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Ark 2 suggestions


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Appearances to determine stats

I think by changing different appearances with the ark character customization should be the ability to determine the stats you spawn with like for example a more buff character would have a lot of strength and health at the start but slower than a smaller character which would have less health and strength but more speed.

Character size to fit in smaller places

There should also be a way to make your character smaller in order to fit in smaller spaces unlike bigger characters that can't.

Overall material cost for armor

smaller characters should have less cost for armor than it would be for larger characters who have more space to cover needing more materials to make bigger peices of armor.

Attack speed for bigger characters

should be attack speed(for melee only).stronger characters should be able to attack faster because they can swing harder than smaller less strong characters.pretty much what I'm trying to say is certain customizations should determine what stats you start with.

Training for stats

there should also be a way to train yourself to be stronger instead of putting points into melee you can passively gain strength by working or training.im not saying get rid or points but instead use points and training to gain stats.

Sea creature size to level comparison

sea creatures levels should determine how big they are because a level 5 coel shouldn't be bigger than a level 150 coel.

Egg stealing instead of K.O

another idea is to make most herbivores either passive(for herbivores that aren't territorial) tame or steal egg(for territorial).should be the same with carnivores(but no passive tame) aswell.

Bigger maps and more dinos

please make the maps bigger and add lots of varieties of Dino's.also to make it more realistic make herds and migration.aswell as seasons.also another idea is start young and grow older.

Level to age and size

levels could determine your age example lvl1 = 1 year.1 year = small size.

Npc tribes

make a tribe you start with a make it possible to mate with tribe mates to get more tribe members.make it to where you have a father and mother. Also make it to where you can challenge the tribe cheiftan to become the new cheiftan.there should also be npc tribes to either conquer or befriend.


i don't expect all of these to come to the game but they would be cool.i also hope typing all of this is for no reason because my fingers feel like they are about to fall off and also it would be like 2 hours of wasted time.


IF anybody else has any ideas please comment and like or follow this so I know.please wildcard atleast think about these and if you do want to do some of these ideas you can change anything you want I mean of course you guys are the ones making the game

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4 minutes ago, Arkfan15 said:

thats the point of smaller players being weaker than bigger players to balance it.

also its kinda like choosing a style that you play.and if your a small character certain stats like health and melee would level slower than speed or stamina.Same for buff characters but switched.

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