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Do not force cross-play for Official Servers.


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Please Wildcare, I beg you, do not force crossplay on your servers. Give Xbox players the option to play on Xbox only servers. Forced crossplay is about the only thing that could kill my hype for this game. It is increasingly becoming forced in many games, such as Atlas, and a lot of console players don’t like that. That is one reason Atlas basically has no one from console playing it. Don’t make the same mistake that you did with Atlas. Console players want to be on an even field with other players and we don’t want to have to worry cheaters.

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I think crossplay servers are cheaper and more stable than console stand alones - therfore when you buy Ark that is it.. no more money afterwards so they need sustainability. 

I genuinly get your point however it is unethical. They just need to scrap battleye* as it is heavily exploited and offers ZERO protection

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