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Community Crunch 284: Dedicated Storage Change, Evo Event, and more!


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good change, we will see how it works with breeding x3 and harvest x3 on a weekend

i give this a try,

lets see if the servers restart every save again like 1 week ago


the only thing that sux is if you wanna craft stuff in iventory and putting stuff in the repli for crafting

but well, maybe you can pull recources out of dedis soon to craft a woodwall instant without having to manage recources in inventory or repli

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First of all, the dedi storage changes are sucking hell... Why? Bc instead of making them unlimited storages (needing only one of them for collect everything without making a lot of them bc they are limited). For Example: If i have 3 dedicated storage full with hide (it will be like 1800 stacks each) it would be better if i have an unlimited dedicated storage which means 1 f dedidcated storage for all the damn hide that i wanna collect. So, according to this new patch, WildCard isnt thinking in making stuff easy, just doesnt wanna make them UNLIMITED so there would be ONLY ONE DEDICATED STORAGE FOR EACH STUFF that you wanna collect. UNLIMITED DEDICATED STORAGE is the most usefull and will reduce the amount of dedidcated storages in the whole damn SERVERS...


Second, of course it will be only in PVE Servers, because in PVP everyone will be wiped just by people that are bored. ALso PVP Alpha tribes are the only ones that can have such a lot of dedicated storages... also the others Servers as ARKpocalypse they get wiped every damn month... THe only Server Peacefully are the PVE that allows you to collect insted of wipe. SO, im not surprised that PVE have the more Dedicated Storages in the whole damn game.


Third, I think thta WildCard will not longer give us the Breeding events evey damn weekend like the past others years, because they wanna reduce the dino and market population. Also their excuses are that we have already 2x in everything in our new 1x, but only i got is 1x that never changes... im not stupid, i in this game more than 3 or 4 years (I lost the count) and i know when there is a change and when is not. And definetly the breeding stuff changed a little but every raising dino cost you a lot of time in real life, and no all people can afford that time, so they constantly have delayed dinos to raise till next coloured new event. And let me say this, you will have to wait till EXtra Life event to pop up all your old lines and dinos to raise and crash the whole damn server as i constantly feel my mine servers... Instead of giving us more weekend breeding events, they just give us only the farming events that doesnt help much if we dont have anything to raise, and remember weekend events just goes from Friday (barely) to monday (barely), so let me tell you what kind of dinos you can rise in 2x weekend evetns: i think you can raise ankylosaurus, argentavis, dodos, featherlights... all the tiny ones and not ever try to raise a giga or a rex.


Fourth, in every Community Crunch i get a little more dissapointed of this team and this game. Instead of giving more love to the old Ark, they focus only in Ark 2... Consgrats, we gonna be left aside as Atlas... Oh! I forgot to ask... when you guys gonna give us the FJORDUR map that you said it gonna come to us??




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16 hours ago, Entenkiller said:

And again there’s enough of complaining!

3x XP and 3x farms! I think it's great because I can concentrate on ONE thing and don't have to work with the baby as well.
Thanks, WC!

my complaint  is  not the fact there  is not  3x breeding  its that fact that  i can  play at  all.  my sever  has  been down since 1150 pm est friday night. i would  love to  go and get  my dedi boxes filled up again.  but  i cant even play.  what a waste of a 3x event


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It completely broke the Dedicated Tek Storage on the Unofficial Server I play. Since our pile size is bigger (like 900 metal instead of 300) it used to display the incorrect number of piles. Now of course there is no more piles, but it doesn't accept more of the total number than the size on offical servers... so it means that even thought much of my dedicated didn't have 1800 piles yet, I can add to it anymore, and if take out, it won't accept back in, since it is over the puny limit they have on official servers... if I wanted to play the grind that is an official server I would have joined one.

  • Thanks 2
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We are currently working on some additional QOL changes, which will enable players to pull out 1,5, or 10 items at a time if an entire stack isn't needed (You can press/click these buttons multiple times to get your desired quantity).

Switch Items to stacks and this disaster of a change will be somewhat bareable.
Better idea - roll back this bullpoop. Noone asked fot this anyway.

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13 hours ago, Dvulture said:

It completely broke the Dedicated Tek Storage on the Unofficial Server I play. Since our pile size is bigger (like 900 metal instead of 300) it used to display the incorrect number of piles. Now of course there is no more piles, but it doesn't accept more of the total number than the size on offical servers... so it means that even thought much of my dedicated didn't have 1800 piles yet, I can add to it anymore, and if take out, it won't accept back in, since it is over the puny limit they have on official servers... if I wanted to play the grind that is an official server I would have joined one.

Same. It's a nerf so big that I filled a bug report.

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23 hours ago, Dvulture said:

It completely broke the Dedicated Tek Storage on the Unofficial Server I play. Since our pile size is bigger (like 900 metal instead of 300) it used to display the incorrect number of piles. Now of course there is no more piles, but it doesn't accept more of the total number than the size on offical servers... so it means that even thought much of my dedicated didn't have 1800 piles yet, I can add to it anymore, and if take out, it won't accept back in, since it is over the puny limit they have on official servers... if I wanted to play the grind that is an official server I would have joined one.

FilL out a bug report, it's obviously not intentional... but that is a big problem. 

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Good Job for the Dedicated Storage cleanup and new options

Suggestion : Add an option to remove X amount (without spamming the mousse to put in my inventory like it is now.)

But make it so that we still get the Full amount we ask in are inventory, even encumbered.

Exemple of now:

1:  I take all the Raw metals on me with the new option,

2:  I walk to my Forges with my tek legs. and fill the forges with metals

3: I walk back to my Dedi to put back the rest of Thousands etc+ more Metals with tek legs


If i had the option to remove X amounts to myself with the encumbered effect, i would only need to take the amount i need each time, and not good back to dedi.

Same thing with every ressource i want Alot fast, i take all transfert to Replicator or else and walk back to Dedi


Thx continue the work.

But really Fix your servers while your at it. Some servers are down 30hrs. Mine was 16hrs straight this week.

Put a Human behind the Screen instead of just relying on your auto-restart script

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On 9/17/2021 at 7:47 PM, Nenofera said:

😍😍😍😍😍  20 - 30 days 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Decay time could be shorter, maximum 30 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

limit pillars on the map.
auto decay abandoned structures, scattered on the map.
destruction of loose structures shorter decay time.

I agree dedibox decay timers should be heavily reduced, that and possibly make them autodecay after several days once their timers run out and no one demos them. In pve pillars definitely can be annoying but i know from experience people will really build in inconvenient places like within render of your base or kill of dino/resource spawns and even in mission paths on Gen2

. Pillars are definitely a dbl edged sword in pve

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On 9/18/2021 at 9:56 AM, ImperialX said:

maybe the worst update for dedis . il just farmed 90Kof metal and after ussing the demo gun on it , it left nothing , not even a bag.......


First off, if you farmed metal why are you using creative mode and why are you destroying dedis if you want access to the materials inside? it's a simple fix on your part to just take the metal out and move it elsewhere before destroying it

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