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Community Crunch 274: Introducing Lost Island, Amargasaurus, and More!


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On 6/26/2021 at 10:05 AM, LostIsland said:

the map is similar in silhouette, but nothing more, since I have already done the rest of the landscape with my hands. I think this should not be a problem, even the silhouette is not 100% similar, it will also be done approximately.


On 6/26/2021 at 10:12 AM, MayaPatch said:

Also, is never good saying bad stuff on other people. The person that worked on that map answered to this accusations. 

Personaly I don't see that stating an admitted fact is realy talking bad.

The logic step is to stop "thinking" and just get in contact with Bethesda to assure it is not a problem. Just to avoid any trouble.

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On 6/29/2021 at 2:24 AM, vittelkiller said:

Community Crunch 271:

Thanks to Ark’s passionate community and a love for new content that fits its mold, what were once straightforward plans have become so much more. Through in-game events, free DLC maps, and continued game updates, we’re also polishing, addressing player feedback and fixing issues to make it a better game for everyone.

They wrote maps here, so I think there will be another one after Lost Island.

I thought so but, the wiki page says that it will be the last & final one so I figured I would ask incase it got changed.

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12 hours ago, Nightdragon5637 said:

so to any studio wildcard employees the thread for the dino voting is not open to me and I don't understand why because it says its open till July 23rd (also ark is my very favorite game and I have awesome suggestions for the game)

Creature submissions go in this forum: https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/forum/22940-lost-island-creature-submissions/

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So, like, if you were just going to let streamers/youtubers make all the submissions and abuse their viewerbase to get all the votes for the top 10 submissions, why wouldn't you just hand the dinosaur voting process to them in the first place instead of giving us hope for a fair community vote with a post like this? 🤷‍♀️

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On 6/29/2021 at 6:02 PM, Dinoguy42 said:

I'd love to see Pliosaurus funkei aka Predator X. It's the larges Mosasuar ever discovered, so i thought it could act as the Giga of the ocean, being absolty massive, really strong, really rare, and stupidly difficult to tame. I know the Mosa is said to be the giga of the sea, but, lets face it, it is much closer to the power level of a rex. https://scitechdaily.com/predator-x-officially-named-pliosaurus-funkei/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pliosaurus#Pliosaurus_funkeipliosaurus-funkei


I am sorry but did you just fricking call Pliosaurus funkei a Mosasaur?

Pliosaurs like Liopleurodon and Pliosaurus funkei are short necked plesiosaurs. Yes, Pliosaurus funkei is related to that long necked plesiosaur that it is biting the neck of.

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4 hours ago, GP said:

You mean outside of the current event rates?

Hey GP, been awhile.  Anyways yes.  I been gone since like a month after Vals release until the start of this event.  Im on SP so i dnt receive event rates normally.  Ive always put event rates of 2x xp and harvest.  Thing is when i played before i wouldnt be level 60 b4 i was done building a wooden house and making 1 saddle.  I created a topic on this last night called broken xp gains.  I put more detail and explained more on there if youd be kind enough to help me out.  And thanks in advance GP

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Hi, I will tell you about the reptile that I would like to see on the new map (Lost Island). This reptile is called the Longisquama or the extraordinary longisquama (Lat. Longisquama insignis). It will be a shoulder animal. The size of a “Bulbdog” or “Shinehorn”.:raptor:

It seems to me that this reptile fits perfectly into the atmosphere of "Lost Island". Because as you may have noticed from the photos on the reptile's back there are club-shaped dorsal plates 10-30 centimeters long (longer than the entire body!). This is the main ability of Longisquam. Having a reptile on your shoulder, you can launch it like a boomerang and it will come back to you! If you hit an enemy, he will be dealt damage:Melee_Damage: and a torpor:Torpor: at which he will fall asleep very quickly. The strength of such a poison boomerang will be equal to the usual "tranquilizer dart" from the Ark and depends on the level of the Longisquam. And if there is a question of how it can be launched, it is because it can soar approximately like "Maving".

How will the ability work? First you need to take it on your shoulder and press F once and then the sight will appear. Then press F again and you will throw it where you are aiming.

Nutrition and domestication. Longisquam will eat vegetation, that is, berries, and so on. And since this reptile will poison, it will be tamed with a "Narcotics". And will be tamed passively.

Link from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longisquama

It seems that I have told everything, so I hope that the developers of the StudioWildcard Arch will notice my idea and add it to the game.:Jerblove:

It will be easier for me to explain this in Russian and if you have people who could explain my idea more correctly:


Привет, я расскажу о рептилии которую хотел бы увидеть на новой карте. Эту рептилию называют лонгисквама или длинночешуйник необыкновенный (лат. Longisquama insignis). Это будет наплечное животное. Размером как “лампадок” или “светорог”.

 Мне кажется что это рептилия идеально вписывается в атмосферу “Lost Island”. Потому что как вы могли заметить по фотографиям на спине рептилии есть спинные пластины клюшкообразной формы в 10-30 сантиметров длиной (длиннее всего тела!). Это и есть главная способность лонгисквама. Имея рептилию на плече ты можешь запустить его как бумеранг и он сам вернётся к тебе! При попадании в противника ему будет нанесён урон и торпор при котором он будет очень быстро засыпать. Сила такого отравляющего бумеранга будет равна обычному “транквилизирующему дротику” из Арк и зависит от уровня Лонгисквама. И если есть вопрос как его можно запускать, это потому что, он умеет парить примерно как “мейвинг”.

 Как будет работать способность? Для начала тебе нужно взять его на плечо и нажать F один раз и тогда появится прицел. Затем нажми F ещё раз и ты кинешь его куда нацелился.

Питание и приручение. Питаться лонгисквама будет растительностью то есть ягоды и так далее. И так как это рептилия будет отравлять приручаться будет наркотиком. И приручаться будет пассивно.

Ссылка из википедии: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longisquama

Вроде я всё рассказал, так что надеюсь что разработчики Арка StudioWildcard заметят мою идею и добавят в игру. 








Edited by Odiss
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I know I am very late to this thread. BUT, I would like to ask if it is possible for Lost Island to have explorer notes?

I don't mean notes which are part of the main Ark story, I know it isn't one of the core story maps. But that doesn't mean it can't have some sort of self contained story. Presumably Lost Island is meant to be one of the many arks floating around earth, equally presumably survivors have lived there in the past building the ruins etc. So some sort of background information about them, perhaps how their civilization rose/collapsed, etc would be great.

I ask this from experience playing PvE as a group on our own private servers. While playing through the story maps we had a side go with new characters on Ragnorak and had a blast. Ultimately though interest fizzled, in large part because the map felt empty or even soulless. The map itself was great, but it was constantly disappointing to find new ruins, sunken ships, caves, amazing vistas, etc but never getting any feedback from the game, no story or hooks to hint at how the map came to be like that.

The added bonus of an XP boost from finding an explorer note also helps a bit with making exploration more exciting.

We felt Ragnorak could have been amazing if it has just had a story to go with the sprawling and beautifully designed map.

Edited by Mistwraithe
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El 25/6/2021 a las 22:39, DoughBoy93 dijo:

Por favor, conviértalo en un mapa primordial, incluso si tiene que estar separado de los otros mapas. Solo dinosaurios reales y no tek🙏

Incluso me gustaría que anularan montura de voladores, desde que se puede volar se pierde totalmente la exploración del mapa, recorrer densos bosques sin saber qué peligro encontrarás, correr por tu vida, esa esencia primordial de Ark en sus inicios está totalmente extinta 😔 ... dificulta el farmeo, sí, pero en lo difícil está la emoción

Edited by AlanMasterPRO
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Hola, definitivamente pienso que después de tanto Tek, en este mapa deberían tratar de rescatar la esencia prehistórica de Ark, sin animales mitológicos y de fantasía (conservando al maewing y la red de génesis 2 jajaja), incluso sin voladores, volviendo a las cuevas (en tierra y agua) cuando los planos y objetos buenos no llovían en drops y tenías que adentrarte en ellas para obtener esas ventajas, cuando pasear con un Rex se sentía poderoso, cuando usábamos ganchos para subir una montaña, cuando las escaleras eran funcionales para poder llegar a un lugar elevado 😅 esa esencia que se perdió.

Para Ark 2 ojalá hayan pensado en NPC´s como ayudantes de mesas, esclavos de combate y hasta tribus enteras a quienes saquear o con quienes comerciar.


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On 8/17/2021 at 9:00 PM, Mistwraithe said:

I know I am very late to this thread. BUT, I would like to ask if it is possible for Lost Island to have explorer notes?

I don't mean notes which are part of the main Ark story, I know it isn't one of the core story maps. But that doesn't mean it can't have some sort of self contained story. Presumably Lost Island is meant to be one of the many arks floating around earth, equally presumably survivors have lived there in the past building the ruins etc. So some sort of background information about them, perhaps how their civilization rose/collapsed, etc would be great.

I ask this from experience playing PvE as a group on our own private servers. While playing through the story maps we had a side go with new characters on Ragnorak and had a blast. Ultimately though interest fizzled, in large part because the map felt empty or even soulless. The map itself was great, but it was constantly disappointing to find new ruins, sunken ships, caves, amazing vistas, etc but never getting any feedback from the game, no story or hooks to hint at how the map came to be like that.

The added bonus of an XP boost from finding an explorer note also helps a bit with making exploration more exciting.

We felt Ragnorak could have been amazing if it has just had a story to go with the sprawling and beautifully designed map.

I agree with u, but then theyd have to go back and give all the maps a revamp of notes and after getting shafted on SE development we know WC is to lazy for that.  What should be doesnt matter to WC...Only profit.

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