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Master controller SOLO


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Is it even possible, I can't even get past gamma. Everything goes great until the last phase. Where I'm getting obliterated trying to run around and pick up the keys. And it's not like I can take my time with it because the timer to defeat him is so short. My dinos are doing fine I just can't survive long enough on foot to get the keys to keep bringing his sheilds down. And I have high movement speed plus broths for extra speed, doesn't matter though. Any tips? I even bred a high HP stego so I wouldn't get dismounted anymore, which works fine, but he's too slow to get me where I need to be. Right now my strategy is to stay on the stego and let my dinos kill a bunch, then jump off and grab keys but I just get slaughtered running around after a bit 

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ive done it on official solo, gamma only, i took 19 rexs capped saddles (pump points into hp theyre just there to tank and do ok damage), 1 reaper (bury inside last phase - can grab alot of aggro for free), 3 sets of good flak and used a capped pump along with everything else youd expect like brews / soups (didnt try cactus), whistle neutral and spend all your time on foot collecting keys, only mounting a dino to get out of bad situations - its not a breeze  but definitly possible.

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Alpha, yes, is impossible. While I haven't done it solo myself, you could most likely get gamma done with just capped flak as well as a shotgun. Rexes with capped saddles could do, or therizinos, you should also use some kind of crowd control such as a reaper. Of course use all your broths and soups, but stay on rexes until there are definitely more than the keys needed laying on the ground, then run. It'll be much easier than doing literally everything on foot.

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