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I'm 29 and got a job so ark is a hobby, i love ark and i'm up for all of it's content. I'm portuguese but living in the Netherlands.

Small Tribes or Regular Official?: Depends on the map and where the tribe is most active, both are fine

Nickname: Don

Time Played: 2727hours

Strengths: Good teammate, great griffin flyer, can tame most of the dinos solo, stays calm during pvp.

Weaknesses: Can take a long time trying to make something look good when building, don't like to be sick while most players like it for the speed boost.

Main Point For Wanting to Join: Was playing solo in smalltribes, managed to get a nice little place, a ptera and a equus, went off to have lunch, come back the alpha tribe raided me, tired of not being able to do anything else and always coming back to raided bases cause i'm solo.


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