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Ascendant theri saddle question.


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Welp, Iv just done something Iv never done.....ok mom did, but I was there too.

We got an ascension theri saddle! Came out of the swamp cave at the final leach puddle. But here is the weird thing, it only has 31 armor value? Granted, I did not think it would offer 150-200 armour like many of the other ascension saddles I have found before, but then again I recall finding some seriously top tier dino saddles and blueprints before, with well over 50 armor value....Giga at 52, quetz at 120, heck I have thrown BP's away for mosa with 213 armor.....So whats going on here?
Did I get ripped off, is this normal, should I bother with it? Granted, at this point in time, we are going to keep it as its the only theri saddle since the whoopsie xbox wipe, but on the other hand, I can't recall if this is a decent saddle armor value or not.

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Look at it this way, it is better than the primitive (20) saddle.  So congrats on the upgrade. 😀 And although low value ascendant gear is rare, it does happen.   I think your suspicion is on target though... you got the raw end of that exchange.  

I would just hold onto it until you get a better one.  Good luck.

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