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pvp new server[PS4] Glory/fresh wipe/10x/cheapcraft/no admin


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this is a PS4 PVP server with no admins, the server was just recently wiped so everyone is getting a fresh start.

the server is on ragnarok with 1.5x better loot quality with a 10x harvesting rate. the baby mature rates are 40x to keep you from waiting to long to hatch your eggs.

the more expensive items and some regular items have become more easy to craft.

most engrams will automatically unlock as you level up except for a few of the new ones.

please enjoy and have fun the discord link is https://discord.gg/hrX5tSX3Pj.

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  • tknep5856 changed the title to new server[PS4] Glory/fresh wipe/10x/cheapcraft/no admin


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