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Hello, I am currently mutating an Argentavis as my first ever mutating dinosaur.

I am new to this and watched couple of videos on Youtube and I understand most of the parts, but one part is not fully clear.

When you reach 20 mutations on 1 stat, example on weight, it pumps up 40 points on weight as total, and if you add 40 points to the Argentavis' 39 point weight it will be 79 points IN weight.

My question is, how do people have more than 150 points on a single stat? I don't need 150 points I need atleast 80-110ish to understand the concept and then advance to the next mutating dinosaur.

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3 minutes ago, Thyme said:

You can continue mutating weight even after you reach 20 mutations. You only stop mutations if both parents are over 20, so as long as you're using unmutated females, you can keep going. But if one parent reached the 20 limit, your mutation chance is cut in half.

So if I have 20 on 1 parent and 0 on other, chance cuts in half I can keep going how much I want as long as I breed with stat female with 0/0 mutations right?

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39 minutes ago, nemanjaristic12 said:

So if I have 20 on 1 parent and 0 on other, chance cuts in half I can keep going how much I want as long as I breed with stat female with 0/0 mutations right?

Correct.  If you have a pool of 0/20 mut female, you can mutate until you either hit stat cap or hit the level cap.  Some dinos can go over the level cap (level 450 for official servers and level 500 for certain dinos) and when whatever level cap applies is exceeded, the dino is deleted upon server restart, or deployment from a cryopod.  But if you are playing on unofficial or singleplayer the level cap can be turned off and you can mutate until the stat cap. 

The stat cap is based on the max addressable value of the integer variables that WildCard uses to store the stat information.  The range is from 0 to 255, so you can get to 254 points in a stat if the level cap is turned off!  When the stat cap is exceeded, the offending stat is "reset," or reduced by 255 (I think) so that it fits in an integer variable.  So if you have a dino with 254 pts in melee damage, and you mutate melee, it becomes 256...  and then 1 point.  I'm not 100% sure where the stat lands after "reset," but going to (or past) 255 points in a single stat is bad news.

You can see this in action by spawning in a level 2500 and a level 2000 Rex with the gmsummon command on singleplayer.  They will spawn tamed out to level 3750 and level 3000.  Look at their stats on the dino inventory screen, and check (on singleplayer) with the Creative Mode inspection gun (green, look at the upper line of the on-screen inspection text) at its point values for stats.  The 3750 will most likely have many reset stats, and will have 100-150k HP but somehow only 15-30 points in HP.  The 3000 will have 75-110k HP and will show as 150-200 pts in HP.  Then log out of singleplayer and log back in.  The stats will readjust and become nearly nothing, that were low on the level 3750 Rex.  The stats that are under 255 will stay high on the level 3000.

EDIT:  The values might be a little different than the ranges I presented, but hopefully the point is clear!

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13 minutes ago, TheDonn said:

Correct.  If you have a pool of 0/20 mut female, you can mutate until you either hit stat cap or hit the level cap.  Some dinos can go over the level cap (level 450 for official servers and level 500 for certain dinos) and when whatever level cap applies is exceeded, the dino is deleted upon server restart, or deployment from a cryopod.  But if you are playing on unofficial or singleplayer the level cap can be turned off and you can mutate until the stat cap. 

The stat cap is based on the max addressable value of the integer variables that WildCard uses to store the stat information.  The range is from 0 to 255, so you can get to 254 points in a stat if the level cap is turned off!  When the stat cap is exceeded, the offending stat is "reset," or reduced by 255 (I think) so that it fits in an integer variable.  So if you have a dino with 254 pts in melee damage, and you mutate melee, it becomes 256...  and then 1 point.  I'm not 100% sure where the stat lands after "reset," but going to (or past) 255 points in a single stat is bad news.

You can see this in action by spawning in a level 2500 and a level 2000 Rex with the gmsummon command on singleplayer.  They will spawn tamed out to level 3750 and level 3000.  Look at their stats on the dino inventory screen, and check (on singleplayer) with the Creative Mode inspection gun (green, look at the upper line of the on-screen inspection text) at its point values for stats.  The 3750 will most likely have many reset stats, and will have 100-150k HP but somehow only 15-30 points in HP.  The 3000 will have 75-110k HP and will show as 150-200 pts in HP.  Then log out of singleplayer and log back in.  The stats will readjust and become nearly nothing, that were low on the level 3750 Rex.  The stats that are under 255 will stay high on the level 3000.

EDIT:  The values might be a little different than the ranges I presented, but hopefully the point is clear!

Thank you for the explanation. It means a lot! I am now getting breeding pair of 2 Argies and it's going good!

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