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Community Crunch 298: Fjordur Creature Vote Winner, Community Corner, and More!


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10 hours ago, Samdaman1995 said:

Congratulations you guys let second place go to another large theropod instead of something unique...what a waste

After they’ve added three unique Dinos in Lost Island, I mean, a new sauropod is big, sino is incredible and dinopith is a killer monkey. And then they announce three more unique creature and your still mad about a basic theropod? 1)I was with you in the beginning, I’m not after six unique creatures 2)they might really blow the water out of the park with this one idk

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53 minutes ago, YeQiu said:

A giant bat? Smells like another rip off from Conan Exiles.

How? this was submitted by someone in this community, and voted for by people in this community. Then there's the fact that in 2015 the Onyc (a non-tameable giant bat) was added to Ark , which is surprisingly before 2017  ,when conan was released.

Edited by droidcommander
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35 minutes ago, Highmobility said:

Everyone just voted for the one that was in first by default…

Wasn't possible. Even when you went to the voting option the order they were in when the page loaded would be different if you refreshed it.

Don't make silly claims without fully understanding the voting process.

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13 hours ago, Kazaanh said:

Right? I really can't see how the Bison dino or whatever its called is going to be any different to what we already have? I have a feeling it'll be lazy abilities like give milk, or the shearing sheep for wool animation. I hope i get surprised, because right now, i don't have much hope for this Cardigan dino lol


And it literally LOST TWICE and they are still adding it?? Like what is that? So dumb.

and yet i would take it over a carno-giga clone that looks like a wet sausage formed into a dinosaur. any. day.

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Ark players....whining when WC decides to give a free dino even though it didn't win the vote is like children whining they're being given a free second serving of ice cream because it wasn't THE flavor they would prefer. Personally I wasn't big into the idea of another therapod and was hoping for more unique creatures (my top vote was for the bison because in my opinion it suited the theme of the Fjordur map much better than a giant bug or yet another large, meat-eating dinosaur, but hey, at least the bat is something unique and if they're going to give us the charchar for free I'm not going to complain about free candy).

I only wish they might consider giving us the bison as well down the road maybe ala a TLC since it was so close to the Charchar.

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12 minutes ago, Syntac said:

Are you dumb, stupid or dumb? haha

You ruined everything Syntac!

I enjoy watching your videos but I enjoy being miserable.... by watching your videos it ruins my enjoyment of being miserable, so yes Syntac you ruined everything..... now get your head around that, whilst I pop on over to Youtube to watch your latest video! 😂

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6 minutes ago, Lothos said:

My beloved Rhyniognatha :(💔

How sad, secondly a Rex 2.0 and firstly something that could be a rework on Onyc. So much diversity, so much new but ok. May the next map come with lots of fun everyone

It's not really something that can be a rework of Onyc. This isn't going to be a little bat flying around in caves. This is going to be a big bat, likely a mount. Hardly a rework.

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6 hours ago, Vaskur said:

It´s almost funny, how this comment section is mainly one person complaining eagerly. 
Dude... just chill and let people enjoy things. You´re not the one to decide what the game "needs" or doesn´t "need". Other people would say that the game doesn´t need another flyer so what...
Jack Garratt on Twitter: "let people enjoy things" / Twitter

Couldn't have put it better myself.👍

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7 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

Onyc which, legend has it, can actually be tamed, but noone has ever seen it happen

I've tamed a few on my journey to tame every creature. Really good at absolutely wrecking players days during raids if you pump health and attack like a mad man since they shred armor like butter. Only draw back is that they're murder to get hold of and obnoxious to try and transport if you're doing the aggressing and don't want to deal with cryo-sickness

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4 hours ago, zsenden said:

Also love the whining of people unironically thinking a Carchadontosaurus is boring and a cow isn't.

Comparatively speaking I'd argue it isn't. We've a ton of large theropods now but nothing really similar to the niche the bison would cover as it can encompass multiple aspects without really overstepping too much into other creatures camps. Closest I can maybe think of in terms of what it would be like is a mixture of a trike: I.e. A tanky charger, a morellatops: I.e. Big herd animal that stores (or in this case produces) a precious resource, and an Ovis: I.e a pelt factory for those that like to suffer the snow biomes, albeit one that can actually defend itself and insulate the rider. Similar aspects to some creatures yes but a different creature when all are combined. Also I may or may not also want to be a yeehaw cowboy cattle rancher out in a desert biome but let's not dwell on that.

Edited by CosmicSkeleton
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2 hours ago, Lothos said:

My beloved Rhyniognatha :(💔

How sad, secondly a Rex 2.0 and firstly something that could be a rework on Onyc. So much diversity, so much new but ok. May the next map come with lots of fun everyone

The desmodus is plenty diverse, we've nothing in the way of true flying mammalians that are mountable, if WC can incorporate the disorient shriek and midair grappling then we'll also have our first true flying brawler and not just another flyer designed for hit and run tactics or spamming a breath attack or ground pound. Plus think of the fun: I want to see players fighting for their lives trying to desperately shank each other with pikes to avoid hitting the ground as they tumble down from the sky with a monstrous flying rodent clung to their prized flyer, I want to witness some lunatic blasting the batman theme from the 60's or '89  and shouting about justic in global as he tears through the sky wreaking havoc on beach bob hunters at night.

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After reading all this kinda glad I didn’t vote, so with that I don’t have much room to complain but I see the point behind the addition of the charcar, or whatever it is.  I have probably 8 or more cryo fridges full of gigas, wyvs, 2 full boss rex teams some allos, deinos and not to mention shadowmanes, also not counting another 10 fridges chaulked full of “once very useful” tames.  So I do have to agree on the fact that Ark really doesn’t “need” another big theropod.  Personally if WC added it to shut up the whiners then how come the basic mechanics of the game leave something to be desired?  As a PvE player I don’t see the need for it especially if it’s something to take down a tamed giga, we’ll you can do that with a team of rexes, or a slightly stronger giga with a good saddle.  I don’t know about PvP, but PvE players can smack around wild gigas with giga lines that are out there now.  Also if on genesis, meat runs aren’t really necessary so the giga itself is starting to loose it’s purpose and fast.  Gigas used to be the “mutually assured destruction” method back in the day, they’re were the nuclear deterrent.  Now they are just the biggest carnivore with a very select niche and even that is getting smaller.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the giga ends up the way of the beaver, theri, mammoths, allos, argys, ankys, doeds and last but not least THE FREAKING QUETZAL!!!  I think it’s safe to say since the launch of Gen 2, every single harvesting tame for Ark 1 has been rendered useless because of the stryder.  With all that said, I definitely like that there are different creatures coming to the game with different uses and unique abilities, but I also think that there are many a creatures already in the game that could use some TLC.

The content I’d like to see is more in the way of quality of life stuff, as I think most of us would.  Ark may have been born in the aspect of PvP, but has evolved into a PvE style game play BECAUSE PvP is a toxic wasteland ruled by alpha tribes and cheaters.  I don’t play PvP, but friends I have talked to that do play it, those are their exact words.  Even PvE has servers that are about useless to play on, not to mention some maps like gen 2 are about as stable as a car lifted by tooth picks!  What it almost sounds like is that WC is trying to stuff 50 lbs of crap (new maps and creatures) into a 10 lb sack (Ark 1) before they release Ark 2.  Which I get it the game gets bland after awhile it does for all of us, but this is nuts.

This is already a book and probably never get read, but I’ll end this with this:

Wildcard, slam the brakes for a second.  Look at everything that has come to the game in the last year, not talking about what’s about to come or what came the previous 5 years prior to gen 2.  There are quality of life things that can be worked on for Ark 1 yet, I mean the dust just nicely settled from the most popular dlc since the center.  The way things are going, Ark 2 is going to drop and the dust won’t really even have settled on the last content or map drop for Ark 1!  Smooth out Ark 1 first, then give it a year or so before the launch of Ark 2.  I’m very curious about Ark 2, and will probably buy it, but if it comes out before Ark 1 has its finishing touches then it’ll feel like an unfinished product.  I get the “keep it fresh” idea but honestly if ya get bored with the game now, those people need to take a break from it for awhile, I’ve had to over the past 6 years.  My point in what I’m trying to say, let Ark 1 run it’s full race before Ark 2 grabs the gear and dumps the clutch, you won’t regret it.  If there is content that you want to bring to Ark 1, fine that’s awesome we look forward to it, but push Ark 2 back.  If Ark 2 is meant to be a separate game then let the dust settle on Ark 1 first.  Don’t try to cram content into Ark 1 right before the release of Ark 2, because then your working twice as hard, and for what?

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One more thing, @Syntac I really doubt you “swayed” any vote. I watched one of your videos with the last vote for Lost Island creatures and you specifically said that you didn’t want to state what creature you wanted BECAUSE you didn’t want to be blamed for swaying the vote.  Your videos are awesome man, and pretty hilarious at times when I find myself asking, “what the hell ya do that for?” Lol.

Edited by ccz2887
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