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The truth about ark pvp official


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Hello you scrub lords, today this post will mainly be aimed at new players to og and or players in general (from xbox pov)


As of August 15th, i have personally seen the biggest cheating in all of my ark career, offlisting, my sever was offlisted for roughly 16 hours, none of my tribe could get on


With abb being so easy to mesh and lack of care on the devs part, if someone meshes on abb it literally is enough to destroy your whole base, severs as of this time and my knowledge was rolled back only by 2 hours


The backlash is real, meshing was bad but you know whats worse then that? Offlisting followed by many doss attack, if you want to survive you must have dossers and play the cheating game


Yes even as far as having a mesh base in some cases, because simply put...the devs do not care, your base will be long gone and set on fire by the time they EVEN consider looking into it


I lost countless hours of dionos...bps, gear and so on, something the devs will never give me back that was stolen, they took way too long to fix the situation...no correction 


You can't transfer, dinos and buildings have no timer and to rub salt in the wounds a miner 2x event...seriously? No one cares the event if they just lost all their stuff to offlisters


It's sad that i have more fath and somewhat easier time to sleep at night from a friendly dosser then an actual dev, dev wipe all you want...it doesn't change not a thing....as i said in a older post...people use alts, you literally can be paid to doss someone offline for hours or even days



If wild card wants to make things right, roll back severs to the correct amount, because right now they just lost alot of loyal surviors and still are


Till next time....remember dodos and a thatch hut is like a fob to big tribes :0

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I don't get it - How does a roll back destroy a base?

By definition a roll back is to a snapshot of the world some arbitrary time in the past - so a roll back will destroy any thing built or ahieved in the last {1 hour | 2 hours | whatever time}. So how is this a base destroyer? Are you building a "base" in a 1 hour frame - and then DDOS and its gone?

Excuse me but I dont get it explaine a bit more | different

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I will say this once since others either do not read or missed it


Roll backs don't normally destroy bases


What i basically was saying due to a enemy tribe who not only dossed us but offline the sever for 16 hours, i said the devs should of rolled back severs that were hit in this manner back the correct amount 


War is heck in ark but when you got doss and worst offlisting by the dossers it's just a crime

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