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Community Crunch 265: Minigun, Noglin, Small Tribes Update and More!


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  • Wildcard Admin

Fresh off the  Federation Crop Plot, Shadowmane, and the Loadout Mannequin images, we're following up this week with more images of upcoming Genesis II content.  



Full Resolution Wallpaper

Have a joy ride with the tribe or go for a relaxing fishing session.  

Convenience is key with a canoe that can be picked up and placed down in any body of water and is great for storing your consumables and freshly caught fish!



Full Resolution Wallpaper

Don't be fooled by Noglin's adorable looks.  Behind that cute face is a mind-bending surprise - the ability to take control of enemy creatures, tames, or even other humans!



Full Resolution Wallpaper

Who needs to be accurate when you're firing a massive barrage of bullets to keep your enemies under pressure.  When you're not wielding it, place it in stationary mode to improve its accuracy and clear targets around corners!


Other Genesis II Wallpapers

Small Tribes Update

As previously announced, the Small Tribes Rules have been updated and made more stringent to address some of the pain points you’ve experienced.

Along with this comes the need for those sharing defenses to move those defenses or for some tribes to relocate altogether, depending on the location. 
The full rules can be found here if you’d like to go over them

We’ve noticed there hasn’t been much progression in this area and we’re past the end date of April 23rd!  

Because of this, we’ve decided to give players two more weeks as we’d much prefer not to have tribes wiped by enforcement. Let’s address a few questions that have come up from the community to make sure the cave/shared defenses rule is crystal clear. We’d like to take this time to clear up any misconceptions players may have gotten from the last post. 

  • Sharing Center Ice Cave is against the spirit of the rules, irrespective of the fact small and large sides can theoretically be regarded as different defenses, they are quite directly benefiting from the presence of each other in that location If a tribe hasn’t relocated (or forcefully taken both sides) by the end of the two-week extension, enforcement will opt to wipe the base on the small side. 
  • Valguero Underground entrances cannot be blocked. Images showing limits for defenses near chokes are shared below. Multiple tribes can live inside but they must not share defenses in any way. For example, a tribe in tree and a tribe on large plateau with their own unique defenses is fine. A tribe at the bottom of the tree and a tribe at the top equates to shared defenses: the defenses at the bottom must be breached to reach the tribe at the top. In this example, the tribe at the bottom would be wiped by enforcement. 

image (7).jpg

cheat spi 140679 -179843 -41208 174.82 -21.56 (location)

image (8).jpg

cheat spi 307462 -148205 -32354 75.56 -27.47 (location)

Enforcement will begin to take action on these and other similar cases after the 15th of May. 

These changes may just be the start, but they’ve set the stage for possible fine tuning in the months ahead. 

EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk! It will be active from Friday the 30th of April to Monday the 3rd of May. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation)
  • 2x Hexagon Rewards
  • 2x Harvest
  • 2x Taming
  • 2x XP


Community Corner



Un gran Gracias a los organizadores de #ARKADIA y a toda nuestra comunidad Hispana por darnos un sin fin de horas de entretenimiento!

"A big thank you to the #ARKADIA organizers and our Hispanic community for giving us endless hours of entertainment/Videos"

With that, we leave you with some #ARKADIA content to wrap up the series!  We look forward to what's next!




Creator: MrPilgrimz

Mr Pilgrimz is back with an epic build that resembles a modern house!

Creator: Neebs Gaming

Leave it up to Neebs crew to pull off an entertaining and exciting event.

Fan Art

SharkOwO#2662 Wyvern


@TekARK3 The Fate Of The Cosmos


JaxoJ#8855 / @JaxoJ Randomly Mutated Achatinas


not Eren Yeager Dodo


@Jak300000 ARK x Pokemon Crossover


In-Game Screenshots







Medusa Geek



See you on the flip side!
Studio Wildcard

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  • Volunteer Moderator
35 minutes ago, OU7C4ST said:

No Evo Event..again. 👍

Seems like you guys will be getting an event after all!

4 hours ago, StudioWildcard said:

Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk! It will be active from Friday the 30th of April to Monday the 3rd of May. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation)
  • 2x Hexagon Rewards
  • 2x Harvest
  • 2x Taming
  • 2x XP


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  • Volunteer Moderator
1 minute ago, Ark00055 said:

Anyone else cant find there server?

I'm not sure if an update was just pushed to your platform or not, but if that is the case, please give it time to deploy. If your server isn't back up after the usual update time (normally between 15-30 minutes I believe) then report the outage using the following form: http://ark.gg/outage

And the server team will look into it. In all cases, the CC is not the place to report nor discuss official servers issues. Thanks!

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@OU7C4ST there is an EVO Event.

Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk! It will be active from Friday the 30th of April to Monday the 3rd of May. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation)
  • 2x Hexagon Rewards
  • 2x Harvest
  • 2x Taming
  • 2x XP
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What happened to official rates going to 2x just curious since you have mentioned that we have still only been on 1x on official until we pick up two stone people it hasn’t changed, 

also start putting your content into official servers! We are tired of the platform cheesing! Especially on official you need to fix that so you can’t walk in your tames without taking damage! This has gone on for so many years and you guys shouldn’t be this incapable at listing to the people who play it un like 

your selves :) 

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1 hour ago, Omni7potent said:

What happened to official rates going to 2x just curious since you have mentioned that we have still only been on 1x on official until we pick up two stone people it hasn’t changed, 

also start putting your content into official servers! We are tired of the platform cheesing! Especially on official you need to fix that so you can’t walk in your tames without taking damage! This has gone on for so many years and you guys shouldn’t be this incapable at listing to the people who play it un like 

your selves :)

They did up the rates to 2x , if your checking by picking up stone that will not work. 


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