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Community Crunch 285: EVO Event, Community Corner, and more!


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  • Wildcard Admin

Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch!

This week we rolled out the optimized Dedicated Storage change to PlayStation.  We're working on rolling those changes out to XBOX next week.  

Take a look at some community content from this week as we prep for a action-packed end of the year! 





An ARK Evolution Event is active until Monday the 27th with the following EVO perks on all Official Servers! 

  • 3X Taming
  • 3X Harvesting
  • 3X XP




Creator: UpFromTheDepths

Check out a teaser for the upcoming episode to the Paleo ARK series!

Creator: Syntac

Would you try and fight The Overseer with an Deinonychus?  Well, Syntac did!  Find out if he succeeds!


Primal Fear by GustavoGarcez


"Kiara" The Shadowmane by Irinaal9

download (17).jpg

Giganotosaurus by @N_Life93


Battle For The Highlands by Kitty#7656


Jerboa by LunarSiren#8178









download (18).jpg

Who the hell#1082





Have a great weekend!
Studio Wildcard

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On Center 60 we have Dedicated storage boxes in the swamp near green obi that have been there for 2 months... Kinda like the idea of a shorter decay time for them. Maybe only 31 days that ways its not such a pain. Plus every time I demo one I crash so there's no hope even after the demo time is allowed.

Edited by SaayaLaLa
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Thank you WC to hear your community and thank you yo inform at your community if you are working with gen2 Piece of s*hit and all the dinos and characters Lost.

And thank you for don't do NOTHING with box tribes that reach Dino limit on map duping, cheating and crashing the server constantly and don't let any players taming ir breed any Dino.

Thank you so much i LOVE Wildcard with the deepest of muy heart.

-irony off-

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