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3 hours ago, FOX8619 said:

lol nobody cares about that most old players were done when wildcard announce ark 2 before release of gentwo, now let's talk about business, date for ark 2 and animated show or is wildcard taking the usally approch and delay again for more 1 to 2 years and still will be crap?

I’d be interested in more info about the animated series, but as for as Ark 2, that should be delayed.  I’d be willing to wait and pay $150 for Ark 2 if it came out in 2025 if it meant that it was developed well and fixes to Ark 1 were placed on the priority list.  That would give them time to work things out with Sony so it could come to PS at the same time it came to console and Xbox.  I don’t have high hopes for Ark 2 after seeing the last 6 years of Ark 1.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are sooo many things that Ark 1 is leaving on the table that might not be a good fit for Ark 2, and IMO that would be a better option than to ditch Ark 1 for a newer questionable version that has a very good probability of being crap.

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16 hours ago, Onimusha759 said:

I want to bring it to everyones attention.  1 of the fear evolved skins is no longer being supported by the data files.  The reaper swimtop has been removed from every 1 of my systems accounts and commands to return it are not working.  To be specific im referring to the swimtop, not the shirt.  Can anyone else confirm this?  Im on ps4


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9 hours ago, Onimusha759 said:


Why even bother to bump on the worst viewed CC in ages? :P

Start a topic in the bugs section or create a ticket, you might get a response there. Or just post in the general section, at least people see it there ;)

On topic: I have not checked it on my PS account, have you tried to spawn the item in with admin command on a solo game?

Admin command: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/PrimalItemSkin_FE_SwimShirt_Reaper.PrimalItemSkin_FE_SwimShirt_Reaper'" 1 0 0

Edited by MMaas
corrected command
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42 minutes ago, Nemesis4200 said:

Why has wildcard disabled support tickets? It just says high volume of tickets and when you click to submit one it just redirects to some bullpoop forum that has nothing to do with tickets... what is going on?

Are you logged into the forum before you try to submit a ticket?

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On 2/14/2022 at 7:36 PM, CosmicSkeleton said:

Kinda silly to ask for an extension for a personal problem don't you think? 

They get a whole week for a single day. that´s more than enough. IIrc the first times it was just a weekend.
Give them a Hand and they demand the whole arm..

Edited by Vaskur
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1 hour ago, Nemesis4200 said:

Why has wildcard disabled support tickets? It just says high volume of tickets and when you click to submit one it just redirects to some bullpoop forum that has nothing to do with tickets... what is going on?

When you are being redirected to the home page, have a look at the URL and there should be more information embedded into it:

On 11/24/2021 at 12:10 PM, invincibleqc said:

To submit a ticket, you need to be logged in on the community forums. If you are not, you will be redirected to the home page with an embedded message in the URL telling you more. For example, if you are not logged in, you will be redirected to:


Telling you that you don't have an active SID in your browser cookies. Logging in on the home page, then going back to the support page (without closing your browser if your cookies are not persistent between sessions) and you should be good to sign in and submit a ticket.


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14 minutes ago, invincibleqc said:

When you are being redirected to the home page, have a look at the URL and there should be more information embedded into it:


What's interesting, it did this to me the first time I hit the page. I refreshed twice and it worked.

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22 hours ago, MMaas said:

Why even bother to bump on the worst viewed CC in ages? :P

Start a topic in the bugs section or create a ticket, you might get a response there. Or just post in the general section, at least people see it there ;)

On topic: I have not checked it on my PS account, have you tried to spawn the item in with admin command on a solo game?

Admin command: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/PrimalItemSkin_FE_SwimShirt_Reaper.PrimalItemSkin_FE_SwimShirt_Reaper'" 1 0 0

Ive attempted the gfi on a solo.  The last 2 generals ive put up got basically no comments.  the mods ignored them, even after being invited into it.  I didnt want to post a bug without knowing if others have this issue.  Chances are no one would listen or fix it if it was just me

Edited by Onimusha759
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13 hours ago, Vaskur said:

They get a whole week for a single day. that´s more than enough. IIrc the first times it was just a weekend.
Give them a Hand and they demand the whole arm..

Sad but true. Honestly I'm not sure where people get the idea that things should suddenly change to suit their desires because of a personal matter. If it's really that insanely important to someone then they make time. No job requires you be there every second of every day. And if for some godforsaken reason someone decides they NEED to indulge in the event then they can either burn PTO or take a sick day. It'd be a massively silly waste of leave in my opinion, but it's a lot less silly than saying a game company should extend an event because your boss needed you at the office.

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8 hours ago, Onimusha759 said:

Ive attempted the gfi on a solo.  The last 2 generals ive put up got basically no comments.  the mods ignored them, even after being invited into it.  I didnt want to post a bug without knowing if others have this issue.  Chances are no one would listen or fix it if it was just me

QA regularly parses the bug section of the forum. Daily. https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/bugs/

Bugs listed in any other section of the forum (General) are more than likely not going to be addressed.

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On 2/16/2022 at 10:32 PM, ccz2887 said:

I’d be interested in more info about the animated series, but as for as Ark 2, that should be delayed.  I’d be willing to wait and pay $150 for Ark 2 if it came out in 2025 if it meant that it was developed well and fixes to Ark 1 were placed on the priority list.  That would give them time to work things out with Sony so it could come to PS at the same time it came to console and Xbox.  I don’t have high hopes for Ark 2 after seeing the last 6 years of Ark 1.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are sooo many things that Ark 1 is leaving on the table that might not be a good fit for Ark 2, and IMO that would be a better option than to ditch Ark 1 for a newer questionable version that has a very good probability of being crap.

dude you know its a chinese company that owns wildcard right? you thing they will ever fix anything? money all the way screw their buyers

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