every time I want to search.


Have made a Tamper/Grease Monkey script at usercss/gible.user.js (github.com) for those who don't want to wait :) 

Edited by Gible
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7 hours ago, Gible said:

Can we move the wiki search to the header bar? That way it's always accessible. ATM I need to scroll back to the top of the page every time I want to search.


Have made a Tamper/Grease Monkey script at usercss/gible.user.js (github.com) for those who don't want to wait :) 

Hey we will look into this
the issue is the header is kind of offlimits without approval from the host (wiki.gg) but they are open for feedback so we will check back with them

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  • 3 months later...

When trying to use the new wiki site on my iOS mobile device it is pretty much unusable. I’m very sad and frustrated, I cannot even simply search for something. As soon as I start typing in the text spot it closes the text windows immediately? The site should have a mobile site as well. Tried also downloading a different web browser other then safari, as I heard this might be the problem but no. Still does the same thing on chrome. So I’m unfortunately still using the Fandom page because I can actually search for things. Also if you made an app I would definitely download and support that! Thank you if you take the time to read this, you are appreciated! Just my personal experience with the site. Thank you for your time.

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  • Volunteer Moderator
2 hours ago, BigMoDizzel said:

When trying to use the new wiki site on my iOS mobile device it is pretty much unusable. I’m very sad and frustrated, I cannot even simply search for something. As soon as I start typing in the text spot it closes the text windows immediately? The site should have a mobile site as well. Tried also downloading a different web browser other then safari, as I heard this might be the problem but no. Still does the same thing on chrome. So I’m unfortunately still using the Fandom page because I can actually search for things. Also if you made an app I would definitely download and support that! Thank you if you take the time to read this, you are appreciated! Just my personal experience with the site. Thank you for your time.

I just tested this and it works fine for me. No problem with searching using both Safari and Edge. Are you using some kind of blocker?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/14/2023 at 12:33 AM, CervantesMor said:


The only possible way of gathering venom is through killing off  Nameless.


(From "Nameless Venom" page) - can to be  collect on Fjordur cave.

I might not understand the point... I'm now thinking you are pointing out that it is found on Fjordur as a resource from a rock.  My brain must be foggy tonight.




Edited by GrumpyBear
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4 hours ago, GrumpyBear said:

I might not understand the point... I'm now thinking you are pointing out that it is found on Fjordur as a resource from a rock.  My brain must be foggy tonight.




Yes exactly, 

it was written that it can be collected ONLY in Abberration, now they have updated to add that it can actually be collected in Fjordur cave as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been looking at the ARK Wiki, and I'm not much of a wiki specialist so I'm not sure how to address this properly, but I noticed that on this page: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Domestication

Under the Transport section it gives the base Weight of a Parasaur as 255 which puts it pretty low on the land transport list.

Meanwhile, on the Parasaur page at: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Parasaur and also in-game from my experience, the Parasaur has a base Weight of 480, which is much higher and should put it just below the Rex, and make it a far better hauling creature for any newbie like myself. It's reasonably fast too, on foot, I think?

I am curious how this error happened. Given it's 255 it might be an integer problem? Was the Parasaur base weight always 480? I didn't see any notes on it changing in the dino's change log.

I haven't been playing ARK long, about a week or two on and off. Bought it years ago and bounced off, recently gave it another try and I'm loving it after I figured out the first parts. I finally decided to join the forums here after finding this issue on the Wiki. I hope posting about it helps somebody who is more involved and knows what to do. For my own sake, I'm glad I noticed and didn't just go by the chart on the first page!

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Sometimes they get things wrong or it is updated but you can’t go off that because when you tame a wild creature they will have a certain amount of points in each stat (Eg it might have 30 points in health but only 18 in melee) also welcome to the community hope I have answered your question and as always have a great day fellow ARKers.

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9 hours ago, ReleeSquirrel said:

I've been looking at the ARK Wiki, and I'm not much of a wiki specialist so I'm not sure how to address this properly, but I noticed that on this page: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Domestication

Under the Transport section it gives the base Weight of a Parasaur as 255 which puts it pretty low on the land transport list.

Meanwhile, on the Parasaur page at: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Parasaur and also in-game from my experience, the Parasaur has a base Weight of 480, which is much higher and should put it just below the Rex, and make it a far better hauling creature for any newbie like myself. It's reasonably fast too, on foot, I think?

I am curious how this error happened. Given it's 255 it might be an integer problem? Was the Parasaur base weight always 480? I didn't see any notes on it changing in the dino's change log.

I haven't been playing ARK long, about a week or two on and off. Bought it years ago and bounced off, recently gave it another try and I'm loving it after I figured out the first parts. I finally decided to join the forums here after finding this issue on the Wiki. I hope posting about it helps somebody who is more involved and knows what to do. For my own sake, I'm glad I noticed and didn't just go by the chart on the first page!

You dead right the Wiki contradicts itself!! And the "detail page" is OK, but the summary page is not good. Well spotted - and I also dunno how to edit it :)  (OK it wants me to register & login and all kinds or stuff - so I ain't gonna try any further to do it  ....)

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Oh, somebody moved my post! That's kinda neat though, this thread makes a lot more sense.

So yeah, they do have extra stats, but most of the Parasaurs I've tamed only have a little over 480 on their own. On the other hand, I drop one point in weight on a level up and it goes up to 500, so they're really quite good for pack animals.

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12 hours ago, ReleeSquirrel said:

I've been looking at the ARK Wiki, and I'm not much of a wiki specialist so I'm not sure how to address this properly, but I noticed that on this page: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Domestication

Under the Transport section it gives the base Weight of a Parasaur as 255 which puts it pretty low on the land transport list.

Meanwhile, on the Parasaur page at: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Parasaur and also in-game from my experience, the Parasaur has a base Weight of 480, which is much higher and should put it just below the Rex, and make it a far better hauling creature for any newbie like myself. It's reasonably fast too, on foot, I think?

I am curious how this error happened. Given it's 255 it might be an integer problem? Was the Parasaur base weight always 480? I didn't see any notes on it changing in the dino's change log.

I haven't been playing ARK long, about a week or two on and off. Bought it years ago and bounced off, recently gave it another try and I'm loving it after I figured out the first parts. I finally decided to join the forums here after finding this issue on the Wiki. I hope posting about it helps somebody who is more involved and knows what to do. For my own sake, I'm glad I noticed and didn't just go by the chart on the first page!

hey thanks for the find.

i checked with our extracted data and updated the wrong value.

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  • 1 month later...

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