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Patch 15 mins ago broke the game for me, anyone else?

Sacred Demon

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same and I have 0 mods, I even double checked just now.

(validating does NOT help) at least it didn't to mine.

0 mods can't play this is stupid. I mean a patch to fix a patch that breaks the entire game play. LOVE IT


mine now works just fine, started working again later that day. There was another update or 2 and now I'm back playing without

doing anything extraneous on my end. Validation did nothing at all so I waited and played valheim for a few hours 😂

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I have an error on main screen if I wait 15+ seconds after starting ark and hitting main screen where I can join or host a game.  I have completed twice the validation of files.  It found nothing which is odd as it always has 3 files it wants to replace when I have done before regardless if anything was wrong.



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I'm unable to connect to a certain server and get a network failure message; Unable to query server info for invite.  I've validated files 3x and still get this.  It won't come up in the ark search list, but will come up on battlemetrics. It shows two players on the server and that the server is active.  I've been hearing rumors of people being able to lockdown official servers and then they go and raid all the bases while everyone is off-line and unable to connect, but this has been on consoles and not PC's. 

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I am also having issues. When I search official servers it only shows 3 smalltribe servers. I can join them fine. Its the same three servers everytime. Even after reinstalling and validating files it still shows these exact same three servers. When I try to connect from Steam/Servers/Favorites to a server I know is up I get the "Unable to Query Server Info For Invite".

Game worked fine for me 2 days ago. Im a Linux user.

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