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Singleplayer Transfer Maps freely


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So i used to have a little server cluster but i stopped it since it got too expensive. Instead, i started playing singleplayer, but now i am really missig the opportunity to hop in between maps. Ive searched for a long while, but every thread i found didnt really help. On a cluster, you can just walk up to an obelisk with all your stuff, press "transfer to other map" and then spawn with your stuff on that map. However, the only way i found for singleplayer was to:

-take your stuff to an obelisk, drag and drop every single item into the "ark data" tab, spawn all your cryod dinos out of your inventory, upload those creatures, then press upload, then escape, leave to main menu, wait for the main menu to load, go into singleplayer, select the map, load into the map, select the character to download, spawn it in, walk to the next obelisk, drag and drop every single item back into your inventory, download every creature and cryopod it and then do what you intended to do in the first place.

And this is just for ONE map hop. I think you can imagine how frustrating it is if you have to do this all the time, to get your metal from ragnarok, farm some pearls on vulgero, steal some magmasaur eggs from genesis, then go to your main base on abberation, go back to extinction to get blueprints, notice that you forgot your food on abberation...

So the question is if there is a way to transfer in between maps without it taking a few hours. Is there any mod for this? Im aware that the transition on clusters work by every map being loaded all the time, but i wouldnt mind some waiting time. I just dont want to go through this whole process of up- and downloading all my items and dinos all the time..

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It is the only way sadly.....the best thing you can do is have one "main" base where you keep everything, then pop around on the other maps at you leisure.....if you want to bring anything back, so be it, but in this method pretty much each map is its own individual play through. 

Iv felt that its kinda to push the player to restart each map fresh. Granted it sucks when you want to bring the chainsaw with you to the next map, or when you want mushroom brews back to an old map, but it feels much more genuine whenever you start a new map to start a new toon, and to keep everything in that map alone.....With that said, I am in the same boat. Hopping around is a bit of a pain. The only time I really do it is when Im getting ready to jump to the next map and dump the one Im on.

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