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Easiest Rock Drake Egg methods 2021


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So getting a Rock Drake egg is on my ark bucket list......I saw a bunch of videos and tried the ice jumper method last night.....now I don't know if something has changed since the video I watched to this day......but myself and my ice jumper lasted about 40 seconds down in the radiation zone. I had full hazard suit on, but it seemed like the rock drakes have one hell of a bite or the ice jumpers take radiation damage now??? I have no idea but I was toast very quickly with no egg. Opposite to the videos I watched.

Are rock drakes dealing more damage now?


I play on PVP.

id like to get one. 

Ive got a couple of megatheriums 

A low level giga which deals as much damage as a dodo

Can you fly argies down in aberration ?

I got a ravager 

crystal wyvern

snow owl

All basic but wondering if any of those can get me a rock drake egg?


This is all probably sounding super noob....but I can't seem to find up to date info.

Any good simple methods 



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Ravager is not immune to radiation, all other dinos you mention are not allowed in aberration.
Easiest way is to bring there high hp and dmg mana that will jump to eggs and kill all aggro drakes. Radiation hurts mana but with hi hp you have quite much time to survive there. After egg steal you can jump out radiation or just use rockwell terminal.

I use rockdrake + spino. With drake i steal eggs and aggro drakes to spino. Good spino with good saddle kills all drake easily

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used 3 Spinos ~4k HP and around 400 Melee, they were for protecting me from Rock Drakes and Nameless, one died in the Process. When i was alone, i cryopod them, climbed up a Wall and fly out with Glider Suit, then i climbed up the long Way, voila.

One time i had a lvl 185 Egg and went to my Base to figure out: Egg gone...

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Im assuming an ice jumper is a managarmr? I dont think they take radiation damage, but if they do you can feed them mushroom soups for that.

As for the easiest method? I prefer a full tek suit. Just fly down grab the egg and fly back up, very easy. Alternatively you could use a blood stalker with mushroom soups to swing down there and back up but bloodstalkers are a bit squishy so gotta be fast and careful. Using a rock drake is an easy method also but obviously you need to get your first one to do that.

Since you play on pvp a tek suit may not be feasible for you so I would say a bloodstalker is the next best option, and dont take anything valuable with you cause its possible you will die your first couple times.

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i do it with managarmr, and light pet for nameless, you need mushroom brew to protected the mana from radiation, it is a 10-15 min trip, no need to fight anything, jump down at the spine, grab an egg and jump back up using the spine 

check this video the guys doesn't use mushroom brew, so his mana take damage



Nouvelle image par points.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

I use a mana and don't bother with mushroom soup, learn where the infinite egg spawning nest is as you're 100% guaranteed to get an egg (might need to leave render and go back if the first egg spoils right away) so no wasting time looking for one while the mana takes damage and where the area with no radiation and a couple of plant z is in case you need to rest and heal on your way back up, I can usually be in and out in well under 10 mins

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The way to get the first drake is : Get 2 spinos, breed them, imprint a baby, go down the trench on your imprinted spino, get an egg (even low level will do), raise your first drake, use It to get better egg.

For late game farm runs I use reaper and keep my light pet off most of the time. Drakes do next to no damage to a reaper so I feel free do clear them as many times as I want, and get a craptonn of good eggs every run (reapers weight is the only thing that limits you in this situation).

I don't know If this will work for official. I play alone on dedicated server.

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yeah I play on official dude......I managed to get a mushroom broth and feed it to my managarmr.......I drank a lot of beer (in real life) and dove down into the radiation zone and managed to panic grab me a level 51 rock drake egg and escape.......level 51 which isn't great, but something at least......


the next day......I then attempted to go back down to the radiation zone  to get a better egg.......I was feeling stoked and confident after my first excursion.......this time I got everything prepped...was feeling god like.......and then forgot to put my radiation hazard shoes on and dived down...........and LOST EVERYTHING.........hahaha....managarmr .........guns etc etc...lost it all..........and this time I was sober as a judge..............


.....lesson leaned........drink a lot beer before you dive into the pit of hell......you're more likely to survive and have way better reactions .....


PVP folks.......if you mess up......it's all gone.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

reaper period ignore all the above, bring as much set of rad suit as long you wanna stay down there, with 3/4 set you can stay up to 2 hrs farming eggs WITHOUT running away and just by murdering everything, turn on your light only when nameless are arround (and no drake arround) and when fighting the horde of drake turn it off, youll thank me

when you done farming get a weight drake out of cryo, transfer all the egg (with a 2 hrs run if you keep everything for kibble or basilisk taming) you can get easy over 30 + eggs (weight drake for the win) carefull when you transfer drake egg from your inventory to a tame's inventory it reset the aggro (like you just picked up the egg)

bury or cryo back your reaper once its safe again, and enjoy your reward

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First, I recommend a Spino. You won't get purlovia'd or Megalosaur'ed on a Spino, but I get that some of you don't transfer stuff and the kibble tree is still broken on Aberration even after the homestead update 1.5 years ago. Mega has better stats (more HP), but there is greater risk. Spino has incredible knock back as well.   My first egg I got with a tamed Spino with 10k health and 400melee give or take.
Second, go to the high nests that spawn opposite the rock bridge that is across from the Giga skeleton. There is NO reason to drop down into the trench until after you have your first Rock Drake. There are 3 possible nest locations up high where you don't have to drop down.  Rarely... super super rarely, you will find a nest in an odd spawn location... I've seen it happen twice, once in SP and once on official in over 3000 hours.
Third, Rock Drakes don't give a lot of meat  When you need meat, turn off your light. Nameless give insane amounts of meat. Turn your light back on and finish them off, then feed/heal your dino.   Make sure it's 100% healed up before you grab the egg.
Fourth, unless you're playing on a server with hibernation settings turned on, there is NO reason to kill rock drakes on your way into the trench. The minute you leave render, new ones will respawn. This is why there is constantly eggs available on official servers because Rock Drakes constantly respawn and eggs constantly respawn. Don't waste your time killing Drakes on your way in. If you want to kill the ones immediately within render, that might be helpful, but that's about it. Once you kill the initial attacking wave of Drakes, the others will leave you alone UNLESS you transfer the egg to your dino. This will create a second wave of aggro. So either transfer the egg right away, or keep it on your person until you leave the red zone.
Fifth, the area I'm talking about has 3 possible nest locations that are up high, and 4 possible nest locations down in the trench. The nests spawn in 3 different clusters, with each cluster of nests being linked.  As I said, the high alcoves have 3 possible nesting spots.  The lower right (if you're looking from the bridge) has only 1 spot, and on the left there are 3 potential nests that will spawn in 5 possible alcoves.  You have to clear a cluster for it to respawn a new egg.  
So if you are standing on the rock bridge, staring into the trench, the lone nest on the right side, constantly respawns as soon as you take an egg. Because it is not linked to another nest. The other 2 sets of nests will only respawn when you've cleared all 3 possible nest locations. Sometimes only 1 nest will respawn, sometimes 2, sometimes, all 3, but you have to clear all the possible nesting spots before they will respawn.   Again.   I cannot emphasis how much you do NOT want to go down in the trench until you have your first Rock Drake.  As they say, don't give your enemy the high ground.
Sixth, there are a number of ways to get down to the trench, some safer than others.   There are several spots in the blue area where you can drop down just past the mechanical bridge.   This allows you to bypass the area where Reaper Queens potentially spawn.   If you take the full ground route the beginning of the Spine has a chance to spawn Reaper Queens until you get to the metal bridge.   I don't believe I've ever seen a Reaper Queen spawn past that point and there's a good long way along the spine where almost no dinos will spawn at all until you reach the lower water fall.
There is a spot just before the piece of spine that goes down into the elemental water where you can put a teleporter that can make return trips a lot easier if you have tek.  Build a metal cliff platform and place your generator there.  If your playing on official, your server might already have one.  There is also an area on your way down the spine where you will find little plants that can be harvested for Organic Polymer.   Pay attention to your HUD.   There is a large section around this area where there is no radiation and you can build yourself a little building to respawn in or keep extra hazmat suits if nobody has built there.
I've seen a lot of videos that have you take the western path down into the blue zone and then drop your dinos down there to the Giga Skeleton.   There is ZERO reason to go down that far and a good chance you will get beat up by Rock Drakes before you reach the nests.
Another method IF you have cryopods and you're real good with a glide suit is to glide down to the bridge and then throw out your Spino.    This can be done pretty easily from the area known as the "Overlook", which is right across from the Portal area, on the other side of the plateau.  It can also be done from either of the waterfalls going into the blue, but it's a LOT harder from the eastern falls and you really need to know the route if you use either of them because if you land in the wrong spot before going down into the red zone, you could end up near a Megalosaur or Basilisk.
Lastly, you may not be successful your first time. There is still a certain amount of luck involved. Bring more hazard suits than you need!  If you're using primitive hazmat suits, 5 is not overkill, if you're taking the long route down.  Expect to burn through a suit on the way down, and another on the way up.   The other 3 are there in case something goes wrong or you get lost.   If you want better hazmat gear, the best place to get it is actually extinction, in OSD's.  Also know that the climbing pick bug is REAL. You can fall through the mesh. I avoid it by climbing above the spot I want to get to, and hitting space to drop down. Do NOT trust the blue line.
I do like the Ravager zipline method of getting back up from the trenches, this helps avoid Reaper Queens. But you may not get a decent egg your first time. If it is your first Rock Drake, you can raise it up and pump its stam and use it to get better eggs.
If your character is high level, you can put down sleeping bags next to the nests and keep some extra hazmat suits on your Spino, maybe even an extra light pet in a cryopod.   If you do die grabbing the egg you can fast travel back to your dinosaur quickly at least.   You will take radiation damage, but if you are quick and jump on your dino and get your hazmat you will survive.   Of course med brews are always handy.
Once you get that first Rock Drake, getting eggs is a simple matter.  After that I don't recommend hatching anything lower than 145. Of course this is on official settings. Your server levels may vary. 

Of course you can transfer in a Mana or a Bloodstalker and cheese your way down with mushroom brew if you want to.  Aberration was always meant to be a closed Ark, which is why no flyers or foreign dinos like Thylas are allowed, but WC screwed it up by allowing Extinction and Genesis dinos.

One last thing... Rock Drake eggs weigh 50lbs apiece.   Make sure you don't overload your dinosaur or yourself with supplies.
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