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Community Crunch 281: Evo Event, Community Corner and more!


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  • Wildcard Admin

Greetings Survivors! 

This week we'll be taking a look at some great community art in the community corner and kicking the weekend off with an EVO event!  Internally, we're keeping an eye on the live-game and addressing issues with patches as they arise.  Thank you for submitting your bugs to the bug tracker and reporting any server issues you are having.

We're all gearing up for an exciting end of the year for ARK!




An ARK Evolution Event is active until Monday the 23rd with the following EVO perks on all Official Servers! 

  • 2X Taming
  • 2X Harvesting
  • 2X XP




Creator: Schwalbe

Check out a brand new "Lets Play" series on Extinction with Schwalbe!

Creator: Hearts

Looking to take on the Crystal Islands map?  You might want to see how Hearts fared in his new YouTube series.


Kiryu Coco | ARK: Survival Evolved by Cubicorn

download (6).jpg

The roaring giganotosaurus by locelotkal


Spinosaurus by Archipelagornis


Managarmr by Diaboli666

download (3).jpg

Shinehorn by MiniVulpix

download (4).jpg

Crystal Wyvern  by Oriah

download (5).jpg

Untitled (Discord Submission) by HallOfFlameSs#3779




download (7).jpg


download (8).jpg


Have a great weekend!
Studio Wildcard

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I appreciate that we will not see breeding event, since I think most people already know that the servers can hardly handle it. But would be appreciated if we could get some kind of tek structure, where we can feed dinos into, and use for mutation breeding. This way all tribes don't need 500 dinos of one kind, out at the same time, just to mutation breed. Smaller locations would become viable for base spots as well.

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An evo event without the breeding rates. You're kidding, right? You just forgot to list that? Because otherwise this will be an evo event to sleep through. With a stryder even 1x rates for harvesting are less of a pain and boxes fill up damn fast. Without a color event on there's no reason to tame anything for us endgame players

  • Facepalm 2
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How do you report issues for single player? I have an issue that the game forcefully closes itself randomly between thirty minutes to an hour of playing. I have lost so much progress way to many times to just ignore it and I don’t know if this is an issue on my end or if other people are experiencing it as well. I am on xbox so I do not know if there is a specific way to fix this or not.

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4 minutes ago, Evandinoboy said:

How do you report issues for single player? I have an issue that the game forcefully closes itself randomly between thirty minutes to an hour of playing. I have lost so much progress way to many times to just ignore it and I don’t know if this is an issue on my end or if other people are experiencing it as well. I am on xbox so I do not know if there is a specific way to fix this or not.

This happened to me on Scorched, but on Ab, Ext and Gen is all right for me. And I'm from Xbox too

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Can you please fix Singleplayer Splitscreen on Xbox Series X not being able to play the ENTIRE RIGHT SIDE OF THE MAP. ITS BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE LAUNCH. It's not even a Singleplayer issue it's Splitscreen that is broke on Gen Pt 2. I say this because it is also crashing on Non-Dedicated Servers Splitscreen as well. Please fix this. I've pretty much lost hope at this point.

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3 hours ago, Unspokenone said:

Screw you WC. Take your "half-baked" stupid EVO event and well... you can guess the rest! Breeding is the only thing people want, so yea it makes sense that you wouldn't want to give it to us. 



Do you know what double breeding does to servers? Everyone is going to mutation farm the whole weekend and the servers will be laggy as crap. Be happy with what you get 

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